@ the bolded. I never said that. I don't even talk like that. I hope yall don't be misquoting people like this in real-life. chit is lethal. DANGER.
anyway, what it all boils down to, and what a lot of yall don't seem to understand is that ITS LEVEL TO THIS CHIT. its not even about outkast, or me supposedly having a vendetta against them. this is bigger than them. that's the difference between this and the other "outkast is overrated" threads that have been made. this is really about YALL, your stannery, and simplistic thinking.
you cant just say something like "well they were pretty popular and this album got played and that album did alright".
MAN THAT AINT CHIT. we're talking about goat status.
yea, lets talk catalog. you cant just circle-jerk each other and agree upon it being classic. you have to have some real meaning behind that chit. SPCM is the only definitive classic in their catalog, and even then, its not on the level of a classic that gets you into that door. the other joints, are morseo cult-classics. if you post this resume up without mentioning any names or titles, it reads more like a top 5
0 group, as opposed to top 5.
I mean come on, they don't even have any impact classics to lean on as a crutch. by that I mean albums that you may or may not think have classic quality, but they made a classic impact outside of their following. outkast doesn't even have that!!!!!
their influence was limited until recent years all late, when the industry started forcing in plants. in fact, that was one of their biggest knocks beforehand. even the herbs on one of those MTV2 roudtables knocked them for it. but let you tell it, im making it all up.
the rest of this is talk that went over your head.
and yes, when I see a shaky comment about mobb or 3-6 or whoever, I point it out. like a couple weeks ago, somebody tried to sneak and say that prodigy was a fixture in black culture. I nipped it in the bud right then & there, and buddy even dapped me up cuz he knew what he was doing. THE END. theres no need to make a thread about it. outkast stans are a completely different animal. im not the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, whatever person on here to make this thread...…….but I see the 3-6 mafia stuff is starting to get out of hand. I can see a thread being made when the more knowledgeable posters who are resistant towards it, get phased out. sorta like how the outkast hype-train wasn't a thing on here until years later.
You said you don't talk like that, but in the very next paragraph you say the EXACT same thing I was saying you did. You called SPCM a classic and then downplayed it.
You say they have influence and then wrote it off as "they didn't have it until years later" and then talk about it was only on industry plants.
Those other Kast threads aren't crusades to discredit them as a group and disguised as "real heads". Those other posters are brave enough and real enough to state it's their opinion and say they liked some of the music, but feel they are overrated. Fair assessment that has more merit than someone going out of their way to say:
OutKast aren't considered GOAT Contenders by Real heads while proceeding to list personal grievances with Kast fans. That's a display of cowardice and insecurity. Not to be respected.
It ain't Kast stans that are completely different animal, you are. You try to pass off your opinion as facts without backing it up.
At this point, you've pretty much admitted Kast has a classical (and I'm convinced, it's the only Kast album you've listened to) and they have influence.
I am not continuing going back and forth with you about it. People can see for themselves you made an entire thread arguing all these points against Kast and have contradicted yourself at every turn. A mid career group gets top tier placements on your lists. You admit influence, but attempt to downplay it and you say they have a classic and try to downplay that too all while not acknowledging their other albums.