Since I ain’t see nobody else bite I guess I’m up.
Assuming your e1rm are correct (they prolly aren’t; the more reps you are from 1 the less accurate the predictions become…), what are the chances in 8 months you add 195 pounds to your total?
Prolly not likely, especially if you have to ask these types of questions.

Any knowledgeable lifter knows the higher your total is, the harder it is to increase it.
Going from 135 to 315 is much easier than going from 315 to 405, for example.
I myself added like 120 in less than 3 months (as detailed on NT) but I had unlimited food, nothing else to do, was already a junior gym gawd whenb I started, and am naturally blessed with the Gift of Sages chakra.
Is it doable? Yes. Is it realistic? No, not really.
Some questions for you:
1) How long have you been lifting?
2) What is your current split looking like?
3) How many days and hours per week can you devote to this?
4) Since you're not taking gear: are you willing to?
tl;dr: If you can't speak on these topics intelligently, the answer is no.