How much productivity does powda add to your workouts?
Different type of POWDA.

Finna cop some pre POWDA
® for the journey too.
It's impossible to answer your question with a number since I always take it before my main workout of the day. I can't quantify how many reps/sets/exercises or minutes it adds a day.
Qualitatively, it's the difference from fighting with weighted clothes on and powering up to Super Saiyan (or beyond).
Workouts that push 3 hours on the POWDA
® would be (almost) impossible to finish in one session efficiently without it. Sets that go above 90% would be much harder to recover from without it, and the failure rate at that intensity would likely be higher. Days where my energy is low (lack of food/sleep/motivation) can be mitigated by using The Precious.
® is scientifically proven to increase strength and decrease fatigue, so since there is no benefit to not taking it, I take it.
Some folks get hype off of music, seeing dudes/broads, hiring personal trainers, or need a lifting partner for accountability. They can be distracted or defeated by
genjutsu: gym might be all dudes in it or the broads/dudes might be

or ugly; headphones might break or die or get left at home; and a lifting partna might bytch out, get hurt, show up late, be weak, or move. (All of those things are external and can't really be controlled.)
In order to break a genjutsu you need a partna that can agitate your chakra and wake you up. Genjutsu doesn't work on jinchūriki hosts that have control over their bijuu. My gym partna is the POWDA
® inside me.
All hail Lord Sniff-Sniff.

Give thanks for the POWDA

This is the whey!
Edit: Been out the gym for hours and I'm still low-key lit.