Religious people, why does god take any amount of time to do anything?


Jun 22, 2012
And if he does?

The bible tells you NOT to judge, only god can judge. Maybe you should re-evaluate your beliefs, they do not allow you to be an a$$hole.
I'm only telling you what he did to the fags back in the day....he burned them up.

What makes you think the next time will be any different?

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
I'm only telling you what he did to the fags back in the day....he burned them up.

What makes you think the next time will be any different?

So let him... that doesn't give you the right to say or do anything to judge people... don't act innocent fakkit, I could quote one of your disgusting posts in a heartbeat.


May 1, 2012
@ o.p.. if you agree that people believe in God (whatever God they believe in)

then you accept the concept that religious people believe that God is an infinite being, and human beings = finite (limited) beings... so how can a finite being understand an infinite being

trying to understand such an advanced being is impossible. i'm surprised religious people haven't responded with such a simple and straight forward answer.

y'all want something to wrap your mind around... i read some shyt like.. an atom is to a string (string theory) as the known universe is to human beings. some fukked up scales motha fukkas describe but nobody got sense enough to fathom that shyt in their minds.
I'm sorry I don't speak "smart-dumb nikka" can you translate please? :lolbron:


Jun 22, 2012
So let him... that doesn't give you the right to say or do anything to judge people... don't act innocent fakkit, I could quote one of your disgusting posts in a heartbeat.

I again I'm referencing the Bible....not me judging them.

God rained fire on fags well over 2K years ago. Where do you think he will put them the next time?

If I used fire to destroy something it means I do not like that thing right?:stopitslime:


Jun 8, 2012
Lets say the creation story is true.

Why does god take any amount of time to do what he could do instantly?

And how does god know 4 days had passed if there was no sun or moon until the "fourth" day?

God is TIME itself. the ultimate atomic clock.

in addition if you ever read the story of moses you would realize when he would go up to the mountain and talk to God. he would come back with his face glowing. not just smiling. the greek translation is that of a literal Glow. which is why they say you could not look directly at God.just being that close. was enough to make his face glow like that. that means like some have thought. spiritually and figuratively. God is ENERGY. thats the infinite LIGHT SOURCE.

so when god was constructing the universe he didnt need the son or stars or moon(s) to see. even if he needed to visually see that is. but when he backs away from those things Physically they could sustain themselves due to all the NATURAL light (stars(Sun), moon) vs his SUPERnatural light.

and who's to say what we call a day for human's isnt just a millisecond to him? so in reality it isnt taking him that long at all using his clock.


May 1, 2012
I'm damn sure not a christian or muslim but throwing out the possibility of a god shows that you walk a tight rope mentally also. Crazier things are true in nature.


Jun 8, 2012

Day 1 - God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light "day" and darkness "night."
Day 2 - God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it "sky."
Day 3 - God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters "seas." On day three, God also created vegetation (plants and trees).
Day 4 - God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to govern and separate the day and the night. These would also serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years.
Day 5 - God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life.
Day 6 - God created the animals to fill the earth. On day six, God also created man and woman (Adam and Eve) in his own image to commune with him. He blessed them and gave them every creature and the whole earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate.
Day 7 - God had finished his work of creation and so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy.

Why not just do this all at once?

And why does he need to rest at the end? :mjpls:

Does god get tired? :pachaha:
where does it say "god NEEDED..." to do anything? it doesnt say that anywhere.

he CHOSE to rest and just chill admiring what he just made.

if you were able to create something. are you telling me you wouldnt just step back and admire your creation for a moment? of course you would. thats what creators do.


Jun 8, 2012
Well, there's also the time when Adam was told he would die the day he ate from the forbidden tree.

he did die. did he not?

Die That Day—Or Begin to Die?

Die That Day—Or Begin to Die?
It is true that Adam and Eve didn’t die the exact day they ate (Genesis 5:4–5) as some seem to think Genesis 2:17 implies. So, either God was in error or man’s interpretation is in error. Since God cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18), then fallible humans must be making the mistake.
Let’s take a look at where the confusion arises. The Hebrew phrase in English is more literally:
“Tree knowledge good evil eat day eat die (dying) die”
The Hebrew is, literally, die-die (muwth-muwth) with two different verb tenses (dying and die), which can be translated as “surely die” or “dying you shall die.” This indicates the beginning of dying, an ingressive sense, which finally culminates with death.
At that point, Adam and Eve began to die and would return to dust (Genesis 3:19). If they were meant to die right then, the text should have simply used muwth only once, which means “dead, died, or die” and not beginning to die or surely die (as muwth-muwth is used in Hebrew). Old Testament authors understood this and used it in such a fashion, but we must remember that English translations can miss some of the nuance.
There are primarily two ways people translate: one is literal or word for word (formal equivalence) and the other is dynamic equivalence or thought-for-thought. If this is translated word for word, it would be “dying die” or “die die,” which is difficult for English readers to understand, as there is no changed emphasis when a word is repeated. The Latin Vulgate by Jerome, which permits such grammatical constructions, does translate this as “dying die” or “dying you will die” (morte morieris). So, most translations rightly use more dynamic equivalence and say “surely die.”


Jun 8, 2012
Where was god in Boston a few days ago or Waco, TX last night??

the same place he was when your mother decided not to abort you. the same place he was when you came out and you cried to prove you were alive and well. the same place he was this morning when you woke up.

and the same place he was when how many people were born today in the world? how many people are still alive in comparison to how many that have died?

the numbers are not your favor. no matter how big a tragedy may seem to us individuals. if you look at the grand scheme of things. there are a lot more people alive today then have died today. thats a known fact. there's a reason the population has increased.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
:aicmon: it didnt get productive because it wasnt allowed to live past about 10 a griffindor gets pissy and daze is awaiting an explanation means its not worth anything? and when i started to break things down it gets locked and thrown away? :facepalm:

i dont get the allowing of this thread to last any longer than that one when he is just doing the same according to this logic but its cool ill move on because i see things are clearly very shady on this subforum :wtb: the HL elite says jump and @Brown_Pride says how high

read the announcement on the TOP of the HL page. It's pretty fukin clear man. You created a post with no real topic, the title had little to nothing to do with the image or the actual stuff you wrote. Make a point or KIM. The fact that OTHER "religious" thread's created are still up should tell you case you can't figure out what that "something" is then let me help.

You can speak your mind and your piece, if it's trolling or just pointless shyt it's getting the delete treatment, otherwise, again as evident by the very same types of threads you're saying i'm jumping to moderate not being deleted or locked, have at it.

Step your thread creation game up.
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Jun 8, 2012
I Have One Question

When God Told Noah To Get That Ark Poppin....

They Just Had All Them Animals Together?

Their Instincts Didnt Take Action? You Know....Animal Nature...

So The Lions Just Let The Giraffes Chill?


"Take your son, your only son--yes, Isaac, whom you love so much--and go to the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.""Take your son, your only son--yes, Isaac, whom you love so much--and go to the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you." Genesis 22:2

So God Out Here Makin nikkas Kill They Kids????? You Guys Need To Grow Up Man. We Been Brainwashed As Kids


lets address the giraffe question.

Lionesses (as it is they that do the hunting) will not tackle a giraffe as the danger of injury is too great. In the serengeti plains an injury is practically a death sentence.
However, in extreme situations like drought and famine, they will take on almost anything bar a rhinocerous or an elephant. I have seen footage of lionesses attacking a giraffe, but the narrator said it was rare one-off footage and even the most experienced rangers had only seen it once in their lifetime..

^^if they aint hungry, they wont try to EAT.

how did that white woman on youtube swim with the sharks? They were already FULL.

According to Scripture, Noah’s Ark was a safe haven for representatives of all the kinds of air-breathing land animals that God created. While it is possible that God made miraculous provisions for the daily care of these animals, it is not necessary—or required by Scripture—to appeal to miracles. Exploring natural solutions for day-to-day operations does not discount God’s role: the biblical account hints at plenty of miracles as written, such as God bringing the animals to the Ark (Genesis 6:20; 7:9, 15). It turns out that a study of existing, low-tech animal care methods answers trivial objections to the Ark. In fact, many solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems are rather straightforward.

How Were the Animals Cared For?
We must distinguish between the long-term care required for animals kept in zoos and the temporary, emergency care required on the Ark. The animals’ comfort and healthy appearance were not essential for emergency survival during one stressful year, where survival was the primary goal.

Studies of nonmechanized animal care indicate that eight people could have fed and watered 16,000 creatures. The key is to avoid unnecessary walking around. As the old adage says, “Don’t work harder, work smarter.”

Therefore, Noah probably stored the food and water near each animal. Even better, drinking water could have been piped into troughs, just as the Chinese have used bamboo pipes for this purpose for thousands of years. The use of some sort of self-feeders, as is commonly done for birds, would have been relatively easy and probably essential. Animals that required special care or diets were uncommon and should not have needed an inordinate amount of time from the handlers. Even animals with the most specialized diets in nature could have been switched to readily sustainable substitute diets. Of course, this assumes that animals with specialized diets today were likewise specialized at the time of the Flood.

now to the why did God almost have a man kill his son? it was simple. he was showing him how it felt when GOD sacrificed his own son Jesus for all of us. now you know how hard it is.. relatively speaking.