Field Marshall Bradley
Its David Stern fault really. The NBA is a great product but its meteoric rise was due to it being star-driven.
You had the Magic vs Bird era first. That got the ball rolling. Then came along MJ and David Stern put the media machine behind him and he became the biggest athlete celebrity of the modern era. Maybe still is(sorry Tiger).
This in turn made the NBA extremely popular because everybody was an MJ fan due to how mainstream he had became.
Stern still uses this formula and that's why BBall players are the most popular pitchmen for products because they are easily recognizable.
Barkley still getting it in. Kobe and Bron's endorsement deals are insane. D-Pain up next if everything goes well in LA.
People compare players to MJ because he was the biggest NBA star ever and the NBA is a star driven product
You had the Magic vs Bird era first. That got the ball rolling. Then came along MJ and David Stern put the media machine behind him and he became the biggest athlete celebrity of the modern era. Maybe still is(sorry Tiger).
This in turn made the NBA extremely popular because everybody was an MJ fan due to how mainstream he had became.
Stern still uses this formula and that's why BBall players are the most popular pitchmen for products because they are easily recognizable.
Barkley still getting it in. Kobe and Bron's endorsement deals are insane. D-Pain up next if everything goes well in LA.
People compare players to MJ because he was the biggest NBA star ever and the NBA is a star driven product