Republicans are upset because Democrats are literally calling them weirdos and incels

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
It's true. They're saying what the average person thinks about these people. They're weird, they're obsessed over weird shyt and some of them are terminally online and think that how they behave on Twitter is how they should behave in person.

You especially see it when someone asks them what they mean when they say that something is woke. They're not used to having to defend or explain their beliefs so they struggle to even define the thing that they hate without coming off as an intolerant crazy person.

They want to be accepted, while at the same time rejecting others. It's like a kid telling on you because you won't play with him. They want to FORCE people to like them while treating everyone like shyt. That isn't normal behavior.

And that's to say nothing of the weird shyt they do like Madison Hawthorne and his obsession with nazi shyt and 'ironic' gay shyt. Or like how Lauren boebert wants to limit sex education while she's out here touching penis in a movie theatre. Or Lindsey Graham and his gay ass. Or that other mf who looks like the joker and was trying to fukk teenage girls. Or the botox on display at the rnc. Or the gold Trump statue. Like it goes on and on. These people aren't normal.


Jul 3, 2018
Looks like he made Amber slut walk her way to the back seat so he could accommodate his Trump sex doll. Nothing weird here

Edit: this is apparently not the same MAGA neckbeard that she made her “rap” video with for the republican convention…it’s apparently just another identical MAGA neckbeard. My fault :manny:
Not sure if you're serious, bit it's the same dude

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
The problem republicans have is that they believe a lot of stupid, weird shyt that has direct impact on people's lives. The vast majority of people are pro-choice and think abortion should be legal. Wanting to ban abortion isn't a popular idea with any demographic in this country and is....well, weird. Constantly obsessing over women's bodies, attempting to dictate what type of jobs they can and can't have, making fun of single women who don't have children...these are all things that would get you laughed at in a bar, across the nation.

Republicans are trying to push back and bring up trans people but...the average American has never seen or met a trans person. They might as well be rare Pokemon in America. But the average American knows a woman lol. And they likely know someone who has considered abortion, or who was told by a doctor she cannot have children anymore, or who deals with misogyny on the job.

You know what else is weird? The Satanic Panic bullshyt they're trying to revive. It's not 1982 anymore, nobody's parents are scared of Ozzy Osbourne. That shyt is played out and NORMAL people will bust out laughing if you start talking to them about demonic rituals via music or film.