Just finished and still trying to decide if I enjoyed my time with the game or not
I think it’s absolutely stunning in the amount a content and attention to detail. More than any other game I’ve played this world is believable.This has to be the most impressive game of all time in that aspect.
But honestly my time through the game felt like a slog that I just wanted to end. Probably the end of chapter 4 I was just over the game. At this point in my life my patience is at an all time low, and I just didn’t have any desire to do all the hunting and side stuff, riding that damn horse became a chore(my poor “A” button, had to hit it like 7billion times during my play through.

) story was telegraphed way out and drawn out too long. From the first time Arthur coughed I knew exactly how this would end, I just had to watch it play out slowly over the next 10 hours.
All and all I’m glad I experienced it. Rockstar kinda made the Goat/Woat game here. So much shyt to do, so much content, story, attention to detail, so little fun.