@Son Goku some noob and his gurl got to the gym before me and took up both power racks that are usually empty when I workout in the morning.
Ol gurl was causally squatting just the bar.

And Not really serious. And the dude was struggling to squat a plate.
I give them a grace period as I go to warm up in the rec room.
5 minutes later they’re still bullshytting in “my space”.
Aight time to get shown up in front of your girl.
I grab a bar from the decline bench(no one ever uses the decline bench). Then I load it up. Power clean, press then squat a plate to warm up.
Frail cac takes notice and starts to wrap it up.
Kid starts trying put his weights away as I go for my second set.
Then he walks away with his girl still at the power rack. He then doubles back scared like I’m going talk to his girl

I just want you out my spot.
Dude stays there as I load up 4 plates to squat.
Let that be a lesson to you noobs. Move the duck out the way when real men come through.
Kid needs to take his ass to the leg press or smith machine next time. Otherwise you will get shown up.