Whatever your thoughts are on theism or atheism...a surgence at this point by the black american segment to question the primary and arguably the oldest (social, cultural, intellectual) construct in this American Society (christianity)....is a very good thing. If you are going to commit to a system/thought pattern...that obviously has little impact on uplifting you socially/economically; then at least consider the other options first

...or at some point in your earthly existence.
The great thing about atheistic thinking is it revolves on logic and evidence. In other words, imagine the entire populace of black america withholding tithe money into investing, time spent in a pew to time spent in a classroom, repeating spooky tales to kids to explaining laws of land/nature/history to kids. I for one say that the end product would indeniably be a better one. A self aware and educated populace with non concentrated/predicatable capital that understands the law and knows thier history= A problem for any supremacist construct, injustice, or oppression.
The opposite is a vastly segmented populace that does not understand secular sciences/laws/social dynamics, or has any method of controlling it's currency for effect. Kids that have no knowlege of self, self esteem, and largely direction. The only common theme among them is to sin and pray for forgiveness and cling to the hope that all this earthly bullshyt is over when Goku opens the clouds and tosses all the faithful senzu beans, and then everybody goes super saiyan and lives happily ever after on king kais planet.