Any advice on growing calves (besides jump rope)
Mine are my achilles heel (dont even ask me how)
I went from 195 May 17th to 181 June 9th weigh in. I do workout and lift consistently. Had some runs in there and I dont meet my calorie intake every day. I eat when I’m hungry or when I need food. Highly in tune with my body and after Ramadan I was able to better control appetite.
Any advice on growing calves (besides jump rope)
Mine are my achilles heel (dont even ask me how)
I went from 195 May 17th to 181 June 9th weigh in. I do workout and lift consistently. Had some runs in there and I dont meet my calorie intake every day. I eat when I’m hungry or when I need food. Highly in tune with my body and after Ramadan I was able to better control appetite.
I’m kinda ripped/shredded I guess but should I be concerned? I feel fine but I am wanting to put about 5 to 10lbs back on.
My back and abs are my most targeted areas but bruh I look at my forearms and think damn I’m small lol.
To start the year I was at 210 or so.
I can dig it. I been chubby most my life. Haven’t been 180 range since I was 18.Still didn't really hear a question.
You either wanna: continue to lose, wanna maintain your current physique, do a body recompand stay the same weight, or you wanna bulk. Those are your only options.
Should you be concerned? I don't know, I don't fast for Ramadan.
How much weight do active folks lose each year doing dat? How much weight do you usually lose (unless this is your first observance)?
Your "most targeted areas" doesn't mean much btw because how you target said areas will determine your results with those muscles to a certain degree.
Plenty of cats hit pecs and arms religiously and still have bird chests and noodles on their shoulders.
I can dig it. I been chubby most my life. Haven’t been 180 range since I was 18.
In the best shape of my life but you get them “skinny” comments and it kinda sit in back of the mind.
Don’t wanna look sick and while I feel good and like my size I kinda miss some of the bigger appearance and being a little heavier
at this size I’m feeling like I could be moved easily if I were to get into a tussle… I wanna be solid not fat but still be lightweight. You understand what I mean?
Ripped and shredded. Stomach flat V cut in tact but a lil more brolic in the chest and arms if you will.
I’m 6’0 roughly 6’1.
Lol man think of MMA fighter body type. When I hear bulk I think BULK not slim shredded.Not in the slightest.![]()
If you wanna bulk up, just say that. All the other descriptors are kinda useless since most of them are ambiguous and will vary from gym bro to gym bro.
What you consider brolic might beto the rest of us.
Might need to ask to Muslim lifters how they handle fasting and maintaining in the gym too.![]()
Tried to message you but can’t.
I’m 29 btw.
22% BF??? need to worry about just getting a proper lifting routine in place before you go on and start thinking about "ripped" and looking like an MMA fighter.............![]()
Lol man think of MMA fighter body type. When I hear bulk I think BULK not slim shredded.