still don't understand why david put that shyt up in the nikkaz drink
if you never saw rhe original aliens.
then you would not understand the idea the androids play in weiland's scheme to harvest and use the aliens.
weiland is like a us weapons defense contractor.
so he is looking for indestructible bio weapons to sell for profit.
droids from weiland all have the prime directive of harvesting.
or securing any life that can be used as weapons in that prime directive.
under the guise of the crew. which little does the crew know.
they are not on the mission to work or study.
as the droid is the one harvesting. everything from all their data.
including harvesting and incubating weapons.
or incubating bio weapons using most of the crew as host .
so the crew is not even there to work.
that is why the crew of the alien ships are mostly ragtag fukk up with low scores. or misfits or two smart but dumb bookworms caught up in their studies.
that is why my rant is titled:
the crew in prometheus, is there to one kill off any knowledge of the home world to the rest of society.
by having the main archealogist on the mission.
securing their data, then having them meet the unlikely demise of death on this space exploration.
by using them as a host. then, they touch down back on earth.
then blam,..a zeno bursts out their abdomen during the celebration. to scare any and all the rest of humanity from going abroad in space.
as weiland uses space exploration and convoys to harvest bio weapon/xeno's.
plus, makes space exploration the misfit dummy job for slackers and ragtags, from the bad pr. of the scientist demise, from a xeno harvesting and incubation to birth.
also, the droid is not human. so he does not get devoured by a xeno.
that is the reason why the droid always works if torn asunder as well.
so in the event the droid is torn asunder. he can always pilot a space pod or activate a beacon to secure a xeno.
in the event a bio weapon or alien kills the whole crew.
the bioweapon/xeno in a weiland ship/convoy/planet colony outpost.
can always be operational by win/lose/draw and make it so another weiland ship can round up and salvage the weapons or aliens or zeno's.
this is kind of touched on in the director's cut of aliens.
as aliens is the first weiland attempt to unleash zeno's on an entire outpost to see what damage it can wreck. plus take the data and then harvest xeno's.
after the damage from a xeno attack and harvest is setup.
under the guise of the colony, not knowing that is what they are there for.
in the original alien and aliens,..i believe the droid looks like weiland in his youth as well.
in prometheus, weiland was also in search of a way to become a god.
or at least restore his youth. on top of securing all the data and harvesting xeno's. yet he grew so old, he lost control of his company. which is why cherlize therzon's character is on the mission as well. as he has he their to elimiate her as a shareholder. regain his youth on the planet. return a young hero to earth and regwin his company in his daughter's death and demise. which looks loke a byproduct of the dangers of space exploration.
then take over the universe using xeno's and his new data from the engineer's. weiland perceives as god or having the technology of god.
that is why he actually risks going on the planet in his age and condition. after being put under cryogenically.
so he could see the culmination of his meglomaniacal plan with his own eyes. like any punk ass villain would do. when they are so full of psyche/sociopathic ideals to socalled win!
plus if he would have foundthe ability to restore his youth. he would have never died.
plus he could repopulate any colony amd use them to harvest xeno's woth human clones, too.
dude is fukking nuts with his ambitions.
which are in the aliens comicbook by darkhorse.
which is wish i read more of to gain expertise on the full story arcs and direction of the series.
the droids for weiland act as his only trusting vessell on any ship.
as weiland probably surveyed all data real time through the droid. plus may have controlled the droids remotely as well.
this makes the droid the main and the major antagonists and villain in every alien movie.
in alien, ripley learned about the droid's intentions and hated them.
in aliens, ripley had to learn to deal with them and took pity on the droid.
in the third alien they fukked up. they humanized ripley to the point se had to work in conjunction with the droid.
in the fourth alien i think ripley was a clone or droid and used to harvest zeno's, if i remember right. so in that flick i believe they made ripley the face of weiland. to offset weiland's intentions. plus put an identity to the droid. so it seemed less threatening after ripley in the comics. was successful and exposed the intentions of the droid and weiland's ideal to take over the world of the universe with zeno's. now i have not read all the darkhorse alien comics. nor enough to be an expert on the darkhorse series.
as i thought all these years, hey would have kept to the continuity of the series for the movies but fukked it up. like part three when they killed newt.
then ruined the franchise and ripley's character for all time.
yet the series got on track with sanaa lathan's female heroine character in avp.
then, the series lost direction again in the to dark for tv or a movie second aliens verse predator. the third robert rodriguez aliens vs predator is argueably one of the best in all the aliens or predator series.
so i would recommend people to watch.
the sanaa lathan : aliens vs predator
the robert rodriguez aliens vs predator
as those movies will keep you intune to what aliens is about chiefly.
if you are feeling you like the story.
you should explore the darkhorse comic. which offers all the explanations.
plus continues in continuity, from the excellent aliens and has newt and ripley as kickass female heroine zeno killers. which is badass.
after that maybe you will like or understand prometheus.
as prometheus is the story that fits in place after the aliens vs predator series.
then begins before the original aliens.
this gen really does know sci-fi anyway. as space exploration was not part of your gen. plus y'all have moral compass issues because you did not grow up with the greatest movie franchise ever starwars. so i already know naysayers do not know what the fukk they are talembout.
as if you have not and do not know expertly the aliens series. you really can not ever critique a creature feature. as the first two aliens, are the best creature fearures ever made in the history of film.
followed by riddikk's first adventure then outlander.
art barr