I agree with most of your post especially points 1 and 3 while I halfway agree with point 2 regarding the part about not putting women above yourself as a man. In regards to the bolded, many guys have often heard women say that they want guys who are overall decent human beings and are somewhat respectful towards them. But more often than not, they pick guys who are completely the opposite and extremely respectful of them. This shows that they really DO NOT want decent, respectful men since they obviously have view such men with comtempt. And whenever they supposedly want the generally decent and respectful men, they usually have fallen off the bus and have become damaged goods Some guys, including myself, have notice this dynamic and have concluded that the sure way for women to not only be interested in you but more importantly, be respectful towards you a man is to be the type of guy who essentially is foul and disrespectful in general, particularly towards women, because doing so will inspire the women to go all out for you. Plus, it decreases the likelihood of them trying to come at you with fukkery.
That is why I am very dismissive whenever any woman complains about men who are actual on that grimy shyt because women in general have shown that they prefer that and would not want it any other way. While there are plenty of clueless simps out here, I believe that more and more men will adapt in becoming the grimy dude that women have an overwhelming level of attraction to and respect for you and it will be an ugly situation for women as a whole in the long run.
im not even sticking up for women
but it depends, alot of women have low self esteem, usually women who say that jibberish about wanting a good man bla bla, no offense these are usually the single moms, the 29 year old bar hopper ran through by guys looking to settle down etc., alot of these braods dated horrible men who just waned themm for sex, treated em like trash, cheated on them, were players, so thats what they are used to, then when they get a good decent guy who doesnt use them and treats em like a respectful human being they arent used to it.
if all i ever had was sugary cereal like frosted flakes raising my blood sugar, my cholestral, not good for my health at all, but thats all ive known then suddenly i get corn flakes its good its healthy for me, but my acquired taste is still for frosted flakes thats all i ever known even though its bad for me
horrible analogy but you see what im saying, dont get angry at women like this, just dont deal with them. I been there breh i used to get angry when i dated a broad who was abused by her previous bf and only used for sex, and here i was mr respectful never laid a finger on her, never cheated on her like all of her previous bfs, i was corn flakes healthy, but she was used to frosted flakes unhealthy that there was nothing ti can do, not until i got wiser i realized dont mess with females like this, hell i actually feel sorry for them but there on their own.
whenever a woman tells me she had her fun wants to settle down, all guys are cheaters, losers, a$$holes, looking for a good guy and all that ish i chuckle, they've had frosted flakes all their lives even if they get that good corn flakes they will ruin it and will be back to that bowl of frosted flakes before you know it.
Just stay away no matter how sexy they look, no matter "how you think they got everything together"
on the other hand there are a few rare females that are actually into corn flakes and corn flakes alone, these types are rare as hell to find and are most likely locked in a long term relationship or married at a young age.
my sister got married at 24 after being engaged for two years not once in my life of growing up did i ever here her complain about cant find a good man, im sick of all these a$$holes, where are all the nice guys?
im telling you ask all these women out there who orally declare they want a good decent man bla bla, and then you will find out their dating history, all the times they were cheated on,, all the times they were abused etc., yet they stayed with that bowl.