White people showing they ass alreadySocial media is going to be a hot mess today
Two drug addicts who frequented a mob owned restaurant (one of whom actually worked there) turning up dead warranted an investigation well beyond OJ.The dude absolutely did it, and my sympathies are with his family.
I'm probably one of the few here who's old enough to remember when he wasn't public enemy #1. He was beloved by pretty much everyone. Appeared in Naked Gun, commercials, and worked for ABC and later NBC Sports until June 1994.
I watched the verdict with my middle school class in the library, and we all erupted in jubilation, because all we thought in our young minds was that a well known black athlete was wronged by the system. He would've passed in prison if not for the LAPD being the bigoted shyts that they are.
A high level law enforcement guy told me the son did it way back in 1999. Among many other things he said, it was why the son came running out the house flipping at the end of the bronco chase on national TV. OJ was 100% tryna take the charge for his son.that nikka didnt do that shyt... wha did he have to gain...plus he upgraded to paula..
his son did it ... jason was trained in hand to hand combat ..and he was skilled usin a knife...
all the bullshyt her n oj went thru... jason was the one with a restrainin order on her..
jason had a temper stabbed a coworker and tried to kill another..
he was upset nobody showed up to a dinner he had
jason was in love with nicole..
juiceman arthritis couldnt stand a chance against against ron.. n ron was a trained fighter himself...
kato know exactly what he heard that night n when oj pulled up...
jason called his dad after the murders..
oj pulled off and went off on his son..
plus how ya the blood found is in the 90s.. ojs.. yet never tested jason.. they woulda tested jason.. j
LAPD knew OJ didn’t do it but they wanted him.Two drug addicts who frequented a mob owned restaurant (one of whom actually worked there) turning up dead warranted an investigation well beyond OJ.
Nicole slept with one of his best friends and OJ didn’t care; why would her sleeping with a waiter send him over the edge? Never mind the physical evidence not nearly matching up. Ron was a black belt in martial arts, and OJ ended up with not one defense mark, bruise, or wound? The evidence said both victims gave a fight to their attacker.
The “OJ did it” theory has resulted in the actual person who did it getting away with literal murder.
Just like with MJCACS about to celebrate like it's 1999