Rewatching Game of Thrones from the beginning and..


All Star
Oct 27, 2014
I actually watched seasons 1-7 for the first time as a marathon.

Best TV experience ever. 7 was deffo a fall off but some scenes were :damn: (dothraki and drogon running up on lannister set, white walkers scenes, lady olena's gangster last words etc) and I believed that it was just setting us up for a brutal final season.

My hype for season 8 was so much that I stayed up till 4/5am to watch the first couple of episodes (I realised there wasn't enough time to meet my expectations when they didn't kick off the violence from the start, so stopped staying up). It let me down so badly that I don't ever want to watch it again.

It's shoot D&D on site for me.

The Wolf Among You

Sep 19, 2015
Agreed. If you know Bran is going to be king, why do you willingly turn him into an emotionless robot who no one likes, resulting in him becoming the least compelling character left in the show before he becomes king. Not to mention him doing nearly nothing during the massive battle to save humanity. That's on them, not GRRM.

I don't think they had to or even should have been more faithful to the books. I understand the show is the show and the books are the books. But if the books have clearly better ideas/plots it's wild to ignore that in favor of nonsense. The entire Dorne plot was fukked up. Removing "Aegon" was fine, but replacing it with a half assed Jon v Dany mini plot was a mistake. Most importantly, turning Euron from a eldritch God-like entity into a comedic loser in Hot Topic clothing was a massive mistake. If there's a clear yin to Bran's yang it's Euron. They both had visions from the three eyed raven, they both have the ability to see visions of the future/past...he should have been the final Big Bad. An unrepentant, uncontrollable madman working towards ending the world and almost certainly working with or trying to help the Others.

Not to mention the fact that the Long Night apparently was like...two nights. And seemingly the rest of the world didn't know it happened. You could have had damn near an entire season of winter, everywhere. With Jon and his forces trying to hold back the Others at various places before ultimately retreating to Winterfell for the final battle. Or Cersei violating the truce by sending troops north during the Long Night to take castles. Or Dorne attacking King's Landing first in response know...their entire ruling house being abducted and killed. All types of shyt could have happened that would be more compelling.

This is all I’ve ever asked for. A lot of people have accused fans who criticize the later seasons as people that wanted the story to go in a particular direction, but all we wanted was consistent and well thought out writing.
It’s funny that you mention it, Jaime left King’s Landing as snow began to fall signifying Winter was here, and then the next season King’s Landing is in the middle of fukking summer.
This is the inconsistencies that we call out, and people will still blame George as if D&D don’t employ a room full of professional writers/directors/creatives. How was this stuff greenlit?!
Whether George finished the books or not, a well thought out story could’ve been achieved if they simply gave a fukk.

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
My hype for season 8 was so much that I stayed up till 4/5am to watch the first couple of episodes (I realised there wasn't enough time to meet my expectations when they didn't kick off the violence from the start, so stopped staying up).

the hype for S8 during the 2 years it took to air was crazy during real time too…cats talking about they hope they don’t die before getting to watch the final season lmao

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
This is all I’ve ever asked for. A lot of people have accused fans who criticize the later seasons as people that wanted the story to go in a particular direction, but all we wanted was consistent and well thought out writing.
It’s funny that you mention it, Jaime left King’s Landing as snow began to fall signifying Winter was here, and then the next season King’s Landing is in the middle of fukking summer.
This is the inconsistencies that we call out, and people will still blame George as if D&D don’t employ a room full of professional writers/directors/creatives. How was this stuff greenlit?!
Whether George finished the books or not, a well thought out story could’ve been achieved if they simply gave a fukk.
I'll also maintain until I die that they rushed this in order to pursue the Star Wars deal, and I believe Disney deliberately lied to them in order to sabotage the show/HBO Max in preparation for launching their own streaming service.

I get becoming tired of doing the same thing, and I understand the production was exhausting. But they were being paid out the ass, and could have continued being paid out the ass by simply handing the show to someone else and remaining exec producers. Don't want to write every episode and be on set across multiple continents? Fine, hand it to Miguel Sapochnik and keep it pushing. I don't agree with Martin that it could have been 10+ seasons but at the very least, those last two seasons should have been ten episodes each. That alone would have meant a total of seven additional episodes. More than enough time to properly close out the show.

You can tell Martin is bitter as fukk about it but won't outright say it. And I think it's a major reason why he ensured he had so much control over House Of The Dragon.


Retired Hoodrat whisperer
May 5, 2012
The Diaspora
If we gonna run around saying Wire is goat level with a Season 5 that’s unwatchable GOT has to be up there as well. They held it down and had higher highs than any other prestigious drama even though the last two seasons are mid.


Jun 1, 2012
There have been multiple people from George’s camp that have let slip that the show creators did get an outline of what he was planning but they did not follow it as closely as people have been lead to believe.

This is why I’m so adamant about people stopping their blame of George and actually look at the the evidence of what happened.
There was a point where he stepped away from the show which he said was to begin writing again, but it coincided with his displeasure for the characters that had been cut and the changes being made.
There’s shyt that was cut that probably adds a lot of context to why certain things happened, Dany burning King’s Landing doesn’t mean she goes full Aerys. There are multiple things that can lead her to that and it not be the same reason or circumstances of the show.

Arya killing the Night King was completely show made, they said in the bts episode that they chose her because she was the least likely to be expected by fans, so what is Jon the savior of exactly?

Hell, there is no Night King in Asoiaf, we’re still in the dark about the plan of the Others. Which we still don’t know for the show likely because they cut something important or whatever was in-store…they simply didn’t like.
D&D were not beholden to George’s word, and people should’ve known that when they willingly expressed that they wanted to originally shy as far away from fantasy as possible in the beginning of the series.
Your biases are clouding your judgement breh. You're making too many conflations:russ:

You paint your arguments as if D&D are getting away blameless while George has a back full of arrows, like D&D's name isn't dirt in the industry and the public eye. Them nikkas destroyed their career what more do you want?:mjlol:

Everyone knows D&D massacred the show, but you don't have want people to be mad at George at all and that's not realistic. Nikkas will hate George for not finishing the books and that's making you go into overdrive defending George because he's blameless in your eyes.

The issue I have with that is nikkas are using that thinking as a shield to George's decisions that they actually don't like so they opt to blame D&D

Dany was nuts breh:mjlol: I get that you must be a fan, hell I was #Targset, but her madness didn't come out of the blue if we're encompassing context of the books. The signs were always there. There's also the consideration of George's writing style and his fetish for kneecapping hubristic characters. Once Dany started talking that "I" and "Me" shyt things weren't headed in a good direction. One of the rare highlights of season 8's dialogue is Tyrion saying that everywhere this girl goes and kills people cheer for her.

Her ego was on Pluto:russ: you mentioned Aerys but the trick is Dany went so hard trying to defy her father's reputation that she went too far in the other direction, essentially becoming a zealot

Now I believe there are other reasons for why King's Landing looks like shyt towards the end of the series (i mention it in the book thread) but Dany is definitely a large part of it

I could go on forever but the point is yes D&D made up a lot of bullshyt, but some of it was also George's vision and nikkas picking and choosing who to attribute blame to based on what parts they like or hate
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May 18, 2012
Long Island,NY
Since they remaking Harry Potter gives me hope they might remake this shyt. Season 8 ruined the entire series. Tried rewatching couldn’t even finish season one.:mjcry:

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
they need to run this back and do game of thrones: brotherhood

just start off after the end of season 4.

it sounds unconventional as hell but I’d definitely be interested in a post-S4 reboot if martin ever finishes the books…that’s a huge fukking “if” tho…then they’d probably need to recast actors and—you know what? forget it…lemme stop dreaming :francis:

Cloutius Maximus

with the aid of the Funk...
Aug 25, 2013
Altadena, California
it sounds unconventional as hell but I’d definitely be interested in a post-S4 reboot if martin ever finishes the books…that’s a huge fukking “if” tho…then they’d probably need to recast actors and—you know what? forget it…lemme stop dreaming :francis:

the og actors are still alive. jon snow aint getting roles like that lol

Martin aint never finishing them books. Let martin have creative input on the scripts and give the show time to breathe and reach the proper conclusion.


Jun 1, 2012
Agreed. If you know Bran is going to be king, why do you willingly turn him into an emotionless robot who no one likes, resulting in him becoming the least compelling character left in the show before he becomes king. Not to mention him doing nearly nothing during the massive battle to save humanity. That's on them, not GRRM.

I don't think they had to or even should have been more faithful to the books. I understand the show is the show and the books are the books. But if the books have clearly better ideas/plots it's wild to ignore that in favor of nonsense. The entire Dorne plot was fukked up. Removing "Aegon" was fine, but replacing it with a half assed Jon v Dany mini plot was a mistake. Most importantly, turning Euron from a eldritch God-like entity into a comedic loser in Hot Topic clothing was a massive mistake. If there's a clear yin to Bran's yang it's Euron. They both had visions from the three eyed raven, they both have the ability to see visions of the future/past...he should have been the final Big Bad. An unrepentant, uncontrollable madman working towards ending the world and almost certainly working with or trying to help the Others.

Not to mention the fact that the Long Night apparently was like...two nights. And seemingly the rest of the world didn't know it happened. You could have had damn near an entire season of winter, everywhere. With Jon and his forces trying to hold back the Others at various places before ultimately retreating to Winterfell for the final battle. Or Cersei violating the truce by sending troops north during the Long Night to take castles. Or Dorne attacking King's Landing first in response know...their entire ruling house being abducted and killed. All types of shyt could have happened that would be more compelling.
I actually think Bran becoming an "emotionless robot" was was one of the few highlights.

I don't think people consider or grasp the fact that Bran died in that cave once he received the 3 eyed crow update. Bran Stark is only a shell and that boy no longer exists.

Him being a robot only makes sense. Where they fukked up was having him exist as he was without proper consideration of his powers once he was back among the regular people, so now you end up with a bunch of continuity silliness and "what the fukk" questions. This stems from the writers being less invested or not competent enough to follow through with the consequences of actions in proximity to Bran
May 1, 2012
Since they remaking Harry Potter gives me hope they might remake this shyt. Season 8 ruined the entire series. Tried rewatching couldn’t even finish season one.:mjcry:

No offense, these types of posts are wild to me because I was there along with everyone else. I remember sitting through a lot of the final two seasons like :unimpressed: and then going :dahell: at the final 15 minutes of the show....

But to me it don't kill off the GOAT level seasons that came before it. This is why I'm running it back. It's so good :banderas:
May 1, 2012
I mentioned it before and others have now mentioned it as well.. I don't think season 5 of 'The Wire' is unwatchable but it's a pretty steep drop in quality, I still think that's one of the GOAT shows too.

TBH, not many shows have great endings.