Race relations, slavery and discrimination in Saharan and Sahelian West-Africa


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
even your prophe Poo(may he rest burn in everlasting flames) was an ayrab owner/trader in African slaves,whom described the devil as a negro in the Koran. and started the Islamic/arab tradition of turning African males held captive in euniches after his one of his main chick Aisha whom he married at 9 cheated on his middle ages limp dikk ass with African slave..Arabs are viewed revered by Muslims as Allah's chosen people and Africans as slaves since the fouding of the cult..African/black and arab supremism s deeply inbedded in the cult and integral part of Islam..to deny this would be shortsighted.

LMAO at this. The Qu'ran doesn't say anything about a black devil. Breh, go and read all 6,000 verses before you come in here with that BS.

And no, the Arabs aren't the chosen people. We believe Allah chose the Qur'an to be revealed in Arabic was because the Arabs were a CORRUPT people who worshipped different idols and did many injustices to themselves and others. They were a broken people and amongst them was a man, the Prophet Muhammad, who was pure of heart and was chosen to carry the message of the Prophets/Messengers before him.

The Prophet in his sermon before he died preached there was no difference/superiority between people (black or white or arab v non arab) except in terms of God consciousness. Read this stuff! Its in the authentic traditions.

The Prophet also freed many slaves in his lifetime. In the 7th century, slavery was one of those things that was huge and part of society. But the Prophet spoke about the virtues of not treating them like animals and giving them their due rights and freedom. Thousands upon thousands were freed in his life.

Now, so sit somewhere my brother and read a book. Islam is for all mankind not some Arabs. The Qur'anic Arabic is one of the purest things a human being can read and contemplate on. There's no doubt it is divine.


B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
good read.
@ B-Rock Obama stay on point, if you want to discuss another topic make your own thread stop derailing this one.

u don't know me stay off my dikk

islam's anti black racism relevant to this disucssion considering the arabs holding the threadstarter's people in bondage are using islamic scriputre to justify it..

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
LMAO at this. The Qu'ran doesn't say anything about a black devil. Breh, go and read all 6,000 verses before you come in here with that BS.

And no, the Arabs aren't the chosen people. We believe Allah chose the Qur'an to be revealed in Arabic was because the Arabs were a CORRUPT people who worshipped different idols and did many injustices to themselves and others. They were a broken people and amongst them was a man, the Prophet Muhammad, who was pure of heart and was chosen to carry the message of the Prophets/Messengers before him.

The Prophet in his sermon before he died preached there was no difference/superiority between people (black or white or arab v non arab) except in terms of God consciousness. Read this stuff! Its in the authentic traditions.

The Prophet also freed many slaves in his lifetime. In the 7th century, slavery was one of those things that was huge and part of society. But the Prophet spoke about the virtues of not treating them like animals and giving them their due rights and freedom. Thousands upon thousands were freed in his life.

Now, so sit somewhere my brother and read a book. Islam is for all mankind not some Arabs. The Qur'anic Arabic is one of the purest things a human being can read and contemplate on. There's no doubt it is divine.


i remember reading from a reputable source in the koran poo(may he rest in shyt)described satan as having dark/black flesh) and saying only white people will make it to heavan.

bullshyit...arabs are revered asthe chosen people and the closest thing to allah on earth by all followers of islam...there is a reason all of islam's holiest lands are in arabia and most the most respected islamic leaders and scholars are arabs.

mohommed was a pedophile and con man looking to gain followes into his cult by creating the illusion of equality but contradicted those words by owning/trading in african slaves all his life.

islam is satanic plagerized arabcentric version of christianity used for centuries to justify and inspire arab oppression of black africans any self respecting african would .:piss: upon the koran on the grave of that a-rab slave trading fakkit you consider a prophet of god


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
u don't know me stay off my dikk

islam's anti black racism relevant to this disucssion considering the arabs holding the threadstarter's people in bondage are using islamic scriputre to justify it..

If you want to start a thread about islam being used to enslave black people go for it, don't post that shyt in this thread anymore.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
i remember reading from a reputable source in the koran poo(may he rest in shyt)described satan as having dark/black flesh) and saying only white people will make it to heavan.

bullshyit...arabs are revered asthe chosen people and the closest thing to allah on earth by all followers of islam...there is a reason all of islam's holiest lands are in arabia and most the most respected islamic leaders and scholars are arabs.

mohommed was a pedophile and con man looking to gain followes into his cult by creating the illusion of equality but contradicted those words by owning/trading in african slaves all his life.

islam is satanic plagerized arabcentric version of christianity used for centuries to justify and inspire arab oppression of black africans any self respecting african would .:piss: upon the koran on the grave of that a-rab slave trading fakkit you consider a prophet of god

You have no idea what you are talking about.

I've studied this religion, traveled to the Muslim world, and all you have here is unjustifiable claims and assumptions

Arabs are not revered. That's one of the stupidest pieces of BS I've read on the coli. There also was slaves from the caucus mountains and slaves from the Levant during that era. It wasnt just Africans.

I mean for God's sake read about the Mamluks that came later.

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
If you want to start a thread about islam being used to enslave black people go for it, don't post that shyt in this thread anymore.

Speedy Gonzalez you need to fall your lawnmower jockey ass back....if you don't want to see me expose the truth about arab/Islamic oppresion of blacks stay out this thead...While the brunt of Islam's effect on blacks has been one slavery even I must admit one of the rare positives of that terrorist cult is that it inspired the the TS's ancetors(the Moors) to enslave and domesticate your cave dwelling Spaniard cac forefathers/mothers.:umad:

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
You have no idea what you are talking about.

I've studied this religion, traveled to the Muslim world, and all you have here is unjustifiable claims and assumptions

Arabs are not revered. That's one of the stupidest pieces of BS I've read on the coli. There also was slaves from the caucus mountains and slaves from the Levant during that era. It wasnt just Africans.

I mean for God's sake read about the Mamluks that came later.

Ishaq:243 "I heard the Apostle say: 'Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal!' He was a black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks.... Allah sent down concerning him: 'To those who annoy the Prophet there is a painful doom." [9:61] "Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, 'If a black man comes to you his heart is more gross than a donkey's.'"

Ishaq:144 "A rock was put on a slave's chest. When Abu Bakr complained, they said, 'You are the one who corrupted him, so save him from his plight.' I will do so,' said Bakr. 'I have a black slave, tougher and stronger than Bilal, who is a heathen. I will exchange him. The transaction was carried out."

Tabari II:21 "Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes, and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham's descendants would not grow beyond their ears, and that whenever his descendants met Shem's, the latter would enslave them."

Tabari IX:69 "Arabs are the most noble people in lineage, the most prominent, and the best in deeds. We were the first to respond to the call of the Prophet. We are Allah's helpers and the viziers of His Messenger. We fight people until they believe in Allah. He who believes in Allah and His Messenger has protected his life and possessions from us. As for one who disbelieves, we will fight him forever in Allah's Cause. Killing him is a small matter to us."
Bukhari: V9B89N256 "Allah's Apostle said, 'You should listen to and obey your ruler even if he is a black African slave whose head looks like a raisin.'"

Ishaq:450 "It is your folly to fight the Apostle, for Allah's army is bound to disgrace you. We brought them to the pit. Hell was their meeting place. We collected them there, black slaves, men of no descent."
Ishaq:374 "The black troops and slaves of the Meccans cried out and the Muslims replied, 'Allah destroy your sight, you impious rascals.'"
Bukhari:V4B52N137 "The Prophet said, 'Let the negro slave of Dinar perish. And if he is pierced with a thorn, let him not find anyone to take it out for him.... If he [the black slave] asks for anything it shall not be granted, and if he needs intercession [to get into
paradise], his intercession will be denied.'"

Blacks are different::

67-27 But when they will see it (the torment on the Day of Resurrection) approaching, the faces of those who disbelieve will be different (black, sad, and in grieve), and it will be said (to them): "This is (the promise) which you were calling for!"

Black Faces are clearly marks by Allah denoting the Unbeliever:

7-46 And between them will be a barrier screen and on Al-A'raf (a wall with elevated places) will be men (whose good and evil deeds would be equal in scale), who would recognise all (of the Paradise and Hell people), by their marks (the dwellers of Paradise by their white faces and the dwellers of Hell by their black faces), they will call out to the dwellers of Paradise, "Salamun 'Alaikum" (peace be on you), and at that time they (men on Al-A'raf) will not yet have entered it (Paradise), but they will hope to enter (it) with certainty.

Blacks are criminals and sinners:

20-102 The Day when the Trumpet will be blown (the second blowing): that Day, We shall gather the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, etc.) Zurqa: (blue or blind eyed with black faces).

55-41 The Mujrimun (polytheists, criminals, sinners, etc.) will be known by their marks (black faces), and they will be seized by their forelocks and their feet.

Blacks go to Hell:

39-60 And on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied against Allah (i.e. attributed to Him sons, partners, etc.) their faces will be black. Is there not in Hell an abode for the arrogant ones?

3-106 On the Day when some faces will be (lit up with) white, and some faces will be (in the gloom of) black: To those whose faces will be black, (will be said): "Did ye reject Faith after accepting it? Taste then the penalty for rejecting Faith."

On the Day of Judgement the Blacks are doomed:

55-39 So on that Day no question will be asked of man or jinn as to his sin, (because they have already been known from their faces either white or black).



Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
These hadiths are not authentic and the Quranic verses you quoted do not talk anout blsck people it merely signifies tgat tgose who hsve rejected faith will not be part of the light to heaven. The darkness signifies disappointment not dark people.

I'm on my phone and will post more later but you need to first talk to people who devote their lives in the science of Hadith and those who know tafsir.

This Hadith is AUTHENTIC and in Bukhari:

“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore, listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. God has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. God has Judged that there shall be no interest, and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn Abd’al Muttalib shall henceforth be waived...

Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under a trust from God and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.

O People, listen to me in earnest, worship God, perform your five daily prayers, fast during the month of Ramadan, and offer Zakat. Perform Hajj if you have the means.

[All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; white has no superiority over black, nor does a black have any superiority over white; [none have superiority over another] except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.] [EMPHASIS]

Remember, one day you will appear before God and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me, and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and it may be that the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people.”

Ishaq:243 "I heard the Apostle say: 'Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal!' He was a black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks.... Allah sent down concerning him: 'To those who annoy the Prophet there is a painful doom." [9:61] "Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, 'If a black man comes to you his heart is more gross than a donkey's.'"

Ishaq:144 "A rock was put on a slave's chest. When Abu Bakr complained, they said, 'You are the one who corrupted him, so save him from his plight.' I will do so,' said Bakr. 'I have a black slave, tougher and stronger than Bilal, who is a heathen. I will exchange him. The transaction was carried out."

Tabari II:21 "Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes, and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham's descendants would not grow beyond their ears, and that whenever his descendants met Shem's, the latter would enslave them."

Tabari IX:69 "Arabs are the most noble people in lineage, the most prominent, and the best in deeds. We were the first to respond to the call of the Prophet. We are Allah's helpers and the viziers of His Messenger. We fight people until they believe in Allah. He who believes in Allah and His Messenger has protected his life and possessions from us. As for one who disbelieves, we will fight him forever in Allah's Cause. Killing him is a small matter to us."
Bukhari: V9B89N256 "Allah's Apostle said, 'You should listen to and obey your ruler even if he is a black African slave whose head looks like a raisin.'"

Ishaq:450 "It is your folly to fight the Apostle, for Allah's army is bound to disgrace you. We brought them to the pit. Hell was their meeting place. We collected them there, black slaves, men of no descent."
Ishaq:374 "The black troops and slaves of the Meccans cried out and the Muslims replied, 'Allah destroy your sight, you impious rascals.'"
Bukhari:V4B52N137 "The Prophet said, 'Let the negro slave of Dinar perish. And if he is pierced with a thorn, let him not find anyone to take it out for him.... If he [the black slave] asks for anything it shall not be granted, and if he needs intercession [to get into
paradise], his intercession will be denied.'"

Blacks are different::

67-27 But when they will see it (the torment on the Day of Resurrection) approaching, the faces of those who disbelieve will be different (black, sad, and in grieve), and it will be said (to them): "This is (the promise) which you were calling for!"

Black Faces are clearly marks by Allah denoting the Unbeliever:

7-46 And between them will be a barrier screen and on Al-A'raf (a wall with elevated places) will be men (whose good and evil deeds would be equal in scale), who would recognise all (of the Paradise and Hell people), by their marks (the dwellers of Paradise by their white faces and the dwellers of Hell by their black faces), they will call out to the dwellers of Paradise, "Salamun 'Alaikum" (peace be on you), and at that time they (men on Al-A'raf) will not yet have entered it (Paradise), but they will hope to enter (it) with certainty.

Blacks are criminals and sinners:

20-102 The Day when the Trumpet will be blown (the second blowing): that Day, We shall gather the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, etc.) Zurqa: (blue or blind eyed with black faces).

55-41 The Mujrimun (polytheists, criminals, sinners, etc.) will be known by their marks (black faces), and they will be seized by their forelocks and their feet.

Blacks go to Hell:

39-60 And on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied against Allah (i.e. attributed to Him sons, partners, etc.) their faces will be black. Is there not in Hell an abode for the arrogant ones?

3-106 On the Day when some faces will be (lit up with) white, and some faces will be (in the gloom of) black: To those whose faces will be black, (will be said): "Did ye reject Faith after accepting it? Taste then the penalty for rejecting Faith."

On the Day of Judgement the Blacks are doomed:

55-39 So on that Day no question will be asked of man or jinn as to his sin, (because they have already been known from their faces either white or black).



Feb 25, 2013
I’m good bro thanks. I’ll read the article and than i will tell you what I think about it in pm.
I’m done with this thread since thanks to the ignorant autist troll nothing good will come out of it and I dont have time to answer to the ridiculous islamophobic comments in here. A shame though because some things happended since my last post and this Friday Mauritanian civil rights leader Biram Dah Abeid received the Front Line Defenders 2013 Award from the hands of Irish president Michael D Higgins. He was chosen from a list of 100 people all over the world. This is a great news for the struggle. White conservative mauritanians angry as hell right now about the publicity and they call this a ''zionist conspiration'' against Mauritania, Arabs and Muslims. :laugh: http://arabtoday.net/20130504285340/mauritanian-activist-wins-human-rights-award.html

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