Probably drunk
tell me some big name actors that are not white, that can pull off those 2 roles?

tell me some big name actors that are not white, that can pull off those 2 roles?
The fact you keep saying Australian as if white people originated there speaks volumes about your defend. Instead WHY NOT admit the fact EUROPEANS were living in Egypt as well as those who were of now Middle Eastern descent. And I am speaking of THOUSANDS upon thousands of years ago.
The fact that not only white people were existing in Egypt, but at a point was PART of the Ruling lineage... don't cry at me because I am putting in truthful perspective. Nor am I saying it gives Scott a PASS. But, damn... if you knew Hollywood always whitewashed their biblical movies, when go at one that at LEAST trying to make it a multicultural cast AND have a reasonable and historically accurate reasoning behind it?
Can you imagine the outrage if there was to be a movie based on the Greek empire, and the whole cast was black? Whites would lose their minds, hell they were mad about mbj being the human torch, and Spiderman being some blackp Puerto Rican
Why do you keep saying multicultural?
Siguorney Weaver is white
Joel Edgerton is white
Christian Bale is white
Aaron Paul is white...I mean...what the fukk is Aaron fukking Paul doing in a movie set in Egypt in the first place?
It's multicultural because John Turturro will have 5 minutes of screen time? Right because Italians are definitely an accurate description of Egypt culture during this time period...
It's multicultural because Ben Kingsley will have 15 minutes of screen time? Right because having a guy who is half Kenyan really lends itself to "multiculturalism"...but lets not get to carried away and just put...you know...a full blooded Kenyan person in the movie...
Were Europeans living in Egypt...yep...you know who else was living in Egypt...Africans...wwwwayyyyy fukking more than Europeans...you know who else was living in Egypt....Middle Easterners...wwwwayyyy fukking more than Europeans...
And yet...in this film...I only see the black people in it as "town slave" or "ramses guard" or "moses scribe". Haven't seen one person who even remotely resembles someone from the Middle East even as an extra.
And obviously Ridley doesn't think it's okay to just have Joel play Ramses as just the white guy Joel that he is in real life...because he is just frying the shyt out of his skin in between shoots...or do you have an explanation as to why Ridley needs Joel to look like this for the movie
Man this is just atrocious...you telling me this is "trying to make it multicultural?" Really...taking a random white dude and bronzing/cooking his skin until he can pass for what Ridley believes Egyptians looked like...that is trying to make it multicultural? Hey I know...why not just have the lead be...gasp...a person of african or middle eastern decent...that way you don't have to spend hours a day tanning one of your lead guys?
It seems that you are taking the stance of..."well since there were Europeans in Egypt then it's fine for them to make all the main characters for a country that was majority african and middle eastern white"...which makes perfect sense to me...because you are Ridley's audience aka the guy who says "hey hey hey there were SOME Europeans in Egypt then so this movie is authentic...
IS IT AN ALL WHITE CAST??? If not, then your whole post is NULL & VOID. Stop whining about the big name actors being white.
Your partially right it's not an all white cast but the major players of the story is..... and that is not a fukking problem????
I mean...what the fukk is Aaron fukking Paul doing in a movie set in Egypt in the first place?
There were no black people in Scott's sci-fi classic Blade Runner. Not even extras in the background. Blacks have no future according to Scott.
Or it's just a movie.![]()
But Yaphet Kotto in Alien!
A memo from Paramount indicates that Kotto was among those being considered for Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation, a role which eventually went to Patrick Stewart.
The Exodus never happened, even if it involves real historical figures like Ramses. If the very basis of your story is false, then I don't know why the movie casting has to be historically accurate.