Real talk, black folks are losing if you never been to Africa.


Et in Arcadia ego...
Jun 16, 2012
The "BUCKEYE" Nation
So you're able to deal with the emotional baggage just fine. You were able to somehow manage seeing the descendants of your enslavers wearing a momento of your enslavement with pride without resorting to violence or balling up in the fetal position in tears. But visiting the continent of your ancestors is just out of the question :rudy:?

One of my best friends is Nigerian and I've dated some cool ass broads from Kenya and Ghana. Africa is a continent, not someone's private residence. No one can keep you from going there. From the people I know that's actually been there, they told me they've received mad love as long as you don't go there on some ":scusthov: y'all nikkas don't gotta Wal Mart?".

Do some research on the history of the continent before you say dumb shyt like Africans don't want African Americans on the continent. In 1948 Emperor Haile Sellasie of Ethiopia had set apart land in Shashamane to anyone from the Caribbeans who want to repatriate back to Africa. Then there's Kwame Nkrumah (1st president of Ghana) who showed love to blacks in the US from day one.

Even Marcus Garvey back in 1920s was getting love from the African government to bring African Americans back to Africa. Kwame Ture (aka Stokely Carmichael) left the US and moved to Conakry, Guinea.

nikkas like you is why Garvey said he don't want every African American to go back to Africa, you'll do more harm than good. You're mind has been polluted against your own people and you don't even realize it.

I never said I would never visit the continent, I may go this summer. All I was doing was responding to the OPs assertion that those who don't want to go are losers. Again, how is that fair to call someone who doesn't want to go there a loser? There's stories about Eastern European soccer hooligans, British as well, who hurl racial epithets toward black players of the opposing team. If you're a black soccer fan, you mean to tell me you're not going to take that into account if you're going on a holiday to Europe to watch some soccer matches? People tell each other there bad experiences of a establishment, or bad service more times then they tell about their good experiences. For black people who don't want to go to Africa, you have no idea what type of experiences they may have had with Africans. For the upteenth time, the girl fleurtrose, or what ever her name is, said something to the effect that, and I'll paraphrase, "we don't want you" as in Africans wanting African Americans going to Africa. She's a African of west African descent if I'm not mistaken; I was simply using her comment to show that the sentiment some of us may feel toward Africa, or Africans is mutual. That doesn't mean one shouldn't visit the continent, all I was trying to convey was that there are Africans who may be prejudice against us for one reason or another, and some people may feel like why should I have to travel on a holiday, and deal with it from my own people? And by the way, I just love how these back to Africa threads, and just threads in general always degenerate into one poster calling another poster a nigg*, or some other pejorative for simply expressing a view that is different from someones else; and yet my mind has been poisoned against my own people. Were black, but we can't even have a simple discussion, or disagreement with each other without calling each other names, yet we want to go back to Africa for a holiday :why:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I never said I would never visit the continent, I may go this summer. All I was doing was responding to the OPs assertion that those who don't want to go are losers. Again, how is that fair to call someone who doesn't want to go there a loser? There's stories about Eastern European soccer hooligans, British as well, who hurl racial epithets toward black players of the opposing team. If you're a black soccer fan, you mean to tell me you're not going to take that into account if you're going on a holiday to Europe to watch some soccer matches? People tell each other there bad experiences of a establishment, or bad service more times then they tell about their good experiences. For black people who don't want to go to Africa, you have no idea what type of experiences they may have had with Africans. For the upteenth time, the girl fleurtrose, or what ever her name is, said something to the effect that, and I'll paraphrase, "we don't want you" as in Africans wanting African Americans going to Africa. She's a African of west African descent if I'm not mistaken; I was simply using her comment to show that the sentiment some of us may feel toward Africa, or Africans is mutual. That doesn't mean one shouldn't visit the continent, all I was trying to convey was that there are Africans who may be prejudice against us for one reason or another, and some people may feel like why should I have to travel on a holiday, and deal with it from my own people? And by the way, I just love how these back to Africa threads, and just threads in general always degenerate into one poster calling another poster a nigg*, or some other pejorative for simply expressing a view that is different from someones else; and yet my mind has been poisoned against my own people. Were black, but we can't even have a simple discussion, or disagreement with each other without calling each other names, yet we want to go back to Africa for a holiday :why:

I called you a nikka because that's how you're acting, and I mean that in every sense of the word. You went skiing in Indiana where there's tons of white people who you KNOW don't want you in this country, you even saw one as he rocked his rebel flag. But yet you're somehow able to deal with it. You live in a country that has had institutional discrimination for centuries, but yet you're still living here and functioning and I'm assuming have no immediate plans to go some place less hostile.

But because you may have had bad experiences with a few West Africans, now you're talking about your emotional distress as to why you wouldn't want to go. Using your logic breh, you need to move to an uninhabited island off the coast of Antarctic. Hopefully you won't run into any racist polar bears.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012

With some of the nasty and typical ignorant comments about Africa, I'm glad some of these posters DON'T want to visit there.

The continent is so vast and diverse, yet they'll believe white western propaganda about it while at the same time getting shytted on and being called "refugees" in their own country of birth. But when black people like the ones featured in Hidden Colors and others who have actually been and maybe even lived there tell them the other side and let them know that many parts of the continent aren't nearly as bad as the media will have them believe, then they just write it off as 'black militant' nonsense. :smh:

Breh, I've even heard nikkas say the vast cities in Africa don't count, white people built em. If that's the case America don't count because Africans built this motherfukka.

Black inferiority is white supremacy's evil twin brother :wow:


Jul 1, 2012
its nice to visit africa with a bunch of people. but trust me, u dont wanna spend a long time there. u can get killed on that continent and aint gon be no investigation like there is here in the us. no 911s u can call (at least in most places).

if u wanna visit fine. but be fooled by pictures.

Why u gonna be worried about an investigation when your dead? Have you u been to any country in Africa to speak of?


Feb 25, 2013
Theres 50+ countries in Africa all with different languages cultures looks religions etc
you got beaches, mountains, wildlife, big capital cities, quiet small villages, multicultural places, black only places, island nations, places where life is cheap, places where life is expensive, conservative areas and last but not least the original phat booty bytchess

there’s something for everyone, buy that plane ticket and come see for yaself
if u dont like it :sadbron: just never come back we wont miss ya :youngsabo:


May 17, 2012
Why u gonna be worried about an investigation when your dead? Have you u been to any country in Africa to speak of?

fucck it. by all means. go. i lived on the continent. i know the lawlessness. go at your own risk my friend. :smile:


May 4, 2012
Blacks will have a $1.1 Trillion purchasing power by 2015...

Imagine if we invested 0.5% of that into anything useful :deadrose:

White people talk all that shyt about us....but if there was a giant exodus to Africa, the U.S. economy would be :to:

Well yea, as long as we're buying their shyt its all good. If we invest in our own shyt they'll start destroying businesses. We have to reconnect with africa because these cacs only want nikkas gettin so big and then they buy you out, extort you, or kill you if you dont run your business the way they need you to.