Yes, they didEthiopia's "people" are a pretty large area that is bigger than modern Ethiopia. Arabs were part of the slave trade and many slaves came from Eastern as well as Western Africa. Many Rastas, like these hebrew Israelites to a small exent, believe in that part of the prophecy you just mentioned. The bloodline is lineage and fortifies the claims.
The bible said they will go into captivity in ships. When did the Israelites migrate into Ethiopia? Why aren't the Ethiopians still under captivity of the Arabs and why didn't they lose any of their language, heritage, and why didn't they lose the land of Ethiopia? All of these things would have have to happen in order for them to fit the prophecy. The Ethiopians don't have Arab names, they dont follow the Arab religion, etc.
The Bible is a fictional book of allegories and Jesus was created based on the story of Horus (solar system and constellation). No man named "Jesus" walked on this planet at any point in history. The great Nigerian writer, Chinua Achebe, described "Okonkwo" in "Things fall apart" as a black Igbo Nigerian - does that negate the fact that "Okonkwo" never walked on this planet?
At least there was a man who named: Haile Selassie 1. Where's your proof of Jesus? You might as well start worshiping the solar system, rather than bowing down to the image of the pedo, Michelangelo.
Meh, fukk the Bible...that shyt was used to destroy black people. And black people never disobeyed no damn cac god.
This is what happen guys when you get exposed

You guys do realize here was slave trade before the Atlantic slave trade on the east coast of Africa right? This predates the western slave trade and even continued longer as well. Arabs stole and smuggle people and still did even a few years ago in Sudan but they also go a lot of Ethiopians and have had em in the middle East for a long time. Saying his people were never taken is false... The difference is that the Europeans did massive damage in a short amount of time. Whereas the Arabs had been stealing, kidnapping and buying black people at a steady rate for centuries
When did the Ethiopians go on slavery via ships. Link please. The same verse said they would not see their land anymore. The bible says slavery via ships. They would still have to have their slave masters name and slave master's religion and lose their own land according to fit bible prophecy.