You clearly do not understand that systems have already been set-up and established. Choosing to be separate from that, no matter race (this could easily be spoken of in many other ways), would only serve to hurt the community separating itself at this point. No one is accepting "black inferiority." The point is change can only come from within. That means getting people politically active and concerned about helping areas that are impoverished around the nation. Of course, in doing so some densely populated black areas will profit in more than just an economic way. It seems as if you'd just simply like to be free of government entirely, and I'm sorry, but that's not the way America works (it seems you're not actually aware of how involved governments (state and federal) are in people's lives... In a good way - likely your own), nor do I wish it would adopt this view. What you are speaking of is a non-existent Libertarian wet dream. It's idealistic, completely irrational, and would never work in practice.
I don't know what this is suppose to mean, I wasn't talking about separating, the point is that level of segregation should not be used as a metric for progress
What's happened is this country is that white people have used the government to protect their rights and at the same time also used the government to violate the rights of African Americans and native Americans
So the point im making is that the government should focus on protecting the economic and individual rights of minorities
The issue of segregation is neither here nor there, as long as people's rights are protected that is all that matters, the government does not have the right to tell anybody where they can and cannot live and neither do individual's
Under what im saying anybody should be able to live, work, go to school and trade and do business wherever they want, that is what it means to have your rights protected
I'm not a libertarian but I do agree wih the way they frame issues, and the main issue is individual and economic rights, and I also think the economic system in this country is based on property ownership and education, so i think that should be the focus on government action and what we need to get together to do
My issue with segregation is the notion of using it as a metric, as if where ever you have a high concentration of blacks there is a crisis and the solution is for the government to "integrate" them, i have a problem with that line of thinking, IMO intergration happens naturally in an open economic system where everybody's rights are protected