Republicans Try to Cut Food Stamps as 15% of U.S. Households Face Hunger


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Could some one explain how wanting to keep every dime you earn is "greed"? :dwillhuh:

Look, nobody expects people to be thrilled about having to pay taxes, but taxes are the price of a civilized society. There's not a person here that doesn't use public services paid for by taxes. The idea of having no taxes at all is completely silly.

I doubt too many people would want to live in a society without public schools and libraries, fire departments, publicly maintained roads, food safety, etc. While you could argue that tax dollars could be better allocated (for example I think we spend too much on defense) the idea that we need none of these services is ridiculous.

Personally I feel that when people complain about this, what they're really complaining about is their taxes going towards services that they don't directly benefit from (for example, people who resent their taxes going towards Medicaid since they have insurance) . I'd say that type of thinking is pretty selfish and short-sighted.


May 2, 2012
sohh bro what's your stance on this:

The problem isnt minimum wage, and its not that these big corporations dont value the work done.

The problem is that most of these big employers want to only pay with what they can get away with. Profits has skyrocketed and the country is supposedly as rich as ever but wages have not increase for these workers in decades, even tho their boss gets 700% more than he would have 20 years ago.

The government isnt even investing in an education system for them to say poor people need to work harder to live that american dream .

It actually seems like its in their interest to make sure a college education is not attainable to a certain portion of the country.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Look, nobody expects people to be thrilled about having to pay taxes, but taxes are the price of a civilized society. There's not a person here that doesn't use public services paid for by taxes. The idea of having no taxes at all is completely silly.

I doubt too many people would want to live in a society without public schools and libraries, fire departments, publicly maintained roads, food safety, etc. While you could argue that tax dollars could be better allocated (for example I think we spend too much on defense) the idea that we need none of these services is ridiculous.

Personally I feel that when people complain about this, what they're really complaining about is their taxes going towards services that they don't directly benefit from (for example, people who resent their taxes going towards Medicaid since they have insurance) . I'd say that type of thinking is pretty selfish and short-sighted.
So not wanting the money I earn to go to others, who may or may not be abusing the system is short-sighted/selfish...


Side note there would be roads and schools regardless, they predate Gov. :comeon:

The problem isnt minimum wage, and its not that these big corporations dont value the work done.

The problem is that most of these big employers want to only pay with what they can get away with. Profits has skyrocketed and the country is supposedly as rich as ever but wages have not increase for these workers in decades, even tho their boss gets 700% more than he would have 20 years ago.

The government isnt even investing in an education system for them to say poor people need to work harder to live that american dream .

It actually seems like its in their interest to make sure a college education is not attainable to a certain portion of the country.
Throwing tax payer money at the problem isn't going to fix anything. They have been doing so for years with dismal results.

:dwillhuh:I really don't get how more spending is consistently the liberal answer...
You guys know we are dead broke right? :dwillhuh:


Jul 17, 2013
if someone doesnt think this world wants to wipe out black ppl off the face of the earth they're either ignorant or stupid. or lying. the worst thing about it iis black ppl don't look at it that way. which makes the process move even faster.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
The problem isnt minimum wage, and its not that these big corporations dont value the work done.

The problem is that most of these big employers want to only pay with what they can get away with. Profits has skyrocketed and the country is supposedly as rich as ever but wages have not increase for these workers in decades, even tho their boss gets 700% more than he would have 20 years ago.

The government isnt even investing in an education system for them to say poor people need to work harder to live that american dream .

It actually seems like its in their interest to make sure a college education is not attainable to a certain portion of the country.

just curious, who do you think is more qualified to assess the value of the labor than the person who owns and runs the business? :ld:

But both parties are the exact same :troll::troll::troll:
This is true...
Unless your gay, a fetus, poor, rich, or non Christian.


May 2, 2012
just curious, who do you think is more qualified to assess the value of the labor than the person who owns and runs the business? :ld:

I would say the people who's actually doing the labor and seeing the the company grow and profits explode, seeing management and ceos get huges 700% wage boost over the last couple decades, but not seeing a single cent.


Jan 10, 2013
Food stamps is the best economic stimulus there is

Secondly, no one ever complains about corporate welfare
Food stamps only benefit big agriculture (Monsanto) and the corporate farming industry. But then again, Barack Obama made Michael Taylor, the VP of Monsanto, his new FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods. :ohhh:

Lots of people speak out against corporate welfare: small businesses, independents, libertarians, tax payers who are tired of subsidizing the war on terror and the defense industry, etc. The only people who don't complain about it are the democrats who keep voting for it.

I :snoop: @ people arguing that those on welfare do not want to work. How many blacks on welfare would work if cac America actually hired them instead of discriminating against them? I'm guessing most would.
The real problem is that Obama's policies have FAILED to jump start the economy, but hey... he's a big government guy anyway, if he could create 10 million government jobs he would.

The Recovery Act was a massive failure. Didn't he promise us 5% unemployment by 3rd quarter 2013? We're here. Unemployment has sat at 7.4% for like 5 years now, I think. 1 trillion dollars wasted.

But hey, you liberal zombies want to blame it on racist cacs, or whatever, go ahead. Truth is that excessive government regulations, reckless spending, and high taxes don't create jobs. Never have and never will.

The government you are placing your faith in, and granting more power, is the main reason for the economic disparity you are upset about. :snoop:

:russ: Its impossible to open niqqas eyes to how the government is screwing them, when the government keeps offering them free shyt. :dead:
It's always hard to argue with people that want to empower the government. It's like they got a bad case of Stockholm syndrome.

no, the civil rights movement lead to voting, and the federal government was needed to subvert state's rights so they couldnt so easily subvert our ability to vote (even less libertarianism)
Are you saying those southern governors that implemented Jim Crow were libertarians? Is this what they teach in school these days? :russ:

Libertarians are about weakening government to the point where a governor or a mayor or any political office cannot deny you your civil liberties. Those southern democrats were the complete opposite of libertarians. They were power hungry and corrupt, they took bribes and used government to commit crimes and push their social agenda. Libertarians are about restricting the power of the government to the point where a bribe would be useless, where government can't be used as a vehicle for ideology.

The dependency on government push by Democrats has been more harmful than anything the Republicans have done, and has contributed to the breakdown of the black nuclear family. :to:
This right here.

In 2012 alone, the congress passed over 40,000 new bills. That's 40,000+ new laws. Not a single one of these laws was titled "job creation" or had "job creation" in the title. That should give you liberal zombies a hint as to why we libertarian/independent minded people want to get rid of this government ASAP. This administration came up with 40,000 new ways to keep us dependent on government.

Most people aren't on food stamps because they want to be on it. There is a limited amount of good jobs and the ones available, they clearly aren't resume qualified for. In other words, this was there only option to feed their family. Sometimes, you have to look at things completely, not centered. My issue with you is you are taking this from a race perception and not people perceptive when you need to look at both if you are really Black which I doubt.
I don't buy that mess that people aren't qualified for the jobs out there. There are literally millions of 'millennials', engineers and other professionals who are having a hard time finding full time work in their fields. This generation, the so called 'millennials' (people aged 18 to 32--most of The Coli) is the most educated/trained generation in American history. Why is it then that 1 out of ever 2 millennials is either unemployed or underemployed?

The truth is that Obama's policies have failed because he has no idea what he's doing. His "recovery" act promised us 5% unemployment for 3rd quarter 2013. It's still above 7% today. His response? Raise taxes, increasing the size of government, add more regulations and restrictions, continue the never ending war on drugs, war on poverty (50 trillion dollars since 1965), war on terror, and worse of all: print MORE money which increases inflation.

The man has no idea what he's doing!

Under Obama, most of the jobs created in this economy have been minimum wage, food service/service industry, part time jobs. He has signed over 40,000 new bills, none of which have shrunk the size of the government or lowered taxes so people who know about putting people to work can create jobs. There are now 40,000 new impediments, 40,000 more road blocks to creating jobs. Meaningful jobs.

while you argue in favor of food stamps benefits being cut..

how many of you are upset about the missing 9 trillion dollars from the federal reserve...

how many of you even knew about it?
You DAMN WELL know who was talking about this, but since MSNBC didn't report it, most of you never heard him talk about it. You all expect Reverend Al or Rachel Maddow to talk about this? Ha ha. Bill O'Reilly and Hannity? HAHAHAAH. NOPE!!

Yall know who's been down with shutting down the fed since forever :smoker:

SNAP is only a small portion of the farm bill. Most of the money goes to subsidizing farms, which artificially makes our food cheap for export. Republicans make no mention of cutting millionaire farmers and mega corporations off.

If there were no food stamps, the cost of food would rise sharply, and many supermarkets would close.
Simply not true. Inflation is the reason we're paying $3.56/gallon of milk today when compared to $0.56/gallon of milk in 1913. If subsidizing food made it cheaper, then why are we paying more? Why are our taxes going up? Are supermarkets closing all over Hong Kong? Nope.

Libertarianism is about liberty and freedom from force. Capitalism is seperate. It's promoted by libertarians because it's based primarily on voluntary interaction, not force.
Also the market economy not being a key to our success as a nation is wholly false.
This right here!! :blessed:

Yes, taking a small amount of money (via taxes) from the check of someone who earns middle-class or higher wages to help the less fortunate or provide a public service is wildly unethical.
It's not even a "small amount" of your money that the government is stealing from you. Some cats here on the coli are entering the 25% to 28% tax brackets (taxable income between $36,000 to $87,000). That's a lot of money, man. And it's a little more for people who live in states that have state income tax.

This whole "taxation is theft" meme is one of the stupidest political ideas ever. :stopitslime:

One of the least defensible stances on anything I've ever heard. Shyt completely ignores democratic consent.
I didn't consent to
  • trillion dollar, endless wars here and abroad.
  • trillion dollar deficits 4 years in a row
  • 16 trillion dollar national debt
  • being forced to buy healthcare
  • bailing out banks and other wealthy institutions

Getting rid of the income tax essentially puts more of the tax burden on poor people.
Putting more of your money in your pocket is a burden?

Paypal it to me if you don't want it. I'll take that burden off your chest. :manny:

It's amazing how detached people are from reality. Can't wait for this country's financial system to implode. :blessed::ahh: You're going to be in the food lines with the common rabble. :umad:

Not me. I own property, I have a sizeable amount of gold and silver coins, and I have guns and bullets to last me a while. The people who will suffer most are those who don't own property, rely on paper money, and eat off government subsidies.

Wait, most of y'all liberals are anti-guns too. Guess who's getting shot first when the shyt hits the fan? :pachaha:
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May 3, 2012
Run Thru U Like Skattebo
@Morph i never said southern governors were libertarians. i am saying that values opposite of libertarian ideals (like government intervention) had everything to do with the development of america and the personal fortunes of her people, and in our specific conversation of the right for black people to vote, federal government enforcement played a part in helping a portion of the population vote (thus, that would be less libertarianism). the free market, decisions based on rational self interests or whatever libertarian magic tricks one may believe in had no impact.

you should read the whole discussion if you are going to quote me.