Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
On female deception, one has to be ESPECIALLY wary of it when a woman actually likes you. I've found that women all of a sudden are single when they are presence of a guy they like. It has happened to me a couple of times... These were very sweet women no doubt, but they had men in their lives, one a husband and one who was a 'friend', but he ended up impregnating to her. When I asked them their relationship status, they pretty much let me know they were single. Do you see how a situation like that could have spiraled out of control? I invite these women out and all of a sudden, their man sees them with me and thinks I've taken her from them, but in reality she told me she was single. You have to be very careful and really do your research on these women.


All Star
May 19, 2012
Honestly, the best advice that I've taken from this thread and is something that we men should all live by is what @Turbulent said:

Start seeing it like she's lucky you even give her time and attention. she's the lucky one, not you. have that in your mind and it will trickle down to your actions and words.

I think a lot of dudes lose sight of that. We start believing we are the lucky ones which essentially gives the woman all of the power and eventually allows them to run wild on their dudes.
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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I agree. But even though, you're only supposed to enter into marriage with the "cream of the crop" (in your eyes).

Alot of guys marry just any old chick and wonder why it failed:snoop: If you have ANY doubts about your woman, she isnt marriage material at all:ufdup:

A good marriage > A good relationship > A bad relationship > A bad least in a bad relationship you can just walk out scot free with no attachments:manny:

Bottomline is.....WE decide if we get married or not, not them. Never should a man settle for less then the best if he's gonna finally decide to get married.

It's our choice (men). Don't blame "marriage" because you picked the wrong woman brehs. A rocky relationship is not gonna magically change just because you're married.

How did you find your wife?

What made you want to marry her?

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


May 6, 2012
I have a feeling that that's what she's doing to me right now. I'm still as playful, goofy and guarded as day one; still haven't cracked yet and i believe, this 4th month and me still being reserved is why girl still is on full admiration mode for the boy.

What about when i start to get routine? When the thrill and excitement is gone - will she still appreciate me for me and be in love with my true character? As much as i'd like to believe she won't do that - women are susceptible to anything, anywhere and most importantly... any time.

Not saying i'm putting up a front/facade, as it is my true personality, but who's to say that this won't get weary on her end? It just may - and as much as in denial about the inevitabilities and that when she was i was the best thing that happened to her (last night via text)... i know better and to realize that it's just how she feels "at the moment".

It's really gonna suck when reality hits - but that's why i'm still guarded and prepared for any surprises or curveballs this seemingly pristine angel i have in my life.

Hopefully i'm not being too cautious... just a realistic and because of my experiences and also, living vicariously through the stories i hear through friends/family and fellow Coli breaghs... the future seems so bleek and dim. The only thing that is certain from here on out, is not everlasting love/her affection for you, the joys of having a companion that gives you attention... shiit, not even our health and wealth.

All you've got is your mind - and the only way to ensure it will be at peace is to remain/become as resilient as you can and be wise about things you can't control.

Sure, in relationships, women may have the upperhand...

But as the men of the Gems thread, i like to believe we have the upper mind.

Use it to keep you elevated and away from any potential dangers. This comradery between us is why we standing and why we here TODAY!!!

Tomorrow, i take my lady friend of four months to dinner. As she sit across from eachother on the dinner table, and we're sentimentally gazing in eacthothers eyes, she's gonna start thinking about spending the rest of her life with this stud in front of her; the house, white picket fences, poodles, oodles and noodles with 4 chul'ren to parle the social landscape.

Au contraire, the only thing that is crossing my mind is how good this Manhattan is and how this 3 course meal, as good as it gon' be - fixing to cost me damn near a pair of airmaxes. Shiiieeetttt...

The reality of the matter is?

My heart knows better than to ever drop this guard, in fear that if i do, the proverbial blow i'll get to the face may be one that i might never recover from.

And that's the representation of impact so strong, i could literally be walking with damage and scars so profound and prominent - you can see it all over my face, even if the superficial wounds have healed.

And because i have no faith in the contemporary woman, all i can say is...

The only woman that's err gon' love yo ass - is the woman that carried you for nine months and went through hours of labor to ensure you would come into this world safe and sound.

She would do anything for you.

And for that woman, i'd do anything for.

All the other females in your life are just there to supplement your existence.

Tread accordingly fam.

I'm sure there is a woman out there who's as genuine and pure as your own mother - but when it comes to anything beyond my own mind, body and soul - i'm always skeptical about.

Good luck out there guys.

And wish a fella luck.

:to: i swear's a dirty game...

everything you said i know exactly how you feel. it's like they love you to death and it is sincere. She needs you and she wants you to need her the same way. the fukked up thing is us guys will stay with a chick even if we don't need her like she needs us. And we'll still love them. but that's not enough. they want more. they want you to NEED them. And i guess it's normal because the fact that they need you and you don't need them as much makes them feel insecure. cause they feel "if i didn't need a dude, i'd drop him right away. He could drop me at any time!" so until she gets you to feel the same way she's yours. Like you said, it's about keeping your guard up. But imo, what they do is, they try to guilt you into letting your guard down. they try to get to your soul. they're slick. they're sweet and devoted as fukk (and it's genuine too!!) but if you let her get to your soul don't think she'll treat it as gently. she'll defile it. you have to always maintain a certain balance with women. Having them too needy has it's own sets of problems too. but having them too independent emotionally will make them disrespectful. It seems like women can't respect a dude just out of principle. it's always because they need him...and as a lot of us have said before, all this is not even calculated or planned on their part most of the times. it's really visceral for them. it's just nature. when a chick tells you you're the most amazing person in her life, it's not even game on a conscious level. chances are she's actually genuine. the tricky part is, if you start feeling the same way about her, then you stop being that guy to her. but if you stay the same, she'll feel hurt that you don't feel the same way. but i'm starting to feel like her being hurt is what the relationship needs sometimes...

it's like you said, only my mom will always be there for me.


May 6, 2012
when a girl first meets you, if she's even slightly attracted,

-her first goal is to get your attention
-her second goal is to get your interest
-her third goal is to get your affection
-her 4th is to become your favorite
-5th, to become your only one and secure your devotion
-and her final goal (her end game so to speak) is for you to need her more than she needs you.

at any of those steps, if you give her what she wants before she has given that same thing to you (for example, she becomes your only one before you become hers) then you're behind the 8ball and in danger of losing. be careful. Not saying you shouldn't feel like any of those 5 levels for a chick. all i'm saying is that she should always need the next level before you.even being at the same level as her you're getting into a dangerzone. be careful...

And we also need to learn how to downshift gears when her attitude changes. meaning a girl could feel like you're her only one and meanwhile she's your favorite. but if say some other dude gets into the picture and suddenly she downgrades you to favorite (instead of being her only one) then you have to go down a gear as well and choose another one as your favorite (one who has made you her only one and who's devoted to you)


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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Agree about only your mom will be there for you.

I've had many females tell me they love me, that they would never cheat or hurt me, that they would die without me, that I'm the best person to ever be in their life, that no one has ever treated them as good as I have.

And where are these chicks now? Sucking other dikks, telling other men the same lies they told me, married to other men etc.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
:to: i swear's a dirty game...

everything you said i know exactly how you feel. it's like they love you to death and it is sincere. She needs you and she wants you to need her the same way. the fukked up thing is us guys will stay with a chick even if we don't need her like she needs us. And we'll still love them. but that's not enough. they want more. they want you to NEED them. And i guess it's normal because the fact that they need you and you don't need them as much makes them feel insecure. cause they feel "if i didn't need a dude, i'd drop him right away. He could drop me at any time!" so until she gets you to feel the same way she's yours. Like you said, it's about keeping your guard up. But imo, what they do is, they try to guilt you into letting your guard down. they try to get to your soul. they're slick. they're sweet and devoted as fukk (and it's genuine too!!) but if you let her get to your soul don't think she'll treat it as gently. she'll defile it. you have to always maintain a certain balance with women. Having them too needy has it's own sets of problems too. but having them too independent emotionally will make them disrespectful. It seems like women can't respect a dude just out of principle. it's always because they need him...and as a lot of us have said before, all this is not even calculated or planned on their part most of the times. it's really visceral for them. it's just nature. when a chick tells you you're the most amazing person in her life, it's not even game on a conscious level. chances are she's actually genuine. the tricky part is, if you start feeling the same way about her, then you stop being that guy to her. but if you stay the same, she'll feel hurt that you don't feel the same way. but i'm starting to feel like her being hurt is what the relationship needs sometimes...

it's like you said, only my mom will always be there for me.

no woman will be like your mom, because she is blood, and she raised you. mothers (the best ones) change their lifestyle to do whats right for their children. men need to realize that all of the other women in their lives will only stay on board as long as she feels like its what she needs to do. loyalty for a woman is a result of what she feels at the time, and not so much of what happened before.

so its important for you to keep them in check. they get a better understanding of you that way. if you dont have that hand, then women will test their men out to see if hes "strong enough" for her. so thats why you can never slack on em.

you have to be the one to hold the line and makes sure she understands you dont need her. shes grown, so she has to know she can be through the door and out on her ass for fukking up.

if you can be consistent with her on that tip, then she also knows she cant ruin you by leaving you. thus, her most powerful weapon is gone. more than likely she also wont want to leave you if you stand strong, because they prefer it when men are distraught over them. if sthe feels like you need her less than she does you, then shes not as likely to walk out. again its another play on her emotions.

youre not going to struggle with her over her own choices. you laid it out, and she can take it or leave it. the bottomline is, everyone has to be grown about their decisions.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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So many beautiful women out there who offer nothing more than looks. Chicks out here think that's a good enough reason for a nikka to propose to them :childplease:

And the one thing they have has a shelf life

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
from that site 6262 posted

Kill the Beta |


to add personally
i have to say years ago what turned from a quiet shy beta to the man of today i would practice just going downtown and just walking head held high and not looking down, i used to be shy and awkward when girls would look at me or i would walk past them id look like to my left or right now i just stare em down no smile nothing


May 6, 2012
from that site 6262 posted

Kill the Beta |


to add personally
i have to say years ago what turned from a quiet shy beta to the man of today i would practice just going downtown and just walking head held high and not looking down, i used to be shy and awkward when girls would look at me or i would walk past them id look like to my left or right now i just stare em down no smile nothing
funny i was actually thinking about this today.

I remember back in the days, women would always tell me to smile a little more. today i do but keeping it real, back in the days, women would complain about it but at the same time i actually got way more play back then...


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
funny i was actually thinking about this today.

I remember back in the days, women would always tell me to smile a little more. today i do but keeping it real, back in the days, women would complain about it but at the same time i actually got way more play back then...

i never smile, i was downtown toronto today, walking the street with time to kill and my face was :smugun: the whole time, looking people dead in the eye.

staring at a woman and she looks away or fiddles with her phone:laugh: