Unbelievable. I came in here tryna inform my black american brehs a bit about our struggle and you come in here spitting on my people and their history. Fukk outta here with that “why you didn’t get your children back”; whatta fukk you know about that; look up Arab-killer Bakary Makhan Kamara; his descendants still live in south-east Mauritania; he got a street named after him in the capital. As for your wannabe afrocentrist “Yemenis conquered Moors” shytt, educate yourself and go check the “who are the Moors thread”. I don’t need the “original Moors” or whatever to be black to be able to feel secure as a black man. Seriously, I’m wondering where do you get all this bull you’re spitting from ?? You’re looking at this through the eyes of a black American who doesn’t wanna comprehend and instead of asking, elaborating or exchanging information you act like you already know it all and arrogantly refute even general knowledge and facts with fantasies. Have you ever been in Mauritania, let alone Africa ? You sound really convinced you can understand and even school a Mauritanian about his complex society by watching a couple of youtube videos and articles written by ill-informed westerners who don’t care about Africa. Do you read French and/or Arabic? Do you know that 90% of the credible analyses about this country are in French and Arabic since the English speaking world doesn’t care about this part of the world. Have you ever read mauritanian press, do you know courageous Haratine activists Boubacar Messaoud or Biram Dah Abeid or even Merzough Ould Souilem* a Haratine resistant who died less than 48 hours ago ? You are an arrogant prick who doesn’t seem to think that what mauritanians themselves see or think about the situation of their country is important, interesting or even real. I am really embarrassed in your place.
A la mémoire de Merzough Ould Souïlim
There’s no point in me going back and forth with you any longer. No way, that’s like a rap artist battling with an opera singer. Your “knowledge” is too limited and you sound very, very confused and bitter.
Just some advice don’t be insecure and bitter because you’re black and are ashamed of it. Looking for scapegoats for your insecurities in the form of black muslims top point your finger at. Black ethnicities like other ethnicities(berbers in Mauritania are 100% arabised and are ashamed of being reminded they are berbers) won some and lost some. Its hard today for our race in this “white mans world” but we’ll get out of it. I aint gon lie, its cool to see you concerned but keep smiling, stay strong and confident in any situation like a true African or black American. The black race is indestructible. You’re going about it the wrong way. Trolling and hating on black muslims that have done nothing to you and your people will not ease your bitterness. When we in Africa read about the struggle of MLK, Malcolm X or Mandela we don’t spit on them because they spoke English or were born Christians unlike us, we don’t spit on their people for being enslaved and/or oppressed for hundreds of years.
We admire them because they beat the filthy system that oppressed them and they inspire us. All my American brehs in here get that. Can you get that too stupid clown.
My fight is preservation of cultural rights, economic empowerment and justice in that shythole nation called Mauritania established by a racist euro country named France. I chose to not ignore these guys further north in Mauritania who happen to be black like me and are treated as 2nd class citizens or for some of them like slaves by some deranged white Moors. Even though they are not from my tribe, ethnicity or culture I refuse to not assist them. Every time I step foot in my country I risk getting jailed or my family harassed by my enemy the Mauritania government. And you have the nerve to open your mouth to spit in our face.
Yes as a people we got our issues, we should go harder and the road will be long but we are confident, we are on the grind vs a whole system doing what we can. Every single day we protest, we keep resisting arabisation as we always have done, some of us are in prison, others are wanted or blackballed by authorities because they refuse to sell out, others are working and hustling in the western world sending millions of dollars in remittances to help develop our lands and communities. All this despite the racist bidhani elite and their corrupted friends having allies all over the world and us not being able to count on any help by other black peoples. If it comes to war we will prepare for war like our ancestors did and lost some and won some. We do not need lessons from an armchair youtube historian/ hater living in the luxury of the USA who thinks he is going to decide or tell us what is what. I’m not in all that internet beef thing but since you’re looking for it. In the words of black american muslim hero Malcolm X: “ We cannot think of uniting with others, until after we have first united among ourselves. We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves”. Let us become united first and than we will connect with the Haratine and inch’Allah not let them down.
Edit: someone sent me a pm, you are a known and hated troll on a board called Sudanforum.net
Your username there is African Rebel(lmao) and you are constantly trolling Sudanese about their identity, their religion, their ethnicity. Telling them what they are and what they should be. You even mention Mauritania in there. :
ONE MAN'S ARAB IS ANOTHER MAN'S N***ER - Page 2 - Sudan.Net Discussion Board - Main Page
Meet the Janjaweed - Sudan.Net Discussion Board - Main Page
Zaghawa tribe - Sudan.Net Discussion Board - Main Page
You’re an idiot of epic proportions obsessed with race as 99% of your posts in here can tell.
http://www.the-coli.com/search.php?searchid=962519 . Do you even like hip-hop ?? You’re not better than the white colonialist scum or arab racists. I was doubting but now I am sure you can only be an autist or an arrogant, insecure troll full of hate and with a weird obsession for African muslims, insulting them and thinking he knows their societies better. A pathetic kid that couldn’t survive one week in Mauritania or anywhere in rural Africa for that matter. A pseudo-black nationalist spitting on the lives of his black brehs, a life he doesn’t even know 10% of. Blacks like you are useless. SMH.