Dealing with women really isn't all that important. Handling your business and making sure your life is in order to enable smooth sailing is much more important. A lot of the guys just attested to the fact that they keep meeting women, they seem cool and everything is great for teh first few months and then these women just end up disappearing for no apparent reason. Is there any reason to expend significant effort into chasing those women around? Bottom line is these women feel they have options and will keep on exploring them until they can't get the caliber of attention they want anymore and then they'll think about settling down while talking about how they can't find any decent men. The real gem of the women are usually the ones that you come across when you're really not looking and she's the one that will rock with you without you having to have this super cool, perfect personality.
What a lot of guys are attempting to do is to technique their way into getting these women into staying around. What do I need to do to make her want to stay? Do I have to be more mysterious? Do I need to dress flyer? You do all that and you will waste a whole bunch of time and effort and you will find that a woman will still leave you after you learn and apply all of that knowledge. If a woman really digs your get down and wants to stay, she'll be around. Stop worrying about all of that and focus on sharpening up all the different aspects of your life. You won't be able to figure out why these women come and go for the most part. If she stays, she stays, if she leaves, she leaves. Your mind is focused on enjoying life, pleasing God, handling your responsibilities, taking care of your family, hanging with close friends, etc. Cats are spending a whole lot of energy and stressing over something they can't really control when it's said and done. If a woman wants to be around, she will. If she doesn't, then just let her get about her business.
you know brother kev, we're only hearing one side of the testimonials.
If you asked a woman why she began to lose interest, she may or may not be honest, but a lot of
fellas don't challenge women enough (whether they own up as to reason why, i.e. insecurity, fear
of losing her, upsetting the babe or just plain lack of experience, etc.).
Keeping flame crackling and radiant requires a certain kind of flaire and attention that is typically
unearthed from just living and interacting (not to say that everyone's personality should abide by one
particular format, but there is a very protocol-istic approach to courtship/dating/flirting and sustaining
a high level of interest.
As a man, are you more investing in your own life's goals and aspirations than you are into courting her?
Do you put yourself/family before the woman?
Are you spending more than just the weekend with her and only being a month into it?
If you have plans with the fellas that she's aware of... do you break them just to be with the babe?
These are the type of questions guys who struggle with women need to ask themselves because the
availability aspect is highly critical in whether or not she eventually falls for you or bats the wandering eye.
Wow her with the texts but keep them brief... so that when you see her again, she anticipates your presence
because you now having something to follow up. The passion and extent of her arousal stems from curiosity.
You think she's going to be curious if you're always around her? Naw, you want her to wonder about you, why
you're so mysterious and engaging (when not even engaging w/ her at the moment).
(of course, the aforementioned is futile if you're not already making an impression on her)
I can jot more but i'm at work at stuff.
But remember, distance yourself. Live your life how ever you were before you met the babe as she only supplements
your existence, not a definition of it.
Keep working on your skills, learn new things, read more books/journals, talk to strangers and build rapport with people
you never typically associate with, join a social club, volunteer, taking out your nephews and nieces to the beach, eat
one thing you haven't tried in your life at least once a week.
There's so much more to life if you just live it - and i assure you, ust do you and she will wonder why you're so interesting...
... and she'll never let go (only unless you want her to).
That's the mode right there.
So get in it.