Make your own luck.
Mexicans have a lot of cultural advantages I’ve also observed in African immigrant groups that AAs just don’t have due to reasons of history, etc.
They can practice group economics in part because they are insulated by language / culture in a way AAs aren’t.
If you want a fire ass taco / can’t get it from Chad you have to get it from Jose and Maria. What’s a similar AA cuisine? Bubba and Becky Sue can make some fire ass ribs and fried chicken too sometimes.
Immigrant groups always get paid off of delivering cuisine because they have a competitive advantage there - Chinese food, Mexican food, Jamaican food: you pay to get the authentic flavors from them.
Mexican culture is also verrrrrrry traditional and there’s not a culture of shytting on poor people to the same degree as AA culture. Every culture shyts on poor people, but modern AA culture shyts on poor people to a degree that is truly headscratching all things considered - lower and middle class people actively consume music that tells them they’re not shyt if broke. The shyt makes ZERO sense considering the statistics.
There’s very little shame in Mexican culture about packing a house full of 3 families with 3 breadwinners etc. provided they’re family.
You have people in borderline situations (meaning they could stretch themselves a bit financially or live beneath their means) who are culturally given the latitude to live beneath their means because there’s not as much of a disgust factor in Mexican culture.
Meanwhile, in AA culture you have people constantly living beyond their means because the disgust factor is such an issue. “Oh he’s broke as fukk”, “Oh he still lives with his fam”, “Oh he wears wranglers, hell nah.” shyt just isn’t the same in Mexican culture when a generation or two ago your fam was living in a dusty ass mud house with chickens in the back yard.
Mexicans also know trades and aren’t above working the blue collar shyt (not saying all AAs are either...but I have lots of friends and family who straight up say they won’t fukk with blue collar jobs).
It makes sense if you think about it- the cash flow situation working a blue collar job looks a lot different if you’re paying a third of the rent / utilities / car note, etc. Mexicans share ALLLLL of that shyt. I dated a Mexican girl and her family stayed using her car like it was a rental.
Also, again, because of the culture, as a black man your sex / dating / relationship prospects also look a lot different in one of those blue collar jobs than if Mexican.
Obviously there are lots of historical reasons why modern AA culture is the way it is, but at some point we have to confront it WHILE ALSO confronting the systemic issues we face. As long as we remain apologists for the culture, shyt will never change.
As I mentioned, our unique history in this country makes it such that the traditional avenues / protections that other minority groups have available (food, language, etc.) just aren’t there. When that’s the case, your culture has to be on point - which is a catch 22 because that IS the culture.
I try to think of another group in history that’s been in the same position and can’t.
They can practice group economics in part because they are insulated by language / culture in a way AAs aren’t.
If you want a fire ass taco / can’t get it from Chad you have to get it from Jose and Maria. What’s a similar AA cuisine? Bubba and Becky Sue can make some fire ass ribs and fried chicken too sometimes.
Immigrant groups always get paid off of delivering cuisine because they have a competitive advantage there - Chinese food, Mexican food, Jamaican food: you pay to get the authentic flavors from them.
Mexican culture is also verrrrrrry traditional and there’s not a culture of shytting on poor people to the same degree as AA culture. Every culture shyts on poor people, but modern AA culture shyts on poor people to a degree that is truly headscratching all things considered - lower and middle class people actively consume music that tells them they’re not shyt if broke. The shyt makes ZERO sense considering the statistics.
There’s very little shame in Mexican culture about packing a house full of 3 families with 3 breadwinners etc. provided they’re family.
You have people in borderline situations (meaning they could stretch themselves a bit financially or live beneath their means) who are culturally given the latitude to live beneath their means because there’s not as much of a disgust factor in Mexican culture.
Meanwhile, in AA culture you have people constantly living beyond their means because the disgust factor is such an issue. “Oh he’s broke as fukk”, “Oh he still lives with his fam”, “Oh he wears wranglers, hell nah.” shyt just isn’t the same in Mexican culture when a generation or two ago your fam was living in a dusty ass mud house with chickens in the back yard.
Mexicans also know trades and aren’t above working the blue collar shyt (not saying all AAs are either...but I have lots of friends and family who straight up say they won’t fukk with blue collar jobs).
It makes sense if you think about it- the cash flow situation working a blue collar job looks a lot different if you’re paying a third of the rent / utilities / car note, etc. Mexicans share ALLLLL of that shyt. I dated a Mexican girl and her family stayed using her car like it was a rental.
Also, again, because of the culture, as a black man your sex / dating / relationship prospects also look a lot different in one of those blue collar jobs than if Mexican.
Obviously there are lots of historical reasons why modern AA culture is the way it is, but at some point we have to confront it WHILE ALSO confronting the systemic issues we face. As long as we remain apologists for the culture, shyt will never change.
As I mentioned, our unique history in this country makes it such that the traditional avenues / protections that other minority groups have available (food, language, etc.) just aren’t there. When that’s the case, your culture has to be on point - which is a catch 22 because that IS the culture.
I try to think of another group in history that’s been in the same position and can’t.