Rappers & Athletes Are the Main Representors Of ALL Black People Globally


May 1, 2012
Da Burgh
And? Why do you care how the world or mainstream sees us? Do they pay your bills? Do they shyt from what you eat? Or is it a perception? You think they see us as buffoons therefore they interpret us to be that? Well sorry they already though that. They don't some dumb ass rapper to make their minds up. They already had those thoughts prior to any fool coming forth with ignorant. That's the thing with racism. Some people think its warranted because of who we are. They don't seem to understand it has NOTHING TO DO WITH US. And those who indulge believe what they believe because of their own complex and we have nothing to do with that belief. If they've never seen a black person why do you care what they think? Whats the odds you will come across one of those people? Yall too worried ab out what other people think about us. But its really a mask to cover up how ashamed YOU are of us. Tell the truth and shame the devil.
You didn't read anything I said, did you?


Feb 2, 2016
Holy shyt so not only did you start name calling for no fukking reason, but you also accused me of saying an entire group of people do something. Which I never did. So now you're using straw man tactic. Those two things means you've already lost this argument, but I'll humor you.

Idk who you are, or who you've debated with on this site, but you're fukking with the wrong one. Nothing in your post is of any logic or rationale.

You are using emotion to cloud your judgment on things that know no religion, race, gender, or orientation. You're emotions are causing you to believe stats are being skewed to "shyt" on black people.

You're acting as if it's impossible for the stats that I presented to be accurate. So my question to you is, why would anyone need to lie about this stuff? Anyone who using logic and no emotion can admit to growing up in the hood, you knew a lot people got their cars stolen, robbed, a lot of nikkas they went to school with are dead, prostitution, drugs and guns being sold. People like you would rather ignore things presented to you, because it's not what you "wanna hear."

Intellects look at statistics and demographics and build conclusions based upon what they've researched. They don't start creating excuses as for why what they've researched is "making people look bad" or "can't be right" because of whatever bullshyt that you've created in your own little world.

That's ironic because you said you deal in common sense, seems to me you do not.

No I didn't call you names and I didn't accuse you of saying anything. But you have nothing to talk about breh. Another self shaming idiot(thats a name call) . And your acting like its impossible in this country of all places for the stats not to be skewed. And did you ask why would anyone lie :laff::camby:. You wasting my time breh.


All Star
Mar 5, 2014
No I didn't call you names and I didn't accuse you of saying anything. But you have nothing to talk about breh. Another self shaming idiot(thats a name call) . And your acting like its impossible in this country of all places for the stats not to be skewed. And did you ask why would anyone lie :laff::camby:. You wasting my time breh.
Just like I thought. Lie about the fact you called me a dumb ass nikka. You didn't answer my question either, I assume it's because you can't refute anything I'm posting, be a man and admit it.Don't use deflection tactic, it doesn't work on me. You aren't addressing any of my points either, but I'm stupid for expecting anything more out of you.

When people say more white people are on welfare than any other race, do you see white people coming up with all these excuses and claiming the stat is a lie?

You are delusional and I still have yet to call you out of your name because unlike you, I have respect for people, especially black people.

You claim I have nothing to talk about yet you keep dancing around everything I'm posting, and calling names like a gradeschool child. :laff:

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
To white people.......and honestly at this point who gives 2 shyts what white people think. Lil Yatchy is an embarrassment to himself. That retarded nikka does not represent me breh.

To black people too. Just because you don't like it or agree with it doesn't make it any less true. Lil Yachty is an embarrassment to himself to YOU but he has fans which means someone admires him. Look how the youth rise up to defend his honor when he makes a trash statement.

A guy that stupid should never be in a position to speak publicly serious social issues but as long as black people are putting him in front of a camera and microphone and letting him speak nonsense why would white people not do the same thing?
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Apr 16, 2013
Because there's a fukkin problem. I'd rather dude make these threads everyday to try to spread some awareness

He's not doing shyt in real life about the problem. :mjlol: He even admits that he doesn't. He'll still listen to his favorite rapper Eminem though. :mjpls:

He's never brought any real solutions. I mentioned starting up a jazz band for kids or an after school music program that encourages kids to play instruments but he didn't say anything. :beli: If rap is so evil and corrupt how about you do something to fight that besides make some internet threads every week on a HIP-HOP forum? That accomplishes nothing.


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
He's not doing shyt in real life about the problem. :mjlol: He even admits that he doesn't. He'll still listen to his favorite rapper Eminem though. :mjpls:

He's never brought any real solutions. I mentioned starting up a jazz band for kids or an after school music program that encourages kids to play instruments but he didn't say anything. :beli: If rap is so evil and corrupt how about you do something to fight that besides make some internet threads every week on a HIP-HOP forum? That accomplishes nothing.
TLR nikkas are content with just talk. You know this :heh:


Feb 2, 2016
Just like I thought. Lie about the fact you called me a dumb ass nikka. You didn't answer my question either, I assume it's because you can't refute anything I'm posting, be a man and admit it.Don't use deflection tactic, it doesn't work on me. You aren't addressing any of my points either, but I'm stupid for expecting anything more out of you.

When people say more white people are on welfare than any other race, do you see white people coming up with all these excuses and claiming the stat is a lie?

You are delusional and I still have yet to call you out of your name because unlike you, I have respect for people, especially black people.

You claim I have nothing to talk about yet you keep dancing around everything I'm posting, and calling names like a gradeschool child. :laff:

Take it how you want, I said its dumb nikka shyt, but if the shoe fits my dude..........and the welfare is a great example. I think you for bringing it up. By the numbers whites are actually in the majority when it comes to welfare. But in America because a large majority of blacks are or were on welfare, they create a statistical indication that more blacks are on welfare, because of the population of 13 and the high number of people being on welfare. And that use that statistical data to then turn around and indicate that blacks on welfare is a problem in America even though whites on welfare on blowing everyone else's numbers out the water. Do you see this? Do you understand the country you live in. The game that is being played? The rules and the consequences? I don't believe you do. Your responses are way to naive. Nobody is dancing around your "points" they just lack the essence of understanding the position of your race in America. And why we are in that position.


Feb 2, 2016
To black people too. Just because you don't like it or agree with it doesn't make it any less true. Lil Yachty is an embarrassment to himself to YOU but he has fans which means someone admires him. Look how the youth rise up to defend his honor when he makes a trash statement.

A guy that stupid should never be in a position to speak publicly serious social issues but as long as black people are putting him in front of a camera and microphone and letting him speak nonsense why would white people not do the same thing?

He is just one side of the spectrum.

Esther Okade, 10-year-old math genius starts college - CNN.com

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus


Feb 2, 2016
I'm not saying that he isn't but he's the one that THEY chose to put the spotlight. He needs to be reminded that if you're going to be in that spotlight representing the black community on black issues you need to come correct or pass that opportunity on to someone who will.

He is not representing the black community breh. He is representing himself. That's my point. Most people don't see that idiot as a representation of shyt but ignorance. His skin color is second to that. Just like you don't look at some idiot like Justan Beiber as a representation of white people. Have some self respect for your self. Tired of yall acting like we are an endangered species. Its plenty of us in the world to represent our selves.


All Star
Mar 5, 2014
Take it how you want, I said its dumb nikka shyt, but if the shoe fits my dude..........and the welfare is a great example. I think you for bringing it up. By the numbers whites are actually in the majority when it comes to welfare. But in America because a large majority of blacks are or were on welfare, they create a statistical indication that more blacks are on welfare, because of the population of 13 and the high number of people being on welfare. And that use that statistical data to then turn around and indicate that blacks on welfare is a problem in America even though whites on welfare on blowing everyone else's numbers out the water. Do you see this? Do you understand the country you live in. The game that is being played? The rules and the consequences? I don't believe you do. Your responses are way to naive. Nobody is dancing around your "points" they just lack the essence of understanding the position of your race in America. And why we are in that position.
You're right about a higher percentage of us being on welfare, it's exactly why I brought it up. No one is creating a statistical indication that more blacks are on welfare, it's the percentage of us. No intelligent person looks at a high percentage of people who do a certain thing as a non factor. They would look at said thing as a major problem for said people.

They wouldn't create bullshyt excuses because they "understand their position and why".

Apparently you don't understand that our positioning in this country is due to the things our ancestors chose to do. Including the begging white people for acceptance instead of building our own shyt, which dictates our current position in this country.

You suffer from black victim hood though. You fail to take accountability for the fukked up shyt we as a race have done for over a century. You think white people is out to get you, "make you look bad" and is holding you back.

You speak of a game being played but yet you're the one who can't deal with statistics because you "don't like what you see".

Once again you failed to answer my question and aren't addressing my points. You're just creating excuses.

I'm addressing all of your points and answering your questions. Why can't you do me the same courtesy?


Feb 2, 2016
You're right about a higher percentage of us being on welfare, it's exactly why I brought it up. No one is creating a statistical indication that more blacks are on welfare, it's the percentage of us. No intelligent person looks at a high percentage of people who do a certain thing as a non factor. They would look at said thing as a major problem for said people.

They wouldn't create bullshyt excuses because they "understand their position and why".

Apparently you don't understand that our positioning in this country is due to the things our ancestors chose to do. Including the begging white people for acceptance instead of building our own shyt, which dictates our current position in this country.

You suffer from black victim hood though. You fail to take accountability for the fukked up shyt we as a race have done for over a century. You think white people is out to get you, "make you look bad" and is holding you back.

You speak of a game being played but yet you're the one who can't deal with statistics because you "don't like what you see".

Once again you failed to answer my question and aren't addressing my points. You're just creating excuses.

I'm addressing all of your points and answering your questions. Why can't you do me the same courtesy?

Rosewood Massacre (1923) | The Black Past: Remembered and ...
www.blackpast.org › Racial Conflict › Mob Violence

Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia
Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia

8 Successful and Aspiring Black Communities Destroyed by White Neighbors - Atlanta Black Star

Your a self afflicting dumbass. We built our own shyt. They bombed it out of existence

We created movements, they infiltrated, killed our leaders, flooded our neighborhoods with drugs and the final blow was crack cocaine.

I am far from a victim. In fact I am one of the few people who consistently oppose that mentality which is why I am disliked on this board. You proved you don't know shyt about shyt with this post breh. And again you showed you dont even know the question let alone the answer. Like I said you are wasting my time.