John Reena
Anyways, went out this weekend in AZ for a mini vacation. Got rejected like 80+ times. Didn’t do anything or meet up with any women. They weren’t feeling me in the venues or outside. Really pushed myself to talk to any women I found attractive.
Tried to apply some of the advice I got earlier. Got 2 numbers and an IG that went nowhere. They didn’t respond.
Stayed to the brutal end too. Out at 3-4am every night still trying to approach. That shyt wore on me. I try not to let shyt affect me but at this point. I’m just over here like
Even worse was being out and seeing dudes you know you look better than having all these good ass interactions with fine women. Meanwhile I’m intentionally putting myself out there getting nothing.
Feel like I wasted my time, overall the only thing I can commend myself on is that I didn’t give up. And in retrospect I’ve had many nights like this and years later I’m still subjecting myself to this bullshyt because I continue to push myself to go after what I want.
Idk man. I kept thinking to myself that I have to reinvent the wheel and do something different but idk. Nothing worked.
U coming across as desperate. Women smell that a mile away. Just relax and be cool.