Tommy Knocks
fukk Lenny
I had one encounter with themso this game ishuh?
Man those Struss missions have me feeling dirty after I do them..
Man, they do make you feel some kind of way. It's funny because Arthur seems extra brutal in these missions but if you read your journal after the fact he hates the shyt too and somewhat sympathizes with the debtors.
Heard my first n word.
Came pretty late in the story tho.
If it was a Quentin Tarantino movie we would have heard it 20x before we hit valentine.
I feel like a lot of the complaints are valid. There's a lot of tedious stuff in this game. A lot of fun gets sacrificed for realism we flat out don't need in a video game. The pacing is slow and is made even worse by the way you're forced to do stuff like traveling from place to place because the fast travel has to be earned.
It's like when you watch a movie and they skip over all the boring stuff and just get to the point. We'll this is a game that makes you do that boring stuff.
Everything here is present in the first game, except the earned fast travel. People who are complaining must not have played the first one and understood why its critically acclaimed.
Slow start, realistic plotline that slowly builds up to payoff climaxes. It all creates a memorable experience. I could tell you the story of RDR1 like I played it all yesterday, as opposed to other games. Hell GTA5s story is less memorable, all I remember is some weird lesson on outsourcing at the end.
If the pacing is unbearable to you in this game then you shouldve did more research on what you was signing up for.
I think this game might be excluded, breh.Target’s buy 2 get one 1 free sale started and this just dropped Friday on my way to the store now
Who said it a CAC klansman?
What’s the best thing to do with animals you kill? Skin them? Don’t skin them? Take them to your camp for provisions? Sell them? Did I give away this sweet cougar pelt for nothing?