You don't have to be the top of your profession to know the shyt we're talking about. All you have to be is not borderline retarded, which is obviously too much to ask from these characters.
there are plenty of dumb booksmart people.
of which weiland employed on purpose to use as guinea pigs and host for xeno's.
as no one would inquire or find weiland liable.
as that wigged't out scientist was thought of as some quack, anyway.
that was just in over his head.
as something went wrong on the expedition, from that scientist's negligence.
which usually included that misfit scientist consistent mishaps, socially/professionally. so weiland was not liable from a civil point of view and kept the spoils of the expedition. without legal recourse or action.
that is why ripley is sent out again and so heavily recruited to go to the outpost in aliens.
shyt ripley was recruited in alien as well.
as ripley was seen as weird for leaving behind hee daughter to go out kn expedition.
i guess you do not remember in aliens ril
pley coming out of stasis and her daughter was dead or eighty years old or some shyt.
not to mention, even the weiland worker traps her and newt in the lab with face suckers.
or did you forget one of the most tense scenes in aliens.
as face suckers scurry along the floor and try to nab newt and ripley as they sleep.
then awake to the danger in the soundproof plexiglass lab.
how anyone saw that scene and aliens.
then questions, what type of operation weiland was running.
even without reading the darkhorse comics is beyound me.
the movie made perfect sense in the continuity of aliens/weiland corp. if you seen at least alien, or aliens.....
let alone the other two high quality movies in the series.
art barr