Essential Random Gym Thoughts Revisited...

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
I honestly give up

been stuck at 176 lbs for the past 3 weeks and the amount of food I have to eat to reach my goal of 180/185 lbs is just too much

So fukkin frustrating


Law of Conservation of Mass and Aesthetics says errybody can't be brolic. :umad:

You are officially gym beta status for life. Your (almost nonexistent) gains will be passed on to a more worthy gym bro. :ufdup:

We are the harbinger of your gym destruction. :mjgrin:

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
Started Murph prep @ 430am this morning. That vest gets heavier every year :beli:.

Shoutout @bwood056, well done. Just know you ain't finna be da almighty trap god forever.:salute:

Smdh. Idk why I thought this **** would be a good idea. UV Index 10, 66% humidity. 88°F but feels like 95 outside. :damn:

Hero WOD: Murph (aka Body Armor) -- Rx, unpartitioned; in the plate carrier with the Level IV's in (≈20lbs.)
1 Mile Run: (10:43)
Pull-ups (strict): 100 (25:01)
Push-ups: 200 (26:36)
Air Squats: 300 (21:27)
1 Mile Run: (11:35)

Total time: 1hr, 51mins.:dead:

1] Took way longer than I thought it would. My conditioning really ain't ****.:lol:
2] Never really ran with the plate carrier on. Now I know why.
3] Like Towelie said, "Don't Forget To Bring A Towel!"
4] Haven't sweated that much since I was in the sand downrange.
5] Prolly should ate a bigger dinner last night.
6] Powerbeats aint ****.
7] Never weighed over 220 on da scale before (still had the carrier on).:smokin
8] Always check the WOD. Was finna run 1.5miles twice for some damn reason.:smh:

Also, shoutout that Coli cold shower thread. When that ice cold water hit the meat. :blessed::takedat::dame:

Last time I did that shyt it took a whole-ass two hours, straight Larry status. :deadrose:

I said no mas and haven’t again. :flabbynsick:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits

Law of Conservation of Mass and Aesthetics says errybody can't be brolic. :umad:

You are officially gym beta status for life. Your (almost nonexistent) gains will be passed on to a more worthy gym bro. :ufdup:

We are the harbinger of your gym destruction. :mjgrin:
You left out the biggest part.

He probably doesn’t lift enough

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
So I got a question.

A couple years back before I got into truck driving and went over the road I was consistently hitting the gym. At my best I could bench press 225x6, squat 315x2 and deadlift 405x2

I was 5'6 at about 180lb

So fast forward maybe a year and a half of total sedentary inactivity and now I'm back at it. I now weigh about 190-195lb fluffy (probably about 15ish% bodyfat .

But anyway, muscle memory is a very amazing thing. My estimated 1rms (as of 7 weeks of running a basic linear progression 3x5 strength program) for the big 3 are 250lb for bench, 440lb DL and 315 squat.

These estimates are based off of my last set where I do an amrap.

Anyway, what are the odds that I can get to a 300 lb bench, a 400 lb squat, and a 500 lb deadlift by the end of the year?

Realistically. Assuming no injuries and my diet, resting, and training is on point.

Since I ain’t see nobody else bite I guess I’m up. :mjgrin:

Assuming your e1rm are correct (they prolly aren’t; the more reps you are from 1 the less accurate the predictions become…), what are the chances in 8 months you add 195 pounds to your total?

Prolly not likely, especially if you have to ask these types of questions. :beli: Any knowledgeable lifter knows the higher your total is, the harder it is to increase it.

Going from 135 to 315 is much easier than going from 315 to 405, for example. :sas2:

I myself added like 120 in less than 3 months (as detailed on NT) but I had unlimited food, nothing else to do, was already a junior gym gawd whenb I started, and am naturally blessed with the Gift of Sages chakra.

Is it doable? Yes. Is it realistic? No, not really.

Some questions for you:
1) How long have you been lifting?
2) What is your current split looking like?
3) How many days and hours per week can you devote to this?
4) Since you're not taking gear: are you willing to?

tl;dr: If you can't speak on these topics intelligently, the answer is no. :usure:

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
Young cocky LS/half-breed dude came in with his three scrawny cac friends and was busting out explosive TnG teps on bench, so I knew it was going to be some fukkery incoming. :mjgrin:

Dude starts working in squat reps (almost) to parallel at 135 and 225 but started going higher as the plates came on. Dude jumped up to 405 within like 10 minutes and the shyt was high asl, then went 455 with even less ROM, all beltless. :gucci:

One of his little cacling friends tried to unrack 455 and almost died. :mjlol:

Ya man’s friends were big-upping his shyt so he sent a rep at 495 and I knew he was finna get folded like a cheap towel.

Dude comes back from another exercise and proceeds directly to the bottom of the safeties with all three cacs spotting him. :snoop:

Play stupid games, win spinal prizes, crehs. :ufdup:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
No need. If I’m virtually non-existent come summer it’s because the desired results were highly noticeable and achieved :umad:
:patrice: why wait til summer.

Fitness / being fit should be endemic process.

There’s no need to get into shape, if you’re already in shape :jbhmm:

Either way I love when casuals leave the gym during the summer :ahh:


Oct 3, 2014
Since I ain’t see nobody else bite I guess I’m up. :mjgrin:

Assuming your e1rm are correct (they prolly aren’t; the more reps you are from 1 the less accurate the predictions become…), what are the chances in 8 months you add 195 pounds to your total?

Prolly not likely, especially if you have to ask these types of questions. :beli: Any knowledgeable lifter knows the higher your total is, the harder it is to increase it.

Going from 135 to 315 is much easier than going from 315 to 405, for example. :sas2:

I myself added like 120 in less than 3 months (as detailed on NT) but I had unlimited food, nothing else to do, was already a junior gym gawd whenb I started, and am naturally blessed with the Gift of Sages chakra.

Is it doable? Yes. Is it realistic? No, not really.

Some questions for you:
1) How long have you been lifting?
2) What is your current split looking like?
3) How many days and hours per week can you devote to this?
4) Since you're not taking gear: are you willing to?

tl;dr: If you can't speak on these topics intelligently, the answer is no. :usure:

I'm between intermediate and advanced. Been lifting on and off for around 4 to 6 years.

I mentioned in the post that I'm running a very basic strength beginner program at moment just to work on my main lifts. Similar to stronglifts but it's 3x5 rather than 5x5. Hit the gym three days a week right now, but once I get what I need from it I'm switching to a different program to continue progression.

I'm not taking gear.

Maybe I can hit those numbers I'm wanting to hit by the end of the year, maybe not. We'll see. If I'm off by about 20 to 25 lb on each lift that's still a W.