Profile looks awesome for a daily driver at first glance.
Then I pulled up a PJ label and took a screenshot to do a side-by-side comparison.
It looks like the PJX has less sodium (1/23rd), more nootropics (375mg), pine, 2.5g more betaine, and an effective dose of beta alanine (while the PJ is underdosed).
Only things I could nitpick with the PJX are the black pepper being at 5mg and not 10, and the price is basically what I pay for a serving of weight gainer.
That serving size is bigger than a scoop of my whey.
I could prolly still dry scoop it.
But if you got the cash like that, by all means.
SN: When not using Butchmade™ I'm tempted to just use Pre-Jym and add some beta alanine to it until I find the perfect pre.
I used to add betaine to my intraworkout drink, but it dried my mouth out and I didn't notice a difference with recovery. The extra nootropics and pine may not provide any noticeable benefit either.