I can tell when I'm getting burned out and need to take a break from this game. On the third biome and I'm bullshytting. Getting killed a lot of times because I lose focus going through the same area multiple times.
On a sidenote, makes sure you are actually upgrading your weapon traits. If you pick up a previous weapon, spend a little time with it and unlock a trait that will be beneficial for you later on. You can shred through a lot of these enemies with the right pickup. It may seem like the best thing is the just run back through an area once you've encountered a boss. But I'd recommend spending time just focusing on weapons. It took me a while to figure out, but if you're just walking by and not picking up weapons with locked traits in this game, you're making your life harder when it comes to defeating bosses. I picked up and Hollowseeker that had Wave/Serrated, and it felt like I was cheating with how fast I was killing shyt
If you're trying to make a serious run, don't just get rid of a weapon just because you found one with a higher proficiency level. A higher level enables you to further unlock new traits. Doesn't necessarily help you kill any faster.
Game is addicting.