So I was coming out of the meteorite house around annesburg and I came around the corner and my horse hit something, thought it was a rabbit or someshyt...
Then I heard this dude yell some shyt like "Sparky No

"... Man I looked and I had ran over and killed this dude dog who was hunting with him, he had a deer on his horse
So this dude starts busting at me but I am just like "you know what I can't fault him I ran over his dog I am just going to ride away"
This dude chased and shot at me ACROSS THE WHOLE fukkING MAP

I have 5.1 surround sound so all I hear in my back left and right speakers are "get back here you sonovabytch"

"I'm going to skin ya"

and all this other wild shyt
I just cannot get far enough way from him...guess his horse was as fast as mine...
So eventually I am like okay enough, lets have some fun

.... I ride up way past strawberry where the hermit woman is with the 3 dogs guarding her house...
I get off my horse and he does the same, I run toward her and she is like "get out of here, scat

" dogs are like
Dogs start chasing me and I run in a big loop, lead the dogs right to him, I run past and hop on my horse like
I hear growling and gunshots and turn around...buddy murked all three of them dogs
And he still got this now rotting deer on his horse mind you
I run back toward the hermit woman shack, she gets up with that shotgun, he is running after me, I veer behind the shack, she shoots him right in the back
I then just walk off and she goes back to sitting in that his horse is still in the woods...ROTTING DEER STILL ON ITS BACK
I tell it to flee, it does, I hear wolves howling, wolves take off after the horse, I

and go back the other way...
shyt was wild and took damn near 30 minutes