Will Smith once said, "If youre fixated on obstacles they become harder to climb, get out of your own way." This is so profound because it is the reason why Player hateHERs lose their focus. A Player hateHER will focus much more on someone elses success than on their own goals. To a person who is already insecure, this can lead to a whirlwind of player hating.
KATRINA: Have you ever sat down with one of your girlfriends and exchanged ideas about your plans and goals, only to find out later that she secretly hoped that all of your aspirations would NOT come true? Well, honey, beware! This hateHER has no obvious telltale signs of who she is, and the way she finally reveals herself to you is usually by accident and without her knowledge.
All of my life I have had the drive and determination to be successful. It was never just a dream, I made it my choice to be great and I was willing to put in all the hard work it took to make it a reality. Fear of success is what stops some women from achieving greatness. Their fear is greater than their confidence.
"I would have to agree that my fear of getting out
on my own held me back for years. I used to
criticize people for doing their thing until I realized
why. I was so afraid to try something other
than what I already knew that it made me angry.
It wasnt until I took a leap of faith and started
my own business that I truly found happiness.
Now Im successful and I always want to kick
myself for taking so long to just be me."
CLENCY, Pennsylvania
It is so easy to do when you make the commitment to YOU! I made a commitment to myself to be the best me possible. I started in school by majoring in communications because I knew that I would need those skills to work in the sports and entertainment business. Then I surrounded myself with positive people like my family and my best friends, who encouraged me to reach for my dreams. Having the support that I did helped me to overcome many of the setbacks that I had to endure during my pursuit for success.
In my line of work, contacts and networking is vital. I have had so much funny luck with some female contacts. For instance, there is a young lady whom I have known for a very long time. Lets call her Kelly. Kelly saw how determined I was to grow my business. She would even tell me she admired my persistence, but for some reason I could not stop feeling as if Kelly secretly did not want me to attain the success I had been working toward all these years. Every time I would pursue an opportunity to advance my career with my management company, it seemed as if Kelly would try to talk me out of it. A couple of times I even considered staying in my secure job as a high school teacher collecting a decent, but steady paycheck . . . because after talking to Kelly it seemed like the right thing to do. Theres nothing wrong with maintaining a nine-to five, but I was dead set on working for myself. It was all I had ever dreamed of.
Id always felt that I could start my own business and everything I did before forming my own company was just preparation. Tamara and I discussed forming a partnership
years ago. We wanted to create a record label that would promote great music for real artists, not the Making the Band artists that are flooding the airwaves now. We also had dreams of becoming fashion designers by creating a clothing line for the curvy woman.
We sat down many days and discussed big, big plans for the future and today we are living that future. We both have had several detours along the way, but we never ever gave up or thought that we werent going to achieve our goals. However, we did recognize where our support did and did not come from and we picked up on the subtle hints of jealousy from some of our friends.
And I dont think its so much that they didnt want us to succeed as it is they were projecting their own fears and insecurities upon us. For example, someone with low self-esteem and an insecure attitude does not possess the determination it takes to do some of the things I have set out to do and completed. What they dont know is that in spite of my fears, I tried. And thats the first step.
"I dont have many friends, especially female
friends. I find that females are usually jealous
and judgmental. I think it is better to just be
alone than deal with all of the nonsense."
FLORA, Florida
Unfortunately, Flora cant recall a positive female relationship to draw strength from. After corresponding with her, we learned that she doesnt have a great relationship with her mother and doesnt have any sisters. This could be a big part of her unfortunate attitude toward women. It is possible that Flora doesnt feel comfortable interacting with women because shes never really had to.
When you have a bad experienceor should we say a player-hating experiencewith a female not everyone will react the same or feel the same as you, so be mindful. Another thing to think about: when others hear good news, they may pat you on the back, give you a hug, and congratulate you over and over as if they, too, had achieved this success. But the Player hateHER appears to be reserved, smiles (fake), and says something such as: Thats nice, has anybody seen my purse?
TAMARA: Unfortunately, insecurity is innate for many women. Some of us are more sure of ourselves than others, but we are all insecure in some way.
During my time in the entertainment industry, my upbeat personality always stood out. I was always considered the nice one in SWV. I didnt have the strongest voice, but my positive attitude helped me stay afloat in the music business. I could make the devil feel loved. This didnt always sit well with the other members of the group. They often felt like they were being criticized and that no one ever saw my indiscretions. And the other girls began to resent me. Sometimes it would get ugly. Lets just say I spent many nights alone in my bunk on our tour bus just to have a break from all of the venom that was being spit.
One girlfriend of mine, Ill call her Toni, told me about how she thought shed found a good friend in someone only to find out that this so-called friend was out to get her from day one. Toni told me that this friend disguised herself very well. No one could tell her she was not on the straight and narrow. She called Toni daily, they would go out clubbing together, and it seemed like she was always there for her when Toni needed someone to confide in. Toni couldnt ask for more. So she thought!
Toni learned the hard way that every chance this friend could get to dog out Toni, she would take it. At the same time this friend would talk about her behind her back. This girl actually told people that Toni had herpes! That was a low blow. When Toni tried to discuss the situation with this person, she became rude and defensive. I told Toni the bottom line was that her friend was jealous of her for some insane reason and that she needed to get as far away from her as possible. Until this girl realized that she had personal issues, she would always project her insecurities and fears onto someone else. In this girls mind, it was always someone else who was wrong and not her.
I understand where a lot of Tonis alleged friends frustration came from, so my sensitive side would try to be there for her. This girl seemed to have plenty of friends, but she had been in several relationships that were not productive, her career was not working out the way she had thought it would, and she was heavily in debt. On the outside looking in, she resented Toni for following her dreams of opening her own nail salon. This is a classic example of since I cant do it, Ill be damned if you do. This woman deliberately befriended my friend with ill intentions.
Player hating can be premeditated and obvious, as it was in Tonis story, or it can be covert. It is important to recognize the signs and deal with them appropriately. This leads to a very important point that needs to be clearly understood. Everyone makes their own choices. Some may be good and some may be bad, but ultimately one has to be prepared to stand behind every choice that one makes. Everything in life has its purpose. Its up to you to believe that the path you have chosen was meant for you. Most women love to play the victim when the choices they make do not work out the way that they expect. If another womans choice seems to be more productive than your own, it can cause a resentment that can build into a messy catfight down the line. Learn to be content with the choices that you make whether good or bad because life is really what you make of it.
"I know someone who has decided to quit her job
to pursue other avenues. I felt like I was very
supportive of her efforts because I know how
hard and scary it must be to start a business,
especially for a black woman. After time passed,
this person found herself under a little bit of
pressure to get her business up and running.
She started to take everything so serious. She
didnt want to joke around anymore. She was
always snappy and her attitude was the worst.
She hated on everyone around her because she
was having a hard time."
CATHERINE, North Carolina
For Catherine, its probably best for her to try to convince her friend to discuss how she feels about her situation with the people who are closest to her. They can help her get through her rough period. If she shuts out the world, it is easy to make a mountain out of a molehill. And we all know how women can escalate a simple no into a major Hell NO!
Nothing in life is perfect and you will run into some women who are just not happy with themselves no matter what. Dont let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch. Do not prevent yourself from meeting a really good friend because you met one person that cant handle a little adversity. Always foster someone elses talents and dreams no matter how outlandish they may seem. You may not be rewarded instantaneously, but good actions are always noticed and will be reciprocated in time.
KATRINA: Ultimately, the hateHER is afraid that someone else will have the drive and tenacity to do something she herself cant do. I have made several leaps into what I thought would be a successful career only to fall short. One attempt that comes to mind is the mail-order catalog business that I started and ended after a brief six-month stint. After receiving orders from no one but my immediate family members, I gave up. But from each of those ventures came a lesson learned. One Christmas Tamara got me a book on 101 careers you can start at home. I had to laugh because I didnt realize my drive toward entrepreneurship was so apparent. She knew exactly what I was trying to accomplish in life, and she encouraged it...without me ever having to say a word. On the flip side, Ive had other friends who had direct connections to someone who could possibly advance my career, but they never once offered to initiate some type of meeting or conversation between me and the contact. All I needed was an introduction; no one can sell me better than me. And the rest I would do on
my own.
Have faith that you will succeed, lift yourself up, but most importantly, lean on the friends who do support you. They will help you to combat the hateHERs, and every time they give an encouraging word, itll be right on time. But at the same time, your player-hating friend is obviously experiencing difficulties and dealing with some issues. So dont cut her off, be there for her because she wants what you already have. On your way up the ladder of success, dont forget to turn around and reach out a helping hand to other women on their way up. Theres room for us all at the top.
Player HateHer: How to Avoid the Beat Down and Live in a Drama-Free World
~*Tamara A. Johnson-George & Katrina R. Chambers
"Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? Its beyond me." ~*Zora Neale Hurston