Race relations, slavery and discrimination in Saharan and Sahelian West-Africa

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
The average Moroccan is and has always been a Berber. There has been invasions of european Romans and later Vandals, Visigoths, etc ... But these small groups were absorbed in berber ethnicities. So if thats what you mean then yeah some moroccan berbers are mixed with euros. I don't see whats special about ethnicities being mixed with neighboring invading or conquered ethnicities.

As for the Arabs there has been a conquest of Arabs but they have not been able to erase the berber ethnicities. They managed to arabise a lot of Moroccans but there’s still plenty of pure berber ethnicities in Morocco. Thing is for centuries the rulers of Moroccan dynasties where arabs and arbised minorities who claimed arabness and despised berberity. Its only with colonisation and introduction of telecommunications, infrastructure, arab language schooling long after arab invasions that lots of Berbers forgot their languages, moved to the cities, worked with and for the elite rulers and became arabised or bilingual. Things are changing though, there’s a whole movement fighting for reconnaissance of the Moroccan berber identity. Berber languages are recently official in Morocco.

Arabised berbers frequently claim arab but have very minor arab blood. Look up Rif Moroccans and Jebli Moroccans, they are neighbouring groups. One group is berber speaking,the other one is berber but arabised. They have more or less the same berber origin but the former still calls herself berber while the latter claim arab.

Nah the average Morrocan are a mutts of arab,European, and to a lessor exinct naitve Morrocan/African bloodlines whom's percentage of Berber/African blood varies from tribe to tribe and even indevidual to individual but arab/Europeans ancestory is dominate in most Morrocans whom are far removed from the ancient/original Berbers whom are the minority of black North African tribes/people.

The European influence via conquest of Morroco and the Moors shipping over million European slaves slaves to North Africa has obvously had a tremendous impact on modern Morroco's population's genes...What's special is the predomitely cac and arab Morrocans are decendents of settlers and a totally different race than idigenous black/Moors.=Morroccos orignal and native population.

The arab footprint on Morrocco and North Africa as a whole is undebinable and well documented..While arabs whom conquered Morrocco have mixed heavily with European slaves and native Morrocans they have stayed true to their arab roots,culture, and langague,

The only arabasized Berbers in Morroco are the Morrocan blacks/Moor minorities..The arabs in Morroco are real arabs of Yemeni origns but as alluded to earlier many have mixed with whites/Europeans and black natives..Whom are you to tell them their ancsestry? The cave dwelling (Rift Valley and Jebel)cac tribes in Morroco you claim are Berbers are actually decendents of berberized European slaves whom were brought to North Afica during the Moorish occupaiton of Europe and had thier Moorish and arab master's culture and language imposed on them...Causacoids and arabs are not true Berbers ot native to Africa.

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
There has been war, conquest and slavery before Islam and there will be after. Who said there was nothing before Islam ?? But saying Songhai empire, Mali empire, Tukulor empire and many others trived in spite of Islam is a joke.

African tribes were always divided.

Slavery and slave trade existed long before Arabs set foot in Africa
Are you seriously telling me the Songhay, the Mande, the Fulanis, the Hausawa, conquered other tribes and territory on behalf of the Arabs ?? 90% of the muslim people from the Sahel were converted by other blacks and had never even met an arab or a berber. Arabs and Berbers was just a tribe as another. Sometimes there was war with them sometimes there was peace with them.

Ghana and all empires were destroyed by droughts, internal dissensions, invading blacks from neighbouring tribes as much as by Arab-berbers. Moorish empire was Al Mourabitoun and Mourabitoun got defeated by Al-Mouwahidoun. Al-Mouwahidoun were other arab-berbers. Thats just history. Empires come and go, rise and get destroyed. Why be so insecure about that.

Were you got that easily from ?
The only thing they managed to do was kidnap kids when the men were busy in the fields. Thats cowardly to us. I’m repeating myself. Every single black african muslim empire in West-Africa bordering the Sahara had arabs and berbers under its authority. In Mauritania Berbers were completely defeated by Arabs and didnt have the right to bear arms and speak their own language. To this day they are even ashamed of recognising they are berber or part berber and claim pure arabness. We(soutehrn blacks) are still standing, speaking our languages and keeping our traditions and way of life. Easily dominated black african muslims, my ass.

Black Mauritanians is a new concept. Only in the USA black is a tribe. How many times do I have to tell you black africans traditionnaly do not identify by race but by tribe. Are you New World blacks even united ? How many mixed race and black dominicans or mixed race and black brazilians are quick to dissociate from african-americans or even deny their obvious blackness. Do most dominicans feel brotherhood with Haitians.

Well Haratine and Fulanis and Soninkes and Wolof in Mauritania are different too. They were under different authorities, they had their own territories, customs, etc ... Its only since 1960 that we are all together in a same artificial state founded by colonial France. And even then until the 1980’s there was no real beef with bidhanis. They did their thing we did ours, we had our share of power their had theirs. Its only since the middle of the 80’s that they try to completely take over. We are resisting that and at the same time trying to connect with the Haratine but its not an easy task as Haratine have been enslaved and alienated for centuries.
For arab-berbers its easier to unite, they all speak the same language we don't. They all have the same ancestors we dont. They all have the same culture and way of life we dont. Being muslim has never stopped us from kicking arab-berber ass when needed. Ask the Tukulor Almamys, ask the Songhay Askias. Heck even ask the Toubous from Chad who are getting it in with Libyan Arabs in southern Libya.

In the territory called Mauritania today. There was Moorish society ruling the Northern part and black societies ruling the southern parts of what is now Mauritania. The Hassan arabs definitively beat the berbers in 1674 during the Char Bubba war and since then Yemeni Arabs arabised the berbers and became the ruling class. This has nothing to do with southern blacks, as southern blacks were living in different societies with their own rules and rulers. Moors were neighbours with whom we did business. Sometimes there was beef, sometimes there was peace. Also again, Moors is an european denomination. In the past centuries it meant any north-african muslim. There were no Moors before the invasion in Spain. There was no invasion in Spain before the spread Islam. There would be no spread of Islam if Arabs never entered the region. Thus without Arabs no Moors. So how can you say Yeminis conquered the Moors ?

Isnt that what we are doing right now? Isnt this thread about blacks in Mauritania standing up against the bidhanis attempt of subjecting them. (again Its only since the middle of the 80’s that they try to completely take over) Completely alone, not a single nation helping them in any way. But the bidhanes have help from Arab nations, France, the EU, the USA, China, ... in the form of donations in the millions of $, military training, scholarships. Yes, even your half-african president Barack Obama is a staunch ally of mauritanian bidhani dominated regimes.

As for democracy. Do you know what a dictatorship is ? What would be the situation of black americans if the USA was a dictatorship ruled by whites. Do you know what it is to have a friend have the balls to publicly say fukk the president or fukk General X and the next day he simply dissapears. Or you write an open letter and the next week your father loses his job ? Its easy to talk in your democracy and your financial comfort. Are you gonna help find that missing guy ? Are you gonna pay that family chief salary ?
If by a miracle we are able to get arms and our villages get bombed by planes with thousands of dead men, women and children per week. Are you gonna take a plane to join the fight. How many african-americans will come and offer help ? How many minutes of (fair) reporting are we gonna get on CNN ? Get of your high horse and think about that.

Who is majority ? In Mauritania blacks are majority but at the same time arabs are majority because the Haratine are arabised just like berbers are arabised. Most feel arab despite having been enslaved in the past and treated as second class citizens today and that is understandable. Just as it is understandable that african-americans feel American and united with white americans despite having been enslaved for centuries and treated as second class citizens long after the end of slavery.
If there is war between a west-african nation and the USA. Are you telling me all african-americans will fight for the west-african nation ? Not sure isnt it. Well same for Haratine not all of them feel united with non-Haratine blacks. Different history, different language, different culture, ... But we(haratine and fulani and soninke and progressive bidanis) are trying to get people to see past that. Not easy since the Haratines speak hassiniya arabic as the Moors do and the southern blacks speak their own languages(they hate speaking arabic and refuse arabisation) plus french for the educated ones. Its much harder than you think.

The only thoroughly dominated people are the Haratine. But they are starting to fight back and us the non-Haratine blacks will be by their side. They will get to complete freedom and equality soon.

You as an african american(?) descendent of slaves should know the damage mental slavery does to illiterate people. Before 1865 how many plantations in the South where blacks outnumbered white like 8 to 1. Think about that instead of sitting in your 1st world environment telling a people you know next to nothing about to ''man up''.

Nah..fact..Those West African civilizations thrived cause of their stategic location and natural resources(gold, ivory,etc) which were in high demand ...Adopting thatrab pedo and negro slave trader cult contributed nothing to any of those empires and actually in the end was their downfall considering the submissive nature of African Mulims toward arabs was no doubt a major factor in the arabs so easily conquering all those black African Islam influenced civilizaitons and putting their black Muslim founders into slavery.

-you know nothing about Africa prior to arab/European interaction and only reapeating what your master's account/propaganda.Who introduced Islam to those African Muslim tribes then? Islam isn't a native African religion so their jiha'd to spread Islam were obviously on behalf of their arab masters

Ghana fell to the same arabs invaders whom conquered Morroco/Mauritania whom most likely were the same arabs whom traded with and introduced Islam to them in the 1st place...Islam was obviously use as a tool by arabs to colonize the minds and then lands of black Africans....

So why didn't the black Muslims counter attack and rescue their kids and better yet liberate themselves from the Bideine cowards? I don't think you should be bragging about the arabs defeating anyone considering conquest of Mauritania is why blacks are slave caste in their own country.

Black is a race not a tribe...Mauritanians society has been deviding itself with racial labels such as socalled white and black Moors for while so i'm sure the concept of blackness isn't that new to you.

Okay...I agree that France colonization has also played a major role in the white power structure of modern Mauritanai and understand that the Southern Mauritanian black ethnic groups aren't as weak as the Haratines but I stand by my positon in relation to Islam conditioning black Muslims to be submssive toward arabs.

-Cause Yemenis colonized Moorish lands and enslaved the Moors....Just cause the arabs initial contact with Moors was civiil doesn't change that fact.

-It took them long enough considering it's only the 21st century and according to Mauritanian negros themselves they are still under the seige of arab slavery..I have to think if they were Muslim and thus viewed arabs as god's chosen peole they were born to serve then they would have rose up along time ago..Obama is a good white house negro so it doesn't suprise me he supports and an mongrel ran white/arab power strucutre in Africa...I mean Bilal Hussien Obama did embarass himself by bowing to the Saudi King and has even supported the racial cleansing of blacks in Libya.

-Dictatorship or not AAs faced all those threats by the Amerikkkan white power structure that black Mauritanians have by the Biedine ruling class as recently as the 60s but still fought for our rights...You need stop making excuses and admit black Mauritanians have been slow to combat the arab power structure in Mauritania cause their religion teaches them to serv/obey arab authority...Freedom aint free man..It's better to die on your back then live on your knees....I'm would hope that if black Mauritanians ever found the heart to militantly rebel against Beidine domination that you would have the common sense to relocate civilians to neighboring countries...Consdiering Mauritania population is so small it couldn't be that hard...I'm sure if black Mauritanians ever found it within themselves to attempt to liberate themselves from Bideine dominationa and it came to war African American institutions such as the Black Caucus for instance would back them.

-Doesn't that speak to the Islamic rooted slave mentality of Hartaines? I can only speak for myself but I feel more kinship with Africans and other disporian blacks than my cac counterymen...While i'm sure ther would be house negros whom would go to war with their African brothers on behalf of Amerikkka most AAs would oppose the war being as alot of AAs had negative feelings about the war in arab country's like Iraq and some even tried to commit acts of aggression against Amerikkka on behalf of the plight of arabs..you would think there would be AAs whom would willing to do the same if Amerikkka ever went to war an African country.

-Okay that's good to hear...Like I said it's long overdue.

-I'm not sure were you are getting that figure from but even if blacks outnumbered whites 8 to 1 on planations you do know that not ever white lived on a a plantation and that there were institutions(army, police,overseers) which played a part in keeping AAs in bondage..Even then there were still rebellions..


May 2, 2012
Banana Town
Nah..fact..Those West African civilizations thrived cause of their stategic location and natural resources(gold, ivory,etc) which were in high demand ...Adopting thatrab pedo and negro slave trader cult contributed nothing to any of those empires and actually in the end was their downfall considering the submissive nature of African Mulims toward arabs was no doubt a major factor in the arabs so easily conquering all those black African Islam influenced civilizaitons and putting their black Muslim founders into slavery.

-you know nothing about Africa prior to arab/European interaction and only reapeating what your master's account/propaganda.Who introduced Islam to those African Muslim tribes then? Islam isn't a native African religion so their jiha'd to spread Islam were obviously on behalf of their arab masters

Ghana fell to the same arabs invaders whom conquered Morroco/Mauritania whom most likely were the same arabs whom traded with and introduced Islam to them in the 1st place...Islam was obviously use as a tool by arabs to colonize the minds and then lands of black Africans....

So why didn't the black Muslims counter attack and rescue their kids and better yet liberate themselves from the Bideine cowards? I don't think you should be bragging about the arabs defeating anyone considering conquest of Mauritania is why blacks are slave caste in their own country.

Black is a race not a tribe...Mauritanians society has been deviding itself with racial labels such as socalled white and black Moors for while so i'm sure the concept of blackness isn't that new to you.

Okay...I agree that France colonization has also played a major role in the white power structure of modern Mauritanai and understand that the Southern Mauritanian black ethnic groups aren't as weak as the Haratines but I stand by my positon in relation to Islam conditioning black Muslims to be submssive toward arabs.

-Cause Yemenis colonized Moorish lands and enslaved the Moors....Just cause the arabs initial contact with Moors was civiil doesn't change that fact.

-It took them long enough considering it's only the 21st century and according to Mauritanian negros themselves they are still under the seige of arab slavery..I have to think if they were Muslim and thus viewed arabs as god's chosen peole they were born to serve then they would have rose up along time ago..Obama is a good white house negro so it doesn't suprise me he supports and an mongrel ran white/arab power strucutre in Africa...I mean Bilal Hussien Obama did embarass himself by bowing to the Saudi King and has even supported the racial cleansing of blacks in Libya.

-Dictatorship or not AAs faced all those threats by the Amerikkkan white power structure that black Mauritanians have by the Biedine ruling class as recently as the 60s but still fought for our rights...You need stop making excuses and admit black Mauritanians have been slow to combat the arab power structure in Mauritania cause their religion teaches them to serv/obey arab authority...Freedom aint free man..It's better to die on your back then live on your knees....I'm would hope that if black Mauritanians ever found the heart to militantly rebel against Beidine domination that you would have the common sense to relocate civilians to neighboring countries...Consdiering Mauritania population is so small it couldn't be that hard...I'm sure if black Mauritanians ever found it within themselves to attempt to liberate themselves from Bideine dominationa and it came to war African American institutions such as the Black Caucus for instance would back them.

-Doesn't that speak to the Islamic rooted slave mentality of Hartaines? I can only speak for myself but I feel more kinship with Africans and other disporian blacks than my cac counterymen...While i'm sure ther would be house negros whom would go to war with their African brothers on behalf of Amerikkka most AAs would oppose the war being as alot of AAs had negative feelings about the war in arab country's like Iraq and some even tried to commit acts of aggression against Amerikkka on behalf of the plight of arabs..you would think there would be AAs whom would willing to do the same if Amerikkka ever went to war an African country.

-Okay that's good to hear...Like I said it's long overdue.

-I'm not sure were you are getting that figure from but even if blacks outnumbered whites 8 to 1 on planations you do know that not ever white lived on a a plantation and that there were institutions(army, police,overseers) which played a part in keeping AAs in bondage..Even then there were still rebellions..

are you from there or something?

you are like lecturing this dude Sonni when he is the one born in this place :pachaha: :snoop:


Feb 25, 2013
Nah the average Morrocan are a mutts of arab,European, and to a lessor exinct naitve Morrocan/African bloodlines

What's special is the predomitely cac and arab Morrocans are decendents of settlers and a totally different race than idigenous black/Moors.=Morroccos orignal and native population.

The arab footprint on Morrocco and North Africa as a whole is undebinable and well documented..While arabs whom conquered Morrocco have mixed heavily with European slaves and native Morrocans they have stayed true to their arab roots,culture, and langague,

The only arabasized Berbers in Morroco are the Morrocan blacks/Moor minorities..The arabs in Morroco are real arabs of Yemeni origns but as alluded to earlier many have mixed with whites/Europeans and black natives..Whom are you to tell them their ancsestry?

The cave dwelling (Rift Valley and Jebel)cac tribes in Morroco you claim are Berbers are actually decendents of berberized European slaves whom were brought to North Afica during the Moorish occupaiton of Europe and had thier Moorish and arab master's culture and language imposed on them...Causacoids and arabs are not true Berbers ot native to Africa.
-Maybe you should take your own advise instead of making a fool of yourself in front of everybody lol

-So the real ''berbers are blacks'' ???

I’m not even gonna bother with the rest of that garbage.


Feb 25, 2013

-you know nothing about Africa prior to arab/European interaction and only reapeating what your master's account/propaganda.

Unbelievable. I came in here tryna inform my black american brehs a bit about our struggle and you come in here spitting on my people and their history. Fukk outta here with that “why you didn’t get your children back”; whatta fukk you know about that; look up Arab-killer Bakary Makhan Kamara; his descendants still live in south-east Mauritania; he got a street named after him in the capital. As for your wannabe afrocentrist “Yemenis conquered Moors” shytt, educate yourself and go check the “who are the Moors thread”. I don’t need the “original Moors” or whatever to be black to be able to feel secure as a black man. Seriously, I’m wondering where do you get all this bull you’re spitting from ?? You’re looking at this through the eyes of a black American who doesn’t wanna comprehend and instead of asking, elaborating or exchanging information you act like you already know it all and arrogantly refute even general knowledge and facts with fantasies. Have you ever been in Mauritania, let alone Africa ? You sound really convinced you can understand and even school a Mauritanian about his complex society by watching a couple of youtube videos and articles written by ill-informed westerners who don’t care about Africa. Do you read French and/or Arabic? Do you know that 90% of the credible analyses about this country are in French and Arabic since the English speaking world doesn’t care about this part of the world. Have you ever read mauritanian press, do you know courageous Haratine activists Boubacar Messaoud or Biram Dah Abeid or even Merzough Ould Souilem* a Haratine resistant who died less than 48 hours ago ? You are an arrogant prick who doesn’t seem to think that what mauritanians themselves see or think about the situation of their country is important, interesting or even real. I am really embarrassed in your place.
*A la mémoire de Merzough Ould Souïlim

There’s no point in me going back and forth with you any longer. No way, that’s like a rap artist battling with an opera singer. Your “knowledge” is too limited and you sound very, very confused and bitter.

Just some advice don’t be insecure and bitter because you’re black and are ashamed of it. Looking for scapegoats for your insecurities in the form of black muslims top point your finger at. Black ethnicities like other ethnicities(berbers in Mauritania are 100% arabised and are ashamed of being reminded they are berbers) won some and lost some. Its hard today for our race in this “white mans world” but we’ll get out of it. I aint gon lie, its cool to see you concerned but keep smiling, stay strong and confident in any situation like a true African or black American. The black race is indestructible. You’re going about it the wrong way. Trolling and hating on black muslims that have done nothing to you and your people will not ease your bitterness. When we in Africa read about the struggle of MLK, Malcolm X or Mandela we don’t spit on them because they spoke English or were born Christians unlike us, we don’t spit on their people for being enslaved and/or oppressed for hundreds of years.

We admire them because they beat the filthy system that oppressed them and they inspire us. All my American brehs in here get that. Can you get that too stupid clown.

My fight is preservation of cultural rights, economic empowerment and justice in that shythole nation called Mauritania established by a racist euro country named France. I chose to not ignore these guys further north in Mauritania who happen to be black like me and are treated as 2nd class citizens or for some of them like slaves by some deranged white Moors. Even though they are not from my tribe, ethnicity or culture I refuse to not assist them. Every time I step foot in my country I risk getting jailed or my family harassed by my enemy the Mauritania government. And you have the nerve to open your mouth to spit in our face.

Yes as a people we got our issues, we should go harder and the road will be long but we are confident, we are on the grind vs a whole system doing what we can. Every single day we protest, we keep resisting arabisation as we always have done, some of us are in prison, others are wanted or blackballed by authorities because they refuse to sell out, others are working and hustling in the western world sending millions of dollars in remittances to help develop our lands and communities. All this despite the racist bidhani elite and their corrupted friends having allies all over the world and us not being able to count on any help by other black peoples. If it comes to war we will prepare for war like our ancestors did and lost some and won some. We do not need lessons from an armchair youtube historian/ hater living in the luxury of the USA who thinks he is going to decide or tell us what is what. I’m not in all that internet beef thing but since you’re looking for it. In the words of black american muslim hero Malcolm X: “ We cannot think of uniting with others, until after we have first united among ourselves. We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves”. Let us become united first and than we will connect with the Haratine and inch’Allah not let them down.

Edit: someone sent me a pm, you are a known and hated troll on a board called Sudanforum.net :smh:

Your username there is African Rebel(lmao) and you are constantly trolling Sudanese about their identity, their religion, their ethnicity. Telling them what they are and what they should be. You even mention Mauritania in there. :
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You’re an idiot of epic proportions obsessed with race as 99% of your posts in here can tell.http://www.the-coli.com/search.php?searchid=962519 . Do you even like hip-hop ?? You’re not better than the white colonialist scum or arab racists. I was doubting but now I am sure you can only be an autist or an arrogant, insecure troll full of hate and with a weird obsession for African muslims, insulting them and thinking he knows their societies better. A pathetic kid that couldn’t survive one week in Mauritania or anywhere in rural Africa for that matter. A pseudo-black nationalist spitting on the lives of his black brehs, a life he doesn’t even know 10% of. Blacks like you are useless. SMH. :gag:

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
are you from there or something?

you are like lecturing this dude Sonni when he is the one born in this place :pachaha: :snoop:

i don't have to be from there to realize his people are hos and it's largerly their fault for letting a small minority hold them in bondage for so long

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
-Maybe you should take your own advise instead of making a fool of yourself in front of everybody lol

-So the real ''berbers are blacks'' ???

I’m not even gonna bother with the rest of that garbage.

maybe you should spend more time on the ground advocting for your brethren stuck in biedine enslavement than posting on hip hop messageboards

-yes the the original and idigenous people of north africa/berbers are blacks such as the tubu,siwa,moors, and tuaregs among others...the whiteskinned socalled berbers are their former european slaves brought to the region during the moorish occupation of europe

in other words you can't refute anything i said so want bother trying.:whistle:

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012

Unbelievable. I came in here tryna inform my black american brehs a bit about our struggle and you come in here spitting on my people and their history. Fukk outta here with that “why you didn’t get your children back”; whatta fukk you know about that; look up Arab-killer Bakary Makhan Kamara; his descendants still live in south-east Mauritania; he got a street named after him in the capital. As for your wannabe afrocentrist “Yemenis conquered Moors” shytt, educate yourself and go check the “who are the Moors thread”. I don’t need the “original Moors” or whatever to be black to be able to feel secure as a black man. Seriously, I’m wondering where do you get all this bull you’re spitting from ?? You’re looking at this through the eyes of a black American who doesn’t wanna comprehend and instead of asking, elaborating or exchanging information you act like you already know it all and arrogantly refute even general knowledge and facts with fantasies. Have you ever been in Mauritania, let alone Africa ? You sound really convinced you can understand and even school a Mauritanian about his complex society by watching a couple of youtube videos and articles written by ill-informed westerners who don’t care about Africa. Do you read French and/or Arabic? Do you know that 90% of the credible analyses about this country are in French and Arabic since the English speaking world doesn’t care about this part of the world. Have you ever read mauritanian press, do you know courageous Haratine activists Boubacar Messaoud or Biram Dah Abeid or even Merzough Ould Souilem* a Haratine resistant who died less than 48 hours ago ? You are an arrogant prick who doesn’t seem to think that what mauritanians themselves see or think about the situation of their country is important, interesting or even real. I am really embarrassed in your place.
*A la mémoire de Merzough Ould Souïlim

There’s no point in me going back and forth with you any longer. No way, that’s like a rap artist battling with an opera singer. Your “knowledge” is too limited and you sound very, very confused and bitter.

Just some advice don’t be insecure and bitter because you’re black and are ashamed of it. Looking for scapegoats for your insecurities in the form of black muslims top point your finger at. Black ethnicities like other ethnicities(berbers in Mauritania are 100% arabised and are ashamed of being reminded they are berbers) won some and lost some. Its hard today for our race in this “white mans world” but we’ll get out of it. I aint gon lie, its cool to see you concerned but keep smiling, stay strong and confident in any situation like a true African or black American. The black race is indestructible. You’re going about it the wrong way. Trolling and hating on black muslims that have done nothing to you and your people will not ease your bitterness. When we in Africa read about the struggle of MLK, Malcolm X or Mandela we don’t spit on them because they spoke English or were born Christians unlike us, we don’t spit on their people for being enslaved and/or oppressed for hundreds of years.

We admire them because they beat the filthy system that oppressed them and they inspire us. All my American brehs in here get that. Can you get that too stupid clown.

My fight is preservation of cultural rights, economic empowerment and justice in that shythole nation called Mauritania established by a racist euro country named France. I chose to not ignore these guys further north in Mauritania who happen to be black like me and are treated as 2nd class citizens or for some of them like slaves by some deranged white Moors. Even though they are not from my tribe, ethnicity or culture I refuse to not assist them. Every time I step foot in my country I risk getting jailed or my family harassed by my enemy the Mauritania government. And you have the nerve to open your mouth to spit in our face.

Yes as a people we got our issues, we should go harder and the road will be long but we are confident, we are on the grind vs a whole system doing what we can. Every single day we protest, we keep resisting arabisation as we always have done, some of us are in prison, others are wanted or blackballed by authorities because they refuse to sell out, others are working and hustling in the western world sending millions of dollars in remittances to help develop our lands and communities. All this despite the racist bidhani elite and their corrupted friends having allies all over the world and us not being able to count on any help by other black peoples. If it comes to war we will prepare for war like our ancestors did and lost some and won some. We do not need lessons from an armchair youtube historian/ hater living in the luxury of the USA who thinks he is going to decide or tell us what is what. I’m not in all that internet beef thing but since you’re looking for it. In the words of black american muslim hero Malcolm X: “ We cannot think of uniting with others, until after we have first united among ourselves. We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves”. Let us become united first and than we will connect with the Haratine and inch’Allah not let them down.

Edit: someone sent me a pm, you are a known and hated troll on a board called Sudanforum.net :smh:

Your username there is African Rebel(lmao) and you are constantly trolling Sudanese about their identity, their religion, their ethnicity. Telling them what they are and what they should be. You even mention Mauritania in there. :
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You’re an idiot of epic proportions obsessed with race as 99% of your posts in here can tell.http://www.the-coli.com/search.php?searchid=962519 . Do you even like hip-hop ?? You’re not better than the white colonialist scum or arab racists. I was doubting but now I am sure you can only be an autist or an arrogant, insecure troll full of hate and with a weird obsession for African muslims, insulting them and thinking he knows their societies better. A pathetic kid that couldn’t survive one week in Mauritania or anywhere in rural Africa for that matter. A pseudo-black nationalist spitting on the lives of his black brehs, a life he doesn’t even know 10% of. Blacks like you are useless. SMH. :gag:

thanks for confirming what i said....your account of moorish/mauritanian history is that of your french/white colonial masters not that of the moors orthose whom came in contact with them...the fact is there countless ancient art depictions and literary testomonies of the moors from their medevil era which portrayed them or described them vividly as black/negros..the word moor meaning black and their west african background, and most virtually all modern moors(including the biedine socalled white moors) being of obvious black african orgin a testament moors always being a black people that no eurocentric revisonary history can ever change or logicaly counter.

so i'm ashamed and inecure of being black cause i tell you weak mauritanian abids to stand up for yourselves and stop letting a tiny arab minority dominate and enslave you.:childplease: my issue/digust is with how submissive african muslims are toward(arabs) as proven in mauritania) not with african muslims themselves(atleast not the abids whom don't kill other africans on behalf of the their master's religion.)

let's be real...pure/true arabs make up 5% of mauritania tops...black mauritanains tolerate being dominated by arabs cause isalm teaches you your purpose in life is to serve arabs....any majority muslim black african country with an arab minority has the potential to be another maruitania given the right circumstances.

- you just said a few post ago that mauritania's beidine/white moor president(whom would be considered black in america btw) was an good guy with black african friends and family so the government can't be that bad...like i said if black mauritanians are still living in arab slavery it's cause they choose to be and are only following their faith/prophet islam which teaches them to worship/submit to arabs.

-all that's good and it's what you should be doing but black mauritanians want trulely be free of arab bondage until you abandon the arab supremist cult of islam.

- what can a say but some slaves of arabs/abids on that board find my blunt but contructive critism hard to take...whom pmed you? i always supected that a sudanese haratine posted on this board...

i'm a grown ass blackman and as such no i'm not a fan most minstrel monkey shyt that is mainstream hip hop today....i prefer substance and talent over style...looking at the high premature mortality rate and relatively low life spans black afrians have a hard time surving in africa but as a strong,intilligent, and resourceful blackman i'm sure i would find my niche and you would unlike the punk marutianian negros would never let anyone enslave me in my own land....encouraging black africans to lose their slave complex and fight for their rights isn't spitting on their lives...if there were more blacks like me in mauritania your people would've havae never allowed such a small fraction of the population rule over you for so long.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
thanks for confirming what i said....your account of moorish/mauritanian history is that of your french/white colonial masters not that of the moors orthose whom came in contact with them...the fact is there countless ancient art depictions and literary testomonies of the moors from the era of the moorish empire which portrayed them or desribed them vividly as black/negros..the word moor meaning black and their west african background, and most virtually all modern moors(including the biedine socalled white moors) being of obvious black african orgin a testament moors always being a black people that no eurocentric revisonary history can ever change or logicaly counter.

so i'm ashamed and inecure of being black cause i tell you weak mauritanian abids to stand up for yourselves and stop letting a tiny arab minority dominate and enslave you.:childplease: my issue/digust is with how submissive african muslims are toward(arabs) as proven in mauritania) not with african muslims themselves(atleast not the abids whom don't kill other africans on behalf of the their master's religion.)

let's be real...pure/true arabs make up 5% of mauritania tops...black mauritanains tolerate being dominated by arabs cause isalm teaches you your purpose in life is to serve arabs....any majority muslim black african country with an arab minority has the potential to be another maruitania given the right circumstances.

- you just said a few post ago that mauritania's beidine/white moor president(whom would be considered black in america btw) was an good guy with black african friends and family so the government can't be that bad...like i said if black mauritanians are still living in arab slavery it's cause they choose to be and are only following their faith/prophet islam which teaches them to worship/submit to arabs.

-all that's good and it's what you should be doing but black mauritanians want trulely be free of arab bondage until you abandon the arab supremist cult of islam.

- what can a say but some slaves of arabs/abids on that board find my blunt but contructive critism hard to take...whom pmed you? i always supected that a sudanese haratine posted on this board...

i'm a grown ass blackman and as such no i'm not a fan most minstrel monkey shyt that is mainstream hip hop today....i prefer substance and talent over style...looking at the high premature mortality rate and relatively low life spans black afrians have a hard time surving in africa but as a strong,intilligent, and resourceful blackman i'm sure i would find my niche and you would unlike the punk marutianian negros would never let anyone enslave me in my own land....encouraging black africans to lose their slave complex and fight for their rights isn't spitting on their lives...if there were more blacks like me in mauritania your people would've havae never allowed such a small fraction of the population rule over you for so long.

what a dumb thing to say :wtf:

There's a billion Muslims and thev ast majority are not Arabs or even close to being Arab. The Qu'ran and traditions of the Prophet are in Arabic but that's it.

GTFOH with that, you're bias is clear and we know the :troll: job you're doing here on @Sonni 's thread
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B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
what a dumb thing to say :wtf:

There's a billion Muslims and thev ast majority are not Arabs or even close to being Arab. The Qu'ran and traditions of the Prophet are in Arabic but that's it.

GTFOH with that, you're bias is clear and we know the :troll: job you're doing here on @Sonni 's thread

you are in denial if you can't their is a heirachy in islamic society which puts arabs on a pedestal and treats black muslims as a slave caste....mauritania just happens to be the most clear and obvious example in africa but such white/arab power structures are the same across the islamic/arab world.
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Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
you are in denial if you can't their is a heirachy in islamic society which puts arabs on a pedestal and treats black muslims as a slave caste....mauritania just happens to be the most clear and obvious example in africa but such white/arab power structures are the same across the islamic/arab world.

Nah, this isn't from the religion.

What these people in Mauritania and other places do is flat out HARAM/FORBIDDEN and any credible scholar will tell you this. Not the idiots that toe the line of governments and other bullshid.

And Arabs aren't looked upon as some favored people. Hell, not all Arabs are Muslim with a good population of them being Christians in the total scheme of things...

Say that shid to a proud African Muslim and you'll get slapped breh... I swear if you came to Somalia and told my people that :heh: they'd tell you how they'd f*** up an Arab if they got the chance.


Feb 25, 2013
Brehs, don’t bother with this hateful, bitter and extremely confused autist.
I’ll let you be the judge, look at my posts and his posts and see who you can take seriously.:pachaha:

He admitted himself he spent years trolling and hating on Africans on various boards and hes tryna do that here since he also admitted he doesn’t even like hip hop. Its easy to see he’s a sick individual.

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
Nah, this isn't from the religion.

What these people in Mauritania and other places do is flat out HARAM/FORBIDDEN and any credible scholar will tell you this. Not the idiots that toe the line of governments and other bullshid.

And Arabs aren't looked upon as some favored people. Hell, not all Arabs are Muslim with a good population of them being Christians in the total scheme of things...

Say that shid to a proud African Muslim and you'll get slapped breh... I swear if you came to Somalia and told my people that :heh: they'd tell you how they'd f*** up an Arab if they got the chance.

even your prophe Poo(may he rest burn in everlasting flames) was an ayrab owner/trader in African slaves,whom described the devil as a negro in the Koran. and started the Islamic/arab tradition of turning African males held captive in euniches after his one of his main chick Aisha whom he married at 9 cheated on his middle ages limp dikk ass with African slave..Arabs are viewed revered by Muslims as Allah's chosen people and Africans as slaves since the fouding of the cult..African/black and arab supremism s deeply inbedded in the cult and integral part of Islam..to deny this would be shortsighted.

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
Brehs, don’t bother with this hateful, bitter and extremely confused autist.
I’ll let you be the judge, look at my posts and his posts and see who you can take seriously.:pachaha:

He admitted himself he spent years trolling and hating on Africans on various boards and hes tryna do that here since he also admitted he doesn’t even like hip hop. Its easy to see he’s a sick individual.

I'm only trying to help you abids emancipate yourselves from the mental and physical shackles of Islam/arab slavery breh..

You mind showing me were I admitted any of those accusations.:whoa: