No, and that's a mixture of selection and confirmation bias on your part. Only 2 of the last 20 threads I posted in were about homosexuals in society. You're seeing what you want to see, my friend.
As for imagery of destruction and violence, this article addresses that.
How is it a bias on my part? I asked a simple and serious question. You got more threads on gay people than what you are claiming. It's nice your last 18 threads aren't but we haven't counted them all. Plus this subject, you are known to be very vocal about( numerous times).
The article is bad though....
1. When did Tribe or De La ever been seen as weak and less masculine in Hiphop?
2. Homo-eroticism came in the Bling-Era
3. When did Run DMC pose Naked?
4. When did Trey Songz and R.Kelly become a Hiphop Artist
5. The article doesn't address black on black violence or the drug problem...period.
The article quick to jump on some artists but that doesn't represent Hiphop as a whole.