3500 BC - 2014 AD = 5,000 years old
Arabs conquered Egypt in 642 AD
Romans conquered Egypt in 30 BC
Greeks conquered Egypt in 332 BC
Persia, Assyria, Nubia conquered Egypt one after another going on back to 800 BC
Any time period before that there were no invasions and no large groups of outside peoples besides the century (1700BC-1600BC) the Hyskos ruled until they were kicked out. "Moses" supposedly lived somewhere between 1500 BC and 1200 BC. That just so happens to be the period of the New Kingdom. The greatest era of Egypt. They were black. There is no record of anybody else but Africans being there then

They were black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, BLACK, black

They may not have been midnight blue black but, neither are most African Americans.