Ugh, is it strange i cant stand regular water? Like. I find it hard to get daily water intake.
I'm thinking about getting a whole bunch of crystal lights/ flavoring packets. I wonder would that do any good? Has anyone tried that yet?
i really don't get people who dont like water...and i dont understand the need to sweeten it. it, along with walking more, is literally the easiest, simplest thing to integrate into maintaining/improving health.
one, simply challenge yourself to drink water - set a recurring alarm, 10oz every 2 hours/ (5 oz every hour - basically one big gulp of water) - that's 80oz a day for the 16 hours most people are awake. once you train yourself to drink water you'll come to always drink/desire it.
two, why not take a natural (chemical free approach) such as drinking tea and/or making big jugs of iced tea (sugar free)
three, why not look into an infuser water bottle (put citrus, berries, veggies, herbs, whatever in it and flavor your water that way)
lastly, why not look into unsweetened carbonated water or still waters - hint water makes a ton of flavors in still or sparkling and i love la croix sparkling water.
edit: or chew gum while drinking water and let the minty taste wash down