People don't want to believe it but PG is killing this company. The only wrestlers with any character depth were built up pre PG. If they've been retooled since then they are one note caricatures. No reason for a guy like Bryan to be a goofy one note heel.
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All these guys are one trick ponies.
Punk - Whine bytch moan
AJ - Skipping/Piss poor acting
Ziggler - I'm a show off woooooo
Vickie - EXCUSE ME
Truth - Lil Jimmy
Orton -
Sheamus - Corny stories
shyts too long...and they wanna add "main event" on hump day
The fukk is Main Event? Is it actually gonna have big matches or is it gonna be like Superstars where they start out with some stars for 2 weeks and then turn it into Heat.
People don't want to believe it but PG is killing this company. The only wrestlers with any character depth were built up pre PG. If they've been retooled since then they are one note caricatures. No reason for a guy like Bryan to be a goofy one note heel.
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Oh, I see now...I get what this is
I already called this in the middle of Raw last night