Enlighten me on lunch workouts? You get a shower in?
How long is the actual workout
I found a gym right next to my work...well about 10 mins wondering if its feasible.
I can only imagine the lack of crowding
Im not as bold as Cashmere... I usually eat at my desk and I generally take about 1.5 hrs door to door
I definitely shower. Not that crazy of a time add. Actual workout is like 20-40 minutes depending on what I do.
Big big big big time saver is supersets. I swear by them. I usually do 6 things....
Chest arms back day I do:
Flat bench/weighted chins
Close grip bench/ T bar rows
Tricep push downs/ curls
Chest arms shoulders day I do:
Incline bench/upright rows
Shoulder press/curls
Lateral raises/tricep push downs
Goes quick. I have a gym at home where I do my lower body stuff and weekend upper body workout. Works out well.