write a book, breh. Seriously.
write a series of books.
write a series of books.
number 1 and 2 are actually kind of the same when you think about it. i think you might be insecure about the fact that she might be holding back on stuff (and i kind of understand why you might be feeling that way). Almost like you feel she's not super happy and you're probably used to chicks with a litte more emotion. It might make you think that she's the type of chick who will not be happy about something but keep it bottled in and then just leave out of the blue with no warning signs.
if it seems to be about what i'm saying then here's my advice: seems like she's loving you right now. Do you feel like she's attached to you? those types of chicks are dangerous if you slip emotionally. my advice is to take whatever she says for what it is at face value and not to get too attached. if she's playing a game (which honestly doesn' seem to be the case from what you said) then she won't be able to play you. and if she really is like that naturally (agreeable on most things, not much feedback on sex), then just fukk her EXACTLY how you want to fukk her and as long as she chooses to not give much feedback, keep doing what you want but be at peace with the fact she could flip at any moment. then again maybe she's just naturally submissive like that and in that case what's there to complain about?
see she might not be doing it consciously but by being unresponsive and agreeable on everything to the point where you suspect there is something off or that she's not genuine, if you keep asking her "is everything ok?", "are you enjoying yourself?" "do you like this?" etc, she's getting attention (you worrying about her emotional well being). she has very little incentive to give more feedbacl if she values this attention from you more than the actual expression of her opinions. take away that aspect of your attention and she will either up and leave OR she will start expressing her desires and opinions more.
I messed up again. but this time tho I just wanted my thing wet.Be non chalant
Always keep a bullpen
Dump a hot girl once in your life to build immunity
Never introduce to your family
Never tell her how much you make
Hell I tell chicks my middle name
Have a Facebook just for chicks and once for close friends and families
Never spend money
Key logger
Never feel sorry for them tough luck
honestly as aman the two most important things you have at your disposal is Commitment which i mentioned before and the ability to walk away and never look back.
Every broad out there thinks her puzzy is the greatest, or that hse is so beautiful that no matter what she does she can just say sorry and draw that man back to her.
'preciate the feedback. I think she is just naturally submissive. I'm not worried about getting played, she's one of the most naturally good-hearted people I know. I'm more worried about breaking her heart and I'm trying to be mature and balance what matters most with what is nice to have. I worry about the lack of passion/lack of outward sexual expression because I know if I get bored in the bedroom I will have a high incentive to cheat. I'm hoping that she is just getting more comfortable with me and that over time she will open up more.
ironically she's the female version of me. I've been told by numerous girls that I'm hard as fukk to read. sucks to have the shoe on the other foot. lol. its weird because as incompatible as me and my last chick were, she was crazy passionate and feminine and I really liked that. but I didn't like the drama it caused.
Wow...that women/vampire allegory is something else.