So out of all the groups and solo acts to come to Detroit with zero problems, you seriously think Trick Trick pulled Ross's name out of a hat, totally independent of this super thug act he puts on?
Of course not. There's no way you're that stupid.
And it has nothing to do with this specific incident. Again, look at every single thing that has happened to this guy, or his immediate circle. Let's say you're right. Let's say Ross is completely innocent're trying to tell me Gunplay getting beat up/robbed, Ross getting shot at, his entire tour getting cancelled due to the GDs, is just some innocent mistake?
Of course not. Again, I
know you're not that stupid.
Everyhing that has happened to this guy has been because of the negative shyt he projects.
It has nothing to do with assigning blame. Like I said earlier, it doesn't matter how I feel about Ross either way. This shyt will keep happening because of how he carries himself. I guarantee it.
And this ain't some "her skirt was short so she deserved to get raped" type's more like "this girl cried rape after consensual sex", which is basically what the excuses are in this thread. Ross raps about gangster shyt "oh it's just raps"....Ross threatens people in interviews "oh he's just talking"....Ross gets approached due to the image he projects "why can't they let him work", "he's innocent", "he's the victim here", etc. shyt is
as hell.