Never thought about the possibility of itsdreamsworld being fake with the plates but who knows.
The truly freaky strong specimens usually solidify their greatness in some sort of federation of some kind. Leaving a mark.
All he has to do if go to a meet. That's all. End all speculations there. in the US, there’s the USAPL which is DT. Then there's 100%RAW is a drug-tested federation, but is not strictly WADA compliant. 100%RAW has held competitions in the Military Press, Strict Curl, and even a Bench for Reps Challenge.
Untested Federations (IPL, GPC, WRPF, SPF)
While these federations are separate, the rules of competition can be very similar. Included in this category are the Global Powerlifting Committee (GPC), the USA Powerlifting Association (USAPA), and International Powerlifting League (IPL) and others.
These federations are generally not drug tested and lifters can often choose between competing raw with knee sleeves, or raw with knee wraps. These same federations host competitions for those who compete in multi-ply equipment (squat suits, bench shirts, deadlifts suits – but made of multiple plies of material).