Republicans are upset because Democrats are literally calling them weirdos and incels

Jun 21, 2013
Crenshaw P's Coat Hangers
Democrats as a whole need to hop on this tactic and use it as a point of offense from now leading into November.

The more they accuse the opposition of being a bunch of "weirdos", Republicans will ironically expose themselves even more and turn off more people.

Until the "respectability politics" liberals start pumping out op-eds in the NYT, that is :coffee:

This is the tactic.

The two best ways to beat fascism is to beat its ass or shame it for being the abnormal ideology that it is.
Fascists are bullies; and sometimes the only way to overcome them is to be a bigger threat than they are to everyone else.
Channel your inner Z-Bo and think "where I'm from, bullies get bullied."
The Tiki Torch Whites/Khaki Wearin Whites always bytch up when counter protesters are physically bigger than them, outnumber them and/or are openly carrying.

Shame is waaaay more damaging to their ideology, tho.
They want to fight; it helps solidify their place as a group to pay attention to.
But to embarrass them is to destroy them.

Fascists KNOW FOR A FACT that their ideology is antisocial behavior.... How many Black or non-white people (and some well-adjusted, anti-racist white folks/accomplices) believe that the only answer to ensure their survival is to forcibly displace non-white peoples from their land and create a race-based hierarchy where they're at the top? Very few.
Which is why they spend so, so, SOOOOO much of their time trying to push the Overton Window further to the right, where that ideology is far less weird. Their main goal is to make their ideology seem normal so gullible people just.... roll with their nonsense.

Point out how weird their ideology is.

But the more you make them seem like the stupid, abnormal weirdos they are, the less power they have.
Why do you think these dudes are protesting with shyt that covers their face? Snatch that shyt off their face on camera so their loved ones/coworkers/friends are aware of how big of a weirdo and a freak they are.

Remember Richard Spencer?
Basically the next white supremacist up as the face of their movement?
Things were going good... Til an anti-fascist punched him dead in his shyt on the national stage.
He never recovered.

There's also some video of the Tiki Torch Whites during the Charlottesville that stuck w/me...
Some white kid that was hyped to be there was interviewed on camera and asked why he was participating...
The longer he was on camera, the less he wanted to be there.... To the point he took off his Trump merch and headed home.
Fascism is REALLY fukkIN FRAGILE. All it takes is a good joke to make it fall apart.
Look at what happened to JD Vance.
Went from being the future VP for Trump to being Jimmy the Couch fukker in less than a week.

Lindsay Ellis' video essay explains this issue so much better.

Stop being scared of fascists and start roasting them.
They want to be feared because THEIR biggest fear is being seen as abnormal.
Embarrass them and they'll crumble.


Apr 24, 2016
reminds me of this

No matter what Republicans do at this point, every argument they say will just get Democrats and Moderates to immediately laugh in their face.

"We just want to protect the cum stains!" Weirdos


Jun 12, 2014
This is the first time republicans have ever been put in a defensive position by dems, refreshing for a change:ehh:

This is what happens when your campaign is being led by black people instead of timid centrist white DC "strategist" with outdated view of politics

"when they go low, we go high is how to win over the good working class white folk in the midwest":unimpressed:

Go for the jugular and keep these racist b*stard on the defensive