This, although you do kinda hate on him but its whatever.
You cant compare QBR between Smith and players like Young and Montana. Smith is out there taking the safe play every time and isn't half the playmaker Steve Young was but its whatever.
Jeff Garcia still>>>>>Smith.
But yeah Smith is playing his best football so if he keeps improving he can shut up the critics on his own. Hard to see his completion % staying where its at when its all said and done but who knows. Urban Meyer did say Alex is a guy who needs to be comfortable in a system and know the ins and outs of it to be really successful.
There's no doubt that I'm harder on him. You're right. But I grew up watching Montana and Young...and then to a lesser extent Garcia. I'm used to QB's balling out so yes...I'm harder on Alex and I can see how it looks like I hate on him.
His comp % will stay high IMO. Unless it's VD, he will only throw it as long as dude is open. Not NFL open...but open open. Nothing wrong with that but eventually he'll have to start making plays that the elite QB's do to be considered elite or even good IMO.
As far as Urban Meyer...that's cool and all, but Alex looked pretty pedestrian and downright booty in the Jets/Vikings games....I know folk are forgetting those games so I mean, he may be comfortable but I still see dude hesitating and always making the safe play instead of the best play. I think he'll always have that even if he's in year 6 of the same system.
I just want rings and if it's Alex is the guy that will bring them then I'll be cheering along with you. I'm just harder on him because I expect a lot out of a QB....especially a guy in his 8th year. I'm just picky when it comes to all areas of the team.