Son Goku
Great Sage Equalling Heaven
shyt is boring but weeks like this are .
side note: I got 1/2 through that forever book and I’m like can’t this guys say “yeah... do whatever the fukk u wana do at this point”
No, he can't.
He used to do that in 5/3/1 and Beyond 5/3/1 and all these noobs took that shyt up to 11 and started killing themselves, then blamed in on the program. He reeled it all the way back and has since been more strict.
Perfect example, I put a homie on to the system. I check in and he's telling me he can't get through a BBS session in one go. Turns out he was doing BBS on top of another template accidentally. Mans was low-key running nSuns and BBS at the same time.
I for one find the Forever templates extremely low volume (to the point of regression) so I rarely run templates directly from the book. I use 5/3/1 to program my main lifts and then b*stardize them into my own programs.