Think the problem is that I give off a corny vibe, I have kind of a monotone voice. Ngl, I say basic shyt like “yo how’s your night going”/ “you’re cute, I like your outfit”/ “yo I’m X what’s up” / “happy friday” shyt like that.
Compared to your boy who's bringing the party, it's easy to see why you're failing.
If you can't engage these broads on an emotional level, all you can do is "be yourself" and hope some broad understands your story (c) Nas.
Cats who do that end up with the mediocre chicks they work with, or are in their classes. Not the hot ones they work with/school with, the mediocre ones that get a long time of exposure. And by get, I mean girlfriend, not straight up sex, but all the baggage that comes with being a boyfriend to a 6.
Newsflash - You're already "being yourself" - and you're not getting the results you want.
You have to change who you are as a person.
I know cats don't want to hear it.
I know cats just want to keep saying the same BS that society tells em.
Cats always want tweaks, tips, tricks, hacks - naw B, you gotta do the deep work necessary to get with these broads reliably.
I don't mean putting on an act, I don't mean pretending - I mean CHANGING.
Reliably starting good conversations is not some God Given Gift. It's a skill set, one that you have to learn. It's not a skill set most people have, but a lot of people do.
I'll give you one insight - chances are that you are an interesting and engaging person - you just don't know when and how to convey that, or how to do deal with people's reactions when you start being real. It's why you stick with BS like "How's it going, and Cute shoes". That safety first steez is not good. If you see guys doing that boring stuff - they have something else going on that engages chicks. Tall, Handsome, Dancer, Great Voice, Status, "Vibe" (which is his nonverbal body language and its effects on those around him), etc.
If boring conversation worked, everyone would be swimming in hoes.
Without more data, analyzing your general approach
- Nothing is wrong with your first couple of words
- What is wrong is YOUR EXPECTATION THAT SHE'S GONNA BE FEELING YOU FROM JUMP, that she's gonna want to chat from jump.
That's like dude at the sales lot saying, "Hey you like Camry's?"
A few chicks might be polite, might be cordial, some might humor you a bit by responding a little - but what you're saying and how you're acting isn't ENGAGING. And that's why you're failing.
You're not emotionally engaging - because you are stuck in particular mindset, which results in boring behaviors and habits.