Heat are 27th in the NBA in offensive rating. Can’t expect to consistently win when you can’t score. Even with a top 5 defense.
28 points on 16-20 FTs is nasty work.
Only 3 points off our ORTG last year w/ Lowry forgetting how to play basketball, Duncan applying for the Shangai Sharks, Oladipo being completely cooked, and Herro being an inefficient chucker.
We aren't contenders, but I knew that coming into this season when we couldn't land Beal in the off-season.
However, we got the coaching and enough talent to play spoiler to someone's hopes and dreams, Philly being the prime suspect as always
We aren't beating the Bucks/Celtics/Cavs, but I'd be more than happy to end The Process in the 2nd round as per usual.