Rapper Fetty Wop Receives Award For Spreading Ignorance To the Black Community

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Honestly I understand the thrust of the thread but people are attacking the victims of white supremacy and CACs love it. You could eradicate every c00n from the black community but the toxic system of racism and white supremacy would pump out more of the same thing at twice the rate because that's what it's designed to do. The system props these images up, promote this dysfunction, and keep it ingrained in our culture..

Attacking the symptom doesn't change a damn thing and CAC's sit back and watch in glee when we bicker among ourselves. You're picking the wrong battle here.

misread the post my bad, got it confused with another thread i started
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Nov 13, 2013
Philly, Norfside
but his generation allowed him to be a great leader and speaker, we still study his teachings to this day

who in the fukk from this generation will be praised and thought of 100 years from now?

drake!? lebron!? obama!?!

brother, there will NEVER be another marcus garvey, and we can't say it's because "THEY" won't let it happen, they don't control who we follow and accept, they don't even control what we click on on youtube...

People pimped, shot guns and drunk liquor back then to ya know. Garvey was getting nikkas killed too. Wasnt my point at all tho.

read this...


Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
People pimped, shot guns and drunk liquor back then to ya know. Garvey was getting nikkas killed too. Wasnt my point at all tho.

read this...


not discrediting that all i'm saying is that there were enough black people that got what he was saying to give him influence

so much so that his name still carries weight over 100 years later

all i'm saying is that if a "garvey" popped up now, he wouldn't get the same reception from this generation in fact, he'd probably just be some cat talking on youtube from his living room

the black community at that time STILL valued education, family values, and responsibility, that shyt is all gone now.


Nov 13, 2013
Philly, Norfside
not discrediting that all i'm saying is that there were enough black people that got what he was saying to give him influence

so much so that his name still carries weight over 100 years later

all i'm saying is that if a "garvey" popped up now, he wouldn't get the same reception from this generation in fact, he'd probably just be some cat talking on youtube from his living room

the black community at that time STILL valued education, family values, and responsibility, that shyt is all gone now.

hell yeah i agree. Look at how nikkas tear down Umar. Ironically he employs alot of the same techniques Garvey did.

I do agree that we have been torn down, and we are actually about to be exterminated if your paying close attention. But thats a wholllllleeee other subject. My tin foil hate theory.


Sep 2, 2014
hell yeah i agree. Look at how nikkas tear down Umar. Ironically he employs alot of the same techniques Garvey did.

I do agree that we have been torn down, and we are actually about to be exterminated if your paying close attention. But thats a wholllllleeee other subject. My tin foil hate theory.

Im curious to hear your take on this. I've been kinda thinking the same shyt honestly. Especially when watching the news


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
Profiting? These nikkas dont even own their work most of the time. Whole other subject.

Ya'll nikkas act like it's some big revelation that media is used to control people. Hip Hop is a microcosm of a larger problem. But you fools blaming the victim. Thats why white people win, because they trick you to turn your gun on yourself. Blame this country for creating a nikka like Keef, or Fetty, or whoever has that mentality. Blame these crackers at these labels for exploiting it. Blacks in the 60's and 70's were united because they knew who the enemy was. They called him "WHITEY" After crack, nikkas lost they mind. Now these crackers got you thinking it's you.

My point is these nikkas wouldnt be rapping about this shyt if it wasnt their reality. You cant fault an ignorant nikka for not knowing shyt. You can't fault Keef for being ignorant, if his environment is ignorance and hopelessness. If he has no understanding of his emotions, manhood, and social standing in this world, he's the victim and his voice and music is very important. He's just as important as Lupe/c00non/or Ye. Because they both represent the black experience. fukked up as what he's saying is, it's really going on.

nikkas not getting killed because people are rapping about it. People are rapping about it because nikkas are getting killed.

The community poisoned him, he aint poisoning the community is what im saying.

Why are u against music and images that portray blacks in a positive image? You are DEAD WRONG: Chief Keef and all of these other poisonous rappers' voices and music is NOT needed in the black community. They glorify and promote nothing but hate towards their own people. Do me a favor and post me mainstream songs by white, j*wish and asian artists singing and rapping about killing themselves and selling drugs to their own communities. You keep saying "victim blaming", but at some point, WE THE VICTIM IS GOING TO HAVE TO WAKE UP!!!! We have been hearing dark,gloomy, hate-filled music about "the results of the conditions that put us here" for 25 years now. Ask yourself, whens the last time u heard a rapper rapping about WHAT and WHO caused those conditions or what we need to do to break free of those conditions? Most of the music is about hatred for their own race, dope pushing, extreme materialism, promiscuity and glorification of gang/prison culture. So you are 100% wrong. We, black america do not need anymore of that. We need a new mindstate. A resurgance of black love and pride. This ignorant rap culture is being used by the enemy to keep only the most ignorant stereotypes of the black race at the forefront. You acknowledge media propaganda so i dont understand why YOU dont understand this. Im inclined to believe that you're lying about working with the youth (salute if you are) because to quote Dr. Boyce Watkins: anyone that doesn't believe that hiphop affects the youth CLEARLY never spends time around them. I have also worked with youth. Did a little tutoring and also worked at a youth detention center. Matter of fact, working at that youth center was when i realized how influential the hiphop culture is. It has pretty much BECOME black culture. You should read up on media propaganda. Here's a short clip. I hope that u give it a watch:

Our hiphop is being used to brainwash us and its working. Its being used to keep us hating ourselves while also keeping us ignorant of who the REAL enemy is. Bottomline, its time for a change. No more music promoting the genocide of the black race is needed. How about we start showing respect for ourselves. How about we start carrying ourselves like the kings and queens that we truly are? Would u be against a movement like that? And i hope you wishing death on me, another black man for simply disagreeing with you was just your "internet tough guy" talking. Calm down breh.


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
Since u have a "tin foil theory" do u believe in the INTENTIONAL manipulation of hiphop by "the powers that be"?
hell yeah i agree. Look at how nikkas tear down Umar. Ironically he employs alot of the same techniques Garvey did.

I do agree that we have been torn down, and we are actually about to be exterminated if your paying close attention. But thats a wholllllleeee other subject. My tin foil hate theory.


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama

thats why id rather direct my focus at them, than a fukking nikka who has nothing, and knows nothing just trying to earn a living.

Not understanding why you're so angry in here by us bringing up that wing of systematic oppression (media propaganda) but thats whatsup. We need more of US to realize that the intentional manipulation of the hiphop genre is real. Most cats will give u the:dwillhuh: and call that belief "conspiracy fantasy". Ive had it done many times. But i said in the OP that im not BLAMING Fetty Wop. He's an unknowing puppet being used like the rest of these rappers. He's been given fame, money, and a platform to influence in return to spread poison and further the negative stereotypes of the black male as a thug/dopeboy, hence his 1st song to the world being a promotion of the cooking and selling of cocaine. Factor in the fact that drugs has been PURPOSELY pumped into black communites for decades and you should see the problem that he's being given a reward for such a song.Thats why i respect a dude like Malice of The Clipse for giving up the rap game after becoming "aware". We are all focused on "them" but we HAVE to change this culture of ignorance that current hiphop (by design) promotes. We HAVE to change our mindset towards each other before we can fight back towards our true enemy. And that can start by shunning this music that glorifies destructive behavior and promotes the genocide of the black race. Again, what other race of people makes music like this about themselves for the world to sing and dance to? But u seem like a brotha thats "aware" so u cool with me. We all learning from each other and need each other so ill apologize for the "idiot" post.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
dudes a mockery to hip hop. Trap queen :leostare: that's exactly what young women should normalize and aspire to be.:leostare:

I saw a comment somewhere that said that young kids will eventually realize that these rappers sold them/us out. That's exactly what they've done. They've destroyed the image of black men on a global level while receiving all the fame and "fortune". Obviously systematic racism predates rap, but this has been a tool to teach us to do the dirty work to ourselves. Normalizing and glorifying drug dealing and abuse, baby mama culture, violence specifically targeting other black men, prison, disrespect of women( mainly black), gross materialism, etc. they definitely promote a "live fast die young" mentality and it's dangerous and completely irresponsible. The rappers and the labels behind them have blood on their hands.

I feel like a hypocrite Cuz i still partake in this demonic music sometimes. :mjcry:

But way less than before :obama:

Another form of meritorious manumission

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
We ran with the "just saying what I see happening around me" excuse long enough. It's mostly a lie now any way! It's life imitating art at this point. I can say this because how many gangster rappers you see now are actually from good households? Few really live a struggle...don't even have to sell drugs. Haven't really been round anyone selling real dope.

So it's not rapping about what they see...it's rapping about exaggerations and fiction. So yes, it's time for this rap to have run its course. Time to stop making excuses.

The only thing I see positive, is it is giving some young people a little money and opportunity. At a cost though of perpetuating a circle of ignorance.


Nov 13, 2013
Philly, Norfside
We ran with the "just saying what I see happening around me" excuse long enough. It's mostly a lie now any way! It's life imitating art at this point. I can say this because how many gangster rappers you see now are actually from good households? Few really live a struggle...don't even have to sell drugs. Haven't really been round anyone selling real dope.

So it's not rapping about what they see...it's rapping about exaggerations and fiction. So yes, it's time for this rap to have run its course. Time to stop making excuses.

The only thing I see positive, is it is giving some young people a little money and opportunity. At a cost though of perpetuating a circle of ignorance.

nikka u full of shyt if u believe that. I can tell by that statement. U aint no hood anywhere. Cause people are beyond destitute right now. fukk outta here clown.

What Gangster rapper is from a good home? Name one. Name one...


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
We ran with the "just saying what I see happening around me" excuse long enough. It's mostly a lie now any way! It's life imitating art at this point. I can say this because how many gangster rappers you see now are actually from good households? Few really live a struggle...don't even have to sell drugs. Haven't really been round anyone selling real dope.

So it's not rapping about what they see...it's rapping about exaggerations and fiction. So yes, it's time for this rap to have run its course. Time to stop making excuses.

The only thing I see positive, is it is giving some young people a little money and opportunity. At a cost though of perpetuating a circle of ignorance.

You're absolutely rite. Instead of "reporting on how it is in the hood" (blacks killing blacks, pushing dope and gang/prison glorification), its time to rap about solutions to reverse the conditions and how,who and why those conditions exist. Only thing is that the j*wish label owners wouldn't allow such "awakening" music to see the light of day.:francis:

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
nikka u full of shyt if u believe that. I can tell by that statement. U aint no hood anywhere. Cause people are beyond destitute right now. fukk outta here clown.

What Gangster rapper is from a good home? Name one. Name one...

nikka...who the fukk you talking too...

I'm from the belly...grew up in Blodgett homes...in the fukking 80's when Crack was an issue. When the only meals nikkas were getting were at school, lights and water off cause momz fukked over the stamps. NEEDLES all over the ground outside like everyone was fukking diabetic. Playing with them shyts.

Kids not growing up like that now! fukkers call struggle not having ps4 or a touchscreen phone. They not having wars as kids like we did. The only thing is kids have easier assess to guns and since they can't fight...coupled with listening to rap saying, "We don't fight no mo we shoot".

These kids not being depended upon to feed the entire family selling crack. There's not really any crack really bamming any more for one! All the crackheads either dead or clean! Of course there's some left, but not like it was. On top of that, lol, all the dope being sold is police dope! You couldn't pay me to slang dope now!!!! The fukking connect is dayum police.

So rappers with that dope rap are straight up lying.