Messed with some squats today and I'm liking the postwork workout routine now. I've gone more times this past week then I did the previous month and a half. Plus its more convenient. Instead of worrying about waking up early and rushing to the gym hoping to get atleast 45, sometimes 30 minutes in there and having to go back home and shower to go to work in the opposite direction, now i can just go to work and take my gym bag with me and hit up the gym and then go home. Gives me more time to be relaxed with my workouts and get stuff done. Plus it's not as crowded, although at 10am it isn't much crowded anyways. Plan on working to 11 until thursday and hitting up the gym afterwards. Would do the same on friday but gotta wake up early for a somewhat long drive so gotta try and rest. Was thinking of doing a split and doing cardio in the mornings since i have a treadmill in the garage, and then weights at night, but not sure how good that may work. maybe just twice a week to test it out first when i decide to. my main goal is to lower my waist size down from a 36, gonna shoot for a 35 first. was thinking about squats and my quads. they at a 24 now. wondering if thats ok or if i should lay off on the squats and tone them a bit with cardio.