something I've found is that most females simply don't understand the art of being 'appreciative'. They only understand entertainment and being put in check or being in the presence of what they perceive as a superior man. You can sacrifice and do all of that, but that doesn't make a woman sit back and appreciate what you've done. In a lot of instances, it makes her look at you as weaker for whatever reason. Something to understand is that a woman's loyalty and her interest is not tethered to 'what you do for her' or 'what sacrifices you make for her.'
It pretty much boils down to her character and in many cases, how much you keep her entertained and intrigued. Eve, in the Bible, had choice of every tree, but she went for the one she couldn't have, simply because it held intrigue. You see this constantly played out when women constantly get caught in a cycle of misery with losers while shunning the responsible, solid dude.
This isn't to say to become some kind of 'bad boy' loser to impress females, but rather it is to come to the realization that you won't get anywhere trying to 'do' things for females, which is completely contrary to the provider model most of us men were brought up to believe works.
It pretty much boils down to her character and in many cases, how much you keep her entertained and intrigued. Eve, in the Bible, had choice of every tree, but she went for the one she couldn't have, simply because it held intrigue. You see this constantly played out when women constantly get caught in a cycle of misery with losers while shunning the responsible, solid dude.
This isn't to say to become some kind of 'bad boy' loser to impress females, but rather it is to come to the realization that you won't get anywhere trying to 'do' things for females, which is completely contrary to the provider model most of us men were brought up to believe works.