next commercial is gonna have a bi-racial baby, cacs will be furious
No, I'm not. I'm saying US DOES have a common culture and diversity is included within that culture. It has a common language, which 95% of the population speaks. That's not the same thing as demanding everyone speak the language though, which is what you seem to be advocating. You haven't explained exactly what is the alternative for citizens who don't speak English.
and a puppy.
im just demanding that the 95% (or whatever it actually is) stay at 95%, the lower that 95% figure goes the less social cohesion the united states will have
and im suggesting that people, governement and corporations should stop trying to make other languages equal with english, cuz its bad for the country
there is no alternative for citizens that dont speak english, if you are an immigrant you cant become a citizen until you learn english, if you are a kid who is a citizen but hasnt started school and the parents didnt speak english to the kid then the kid needs to be put in english classes
if you are a legal resident and dont know english you need to get with the program, the only people i would give a pass to is native americans
imo there is no room in this country for citizens that dont speak english, english is one of the glues of american culture and one that binds all americans
i said people are trying to change that
but corporations and the government are encouraging making other languages equal to english too
sure, whatever you prefer
i agree that people that made this country great came from a number of backgrounds and spoke a number of languages, whats your point?
And if they don't "get with the program"? To me it still sounds like you're talking about forcing people to learn the language. I vaguely remember you denying that earlier....... so which is it?
its a free country, if you dont get with the program nothing happens, i never said anything about forcing anybody to do anything, i was and am talking about encouraging english as the primary language for all americans
Well this country is a democracy.
As far as corporations are concerned it's about marketing.
As populations change so do the languages. It happens all over the world.
It's not whatever I prefer its reality. America is considered all of the Americas.
What is your point? Why don't you make that clear instead of posting emotional post after a emotional post with no clear aim
You've just stated yourself that it's a requirement to become an American citizens.
How dense are you?
yeah if you apply to be a citizen english is a requirement
Wouldn't you consider that to be encouraging English to be the primary language of this country or not?
This isn't some complex conversation, buddy.
the government is a mixed bag
yeah that particular policy does encourage english but there are others that dont, like giving people voting ballots on languages other than english or putting kids in bilingual education[/quote