Love is a long road.
Lol at anyone who thinks RDR2 was the last RDR game.
I think they'll make one more and just leave it as a trilogy. Theres still entire chapters of the gangs story to be told, RDR1&2 were only about the gangs last days and the old west dying out - theres still plenty of narrative to be told about the gang when they were at the height of their notoriety during the peak of the old west era.
For me the best case scenario (and IMO most likely) would be to play as Dutch in his younger years - seeing what led him to form the gang, learning more about his motivations and seeing how he met Hosea etc. Then theres the beef with Colm O'Driscool - could possibly see how that all started and play through certain events like Dutch killing his brother and Colm killing Dutch's girl.
The entire story of Dutch Van Der Linde’s gang has pretty much been fully told already. They can’t do another game on them without it being predictable and repetitive. I want the next Red Dead to feature brand new characters during the early stages of the old west (1850’s to early 1870’s) so that way we could still encounter Dutch, Hosea and even a young Arthur with a protagonist who is totally unrelated to them. Personally I want to play as a Black Django type character for the next one who is fighting the Confederacy and freeing slaves.
Setting wise there needs to be a few more southern states as well as states that’s more further west such as Nevada, Utah, California, Oregon and Washington State and we also need a couple of more large cities such as San Francisco, Denver, Salt Lake City and Portland. The PS5 and Xbox Series X should allow Rockstar to make a map that’s at least 10 times bigger than RDR2’s map. The Wild West era was very big and diverse and we shouldn’t have to be limited to another Dutch Van Der linde story for the next one.

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